D&D (2024) "D&D Monster Manual 2025 is going to pack a serious punch thanks to a family of monsters descended from gods, and frankly I’m terrified"(Gamesradar)

Ok. :D

I find THAT very hard to believe... especially when more than enough people keep exploring E6, E10, E12 and other lower power game options. 🤷‍♂️

You weren't meant to fight them (the gods, etc.), you know. At least, that never happened in ANY single AD&D game I participated in or heard of.

Now, you want to talk BECMI then fine, the "I" (Immortals) was meant to get to that level. I got there once after about four years of playing a game, and frankly it was pretty lame. It just doesn't work with the D&D mind-set IMO.

It is totally applicable! It is a vicious cycle. You have powerful monsters who can actually kick the PCs' collective butts and then PCs are made stronger, so you need stronger monsters, and so on. IT NEVER ENDS.

Part of the beauty of 5E and the bounded accuracy system is large numbers can, and will, eventually win (or defeat anyway) over powerful creatures (including PCs).

CR 3+ creatures, given sufficient numbers, are still viable foes well into tiers 3 and 4.

Titans are the Gods, they are more like the next thing down from Gods, with the potential to become Gods.

I do wonder if they will also have stats for Demigods and Vestiages just so folks have an example of that.

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Titans are the Gods, they are more like the next thing down from Gods, with the potential to become Gods.

I do wonder if they will also have stats for Demigods and Vestiages just so folks have an example of that.
From the 2024 DMG (it is the same in the 2014 DMG btw):

"Titans are the creations of deities. They might be manufactured on a divine forge, born from the blood spilled by a god, or otherwise brought about through divine will or substance. Some titans, including krakens and the tarrasque, appear in the Monster Manual."

Which also makes it an ideal candidate (from a Wizards standpoint at least) for an update to 2024 rules.

As far as I know, the atropal first appeared in 3e's Epic Level Handbook. (Though I'm certainly not @Echohawk tier in my expertise!)
I couldn't find any reference before that either.

Not to mention they apologized in the very next sentence!
Really..? There was nothing in what they wrote that looks like an apology to me. I'm sorry that it ended this way since you were enjoying the discussion, but to my mind it seemed like a pointless back-and-forth that was going nowhere good.

And saying my "excuse is lame" but doesn't mean I am not is still insulting to me. Period.

Empyrean, Kraken, Tarrassque, Blob of Annihilation, Colessus, Animal Lords (Beast Lords or stuff like King Kong?).
Animal lords do sound interesting. I hope they are better than the giant dinosaurs from Bigby’s. Those were disappointing.
One change to Empyreans I'd love to see, but doubt they did is make it like the Planar Incarnates in the sense of its creature type depends on Alignment, so Good Empyreans Celestials, Evil Fiends, and Neutral (on the Good vs Evil axis) would be Fey.
That is a good idea. I don’t think we will see it, but they could make it one stat block i with different traits and actions that are keyed by type/alignment. They did something like that for the animated breaths in Fizban’s
I think the Colessuses will be artifical Avatars that are build by worshippers, but possessed and powered by their Gods divinity, but I could be wrong.
Interesting, but I think the approach from 4e seems more likely.

And saying my "excuse is lame" but doesn't mean I am not is still insulting to me. Period.
I get that it can feel like an insult. However the very next paragraph is them admitting they misunderstood what you said. It is an explanation of why they said what they said. To me, from the outside, that looks like an apology.

Regardless, you are free to engage or not with whomever you want. It seems like the whole point of being the vocal minority was to engage and be vocal, but I get it is bothersome to say the same things over and over again. Maybe your are the moderately vocal minority!? ;)

Regardless, more power to you trying to bring down the power curve some. Fight the good fight! Though I don’t agree it is a monster issue.

Also, since dave2008 typically deals with high CR monsters (though not exclusively) you will not miss their monster designs by blocking them.

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