D&D (2024) D&D One Changes to the Rogue...

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I dunno what to tell you. Most dungeons have doorways, forests have trees, towns and ruins have buildings....maybe featureless large open spaces is something your table likes?

Ranged rogues (2 of the 3 rogues that have been played at my table) pretty much never engage in melee. The one melee rogue we have had (my swashbuckler) sticks and moves so once again avoids actually being in melee unless it's his turn.

We only play white room campaigns. Infinite flat, featureless plane. Detect magic reveals faint lines making a 5’ square grid.


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Statements like this one belie a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the math of the game. Having an extra bonus action with which to hide, dash, or disengage is nowhere near a wash to the loss of 10d6 plus your ability modifier damage (endgame), and when you break down the loss, that is the difference across the two editions.
Who gets to end game 10d6 though?


Who gets to end game 10d6 though?
That’s not the point. Read a few posts down. An endgame number is just a shorthand used to emphasize a mechanic’s scaling potential. Honestly, long story short, it boils down to this: melee rogues gained +1d4 to 1d6; they lost 1d6 to 10d6. They did not gain an increase to sneak attack probability until 11th level. At 11th level, melee rogues do gain an increase to hit probability. The net result will be about a 12.5% higher probability of scoring a sneak attack (I say about, for that number is calculated with a 50% hit rate—the real number varies by hit rate). Assuming a 50% normal hit rate at level 11 and ignoring criticals (which will favour the 5e rogue anyway), the rogue is gaining a total of 2.18 + up to 1.75 (3.13) damage with One mechanics at the cost of 8.75 damage in the hands of a clever rogue player in 5e. If the hit rate is better than 50% (and it almost certainly will be), those numbers further favour the 5e rogue. I’m of the opinion that the net result does not improve gameplay. Ultimately, community feedback will speak to the desires of the community as a whole.
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