D&D (2024) D&D One Changes to the Rogue...


Combat starts. Rogue is not hidden. Rogue wins initiative.

Choice 1: shoot an arrow, or run up and stab. No sneak attack.

Choice 2: “hold action until an enemy is next to an ally, then attack it” (note that this takes a bit more coordination if rogue is melee)

Edit: and even if you are hidden but out of range, waiting until an enemy is in range. And/or during combat, waiting for an enemy to poke their head out from behind cover.
Choice 3: MOVE behind something. BONUS action hide. SHOOT with SA damage.

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I wouldn't either. 2h Fighter with GWM does not have massively increased damage over the baseline.
GWM + PAM + Precision attack human variant BM Fighter is a much more optimised character and their damage can be much higher.
I still have trouble calling that optimization because there's no min to min/max, it's just thoughtless max all things.

Edit: that's part of the problem with 5e, there are never any tradeoffs to power
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Sir Brennen

What if the Sneak Attack rule was changed to restricted to once a round, rather than once a turn (2014) or once on your turn (1DnD current playtest doc)?

Then the situation of a rogue readying an action for an ally to get next to an enemy, and using their reaction to attack, would allow SA in that situation.

I think that plus the new TWF rules might be a fair compromise.

What if the Sneak Attack rule was changed to restricted to once a round, rather than once a turn (2014) or once on your turn (1DnD current playtest doc)?

Then the situation of a rogue readying an action for an ally to get next to an enemy, and using their reaction to attack, would allow SA in that situation.

I think that plus the new TWF rules might be a fair compromise.

I like, that it is tied to the attack action.
I think, readying actions should allow for readying an attack action instead of just an attack.
Ok... you actually ready an attack action... So I now have to look up, if you can now use twf as a reaction...

So for the rogue, they just need to drop "on your turn".
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I believe it's safe to say that the vast majority of players do not know that rogues can get an off turn sneak attack. It's a niche playstyle for optimizers.
I have to agree here. In all of my parties that have had rogues, I haven't had any that would reliably get double sneak attacks through OAs or other means. It just didn't happen.

So the optimized rogue is nerfed, the "standard" rogue probably won't notice much.

As to the hide rules, if passive perception is truly gone for use in finding enemies, this is A HUGE HUGE buff to stealth. Getting a 15 stealth for a stealth focused character is trivial. the only thing that stopped stealth before was the one person with the crazy high passive perception, so if that's gone....nothing stops stealth.


Actually after one campaign, my players just pushed on their own account and timed their big guns more carefully. So yes. It was all psychology.
Re the psychology of it.

When long-resting for an 8-hour night, there is kinda a sense that the monsters are resting too, moreorless.

But when long-resting for a 24-hour full rest, there is a sense that alot of things might change by the time they get back to monsters.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Yes, that's a corner case where you are not making any attacks on your own round. It's likely first round per combat at most, and assumes that (a) a foe will decide to close with you and (b) at the time that they will also have to intentionally moved adjacent to an ally of yours to allow sneak attack. What are the odds of that? Not just in your game, since if you use it "all the time" it sounds like you have a DM that is intentionally empowering you with that, but across all games?

No you are needlessly constraining the requirements. There are a bunch of scenarios where it works. When the rogue has high initiative (which happens frequently) there are a variety of ways to Ready (!) Action to get SA. No empowerment necessary.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
No you are needlessly constraining the requirements. There are a bunch of scenarios where it works. When the rogue has high initiative (which happens frequently) there are a variety of ways to Ready (!) Action to get SA. No empowerment necessary.
So are there a bunch of scenarios it works, or is it "all the time"? The first is believable. The second was your original claim that I felt required the DM empowering you.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
So are there a bunch of scenarios it works, or is it "all the time"? The first is believable. The second was your original claim that I felt required the DM empowering you.

It was colloquial “all the time.” Maybe English is not your first language but it is idiomatic and does not mean “every single time.”

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