D&D (2024) D&D Survey Results and The Future of Playtest | Unearthed Arcana


I'm just glad that we're going to get a playtest package this month. Just the Druid and Paladin, though? Compared to the Cleric, I guess that's big, but they did drop the whole Expert class group.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I'm just glad that we're going to get a playtest package this month. Just the Druid and Paladin, though? Compared to the Cleric, I guess that's big, but they did drop the whole Expert class group.

My predicition:

Why the Druid and Paladin?

Because they're going to combine them into a single class- the Druidin!

A 2/3 Caster that can smite with shillelelaghs but can't wear metal armor. Also? It can shape change, but only into really smug animals.

Hello fellow adventurers! I am a wildshaped Druidin! And yes, I AM better than you.


Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I would still like to hear the affirmative case for the ardling at all, but especially in the PHB. It feels very much like a designer's pet idea in search of an audience, rather than a response to audience demand.

There's a ton of popular races out there, and with D&D Beyond, WotC can actually get a feel for what people want. Unless I misremember, both goblins and kobolds (despite sometimes lackluster stats) are wildly more popular than any animalian race, for instance.

Eldritch Blast being a class feature is good design. If it's a must-have for 99% of builds, making it a choice just exists as a trap choice for new players and a customization choice for the unicorns who want to do something different. If they want to provide a build that doesn't use Eldritch Blast, put that into the subclass features.


I would still like to hear the affirmative case for the ardling at all, but especially in the PHB. It feels very much like a designer's pet idea in search of an audience, rather than a response to audience demand.

Agreed. That thing is a flop start to (seemingly) finish.

How does that contrast the orc? Unless we're going with the "orcs are pretty much humans now" current model.

We absolutely are. :D


I would still like to hear the affirmative case for the ardling at all, but especially in the PHB. It feels very much like a designer's pet idea in search of an audience, rather than a response to audience demand.

I think a DnD twist on a generic animal folk player option is a good idea. I'm not 100% sold on the Ardling as that option, but I am conceptually interested.

Voidrunner's Codex

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