I guess I should better explain
Capitalism is fine. Predatory Capitalism is not. What we have today is Money over Morals. If a Corp can poison a river to make a few extra $$$ they will (and concerning new US laws that's about to get worse).
What I have a problem with is exploitation. Those with money and power using it to better themselves at the expense of the plebs.
It's not a joke that we do in fact live is a dystopia and it's only going to get worse.
People will live and adapt, but people will also die because of it. And not just the US but other countries.
Greed is the issue. Pure naked barely regulated greed.
And yes WotC is a minor player in all of this but they are still out for profit over costumer. What some people see as free digital incentives that doesn't hurt anyone is just that, an incentive to get on the digital train. The fact that people can't see or believe that WotC would like to "ONE DAY" (not right now or soon) get rid of paper products and go full digital subscription to play D&D blows my mind. Yes you don't have to worry about it now. Yes you can just keep using your 5th ed books forever. But as a company who wants money, and not just
the money but
more money, they have to find a way to make you keep ponying up $$$ and that doesn't work as intended when you can just buy 3 books and call it a day.
Am I part of the problem? Yes. I love D&D. I've loved D&D probably longer than a lot of fans on here have been alive so I'm not going to abandoned it. But that doesn't mean I can't want it and WotC to DO BETTER (and every other corp on Earth LOL). Which I would hope we could all agree on that WotC (and any corp) can and should do better and not be only enticed by the bottom line so beloved by a few shareholders.
But yeah nothing is going to change but wishful thinking is fun.
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