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D20 Modern Other Publishers?

More info on Atomic City?

Fiery James mentioned Atomic City, a "Superhero Setting with GO Power"... Is that based on a comic (never read it if so)... and it's by Jay Stephens (Jetcat, etc.)? Looks very much like Allred.

I am intrigued by the cover figure who looks very much like the Japanese superhero Kamen Rider...

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Re: More info on Atomic City?

beta-ray said:
Fiery James mentioned Atomic City, a "Superhero Setting with GO Power"... Is that based on a comic (never read it if so)... and it's by Jay Stephens (Jetcat, etc.)? Looks very much like Allred.

It looks to be based on the comic Atomic City Tales, which was an excellent book in the same vein as Allred's Madman. If you liked Madman, you won't be disappointed with Atomic City Tales.

The existence of this book thrills me to no end.


First Post
If you're interested in seeing more info on d20 Modern and third party support for d20 Modern the Gaming Herald should be in retail stores or pretty close to them now. This is a 16 page newspaper (like a college paper in size) and the October issue is co-sponsored by WotC to help promote d20 Modern.

This issue includes flavor and crunchy bits for d20 Modern (WotC), Tales of the Explorer's Society (Silver Acorn Design), Small Arms of the World (Agent's of Gaming), the Second World Sourcebook (Second World Simulations), Operation: Fire Eagle (Semi-Auto Games), The Main Event (Fantages Studios), the Cyber Style series (Dark Quest Games), Metal Gods (RPGObjects), Digital Burn (Living Room Games), Dark Inheritance (Mythic Dreams Studios), Vulcan's Cauldron (Troll Lords), Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary (Atlas Games), Edine's Debt and In a Secret Commonwealth (Kismet Games), Odyssey Prime (Bizzaro Games and Eden Studios), a preview of some Dragon Earth material (by Alan Kellogg), Complete Guide to T-Rex (Goodman Games), and The Hunt: Fall of Man (Mystic Eye Games).

I was particularly pleased to already see announcements for a few modern era scenarios. These have always been the hardest thing in the world to find because without a unified, popular rules system publishers have a hard time making money on them. Between CoC d20 and d20 Modern I hope we get a lot more support for modern era gaming of all sort.


The Dragon Earth "preview" material Steve mentioned above is actually an excerpt from a work in progress. I'll give you a real preview here.

A Lotus Fades is a fantasy history about an event during the Great War (1933 to 1941), the Battle of San Diego (Apr. 13th, 1938). It covers the causes of the war, the long standing animosity between the Chinese Empire and the United States, and why the Imperial Chinese battleship, The Golden Lotus sank.

The excerpt in the November 2002 Gaming Herald deals with how and why Imperial China came to be allied with Peronist France. Covering the missteps and errors committed by both Imperial China and the U.S.

A Lotus Fades is a different sort of RPG supplement, one designed to add background to a setting in an informative and entertaining fashion. It's also my tribute to military histories.

My thanks to Steve for providing me with this convienient excuse to post a self aggrandizing plug.:)


Pramas said:
We're publishing Ultramodern Fireamrs d20 in December. This is the classic RPG gun book, updated with new guns and new d20 rules (including new feats).


I've been proofing UMF today and it looks great. d20 Modern itself doesn't dedicate a whole lot of space to guns, so it really complements the rulebook well.

Much as I am glad Ultramodern Firearms is getting a new edition, that cover is terrible.

Have you considered re-doing the Millienium's End GM Companion for D20 Modern? That book has proved so useful to me for NPC's names, cool settings, maps, etc for everything from CoC, Feng Shui, Cyberpunk, All Flesh, etc.

In fact I would say it is my most used RPG sourcebook for any modern game, closely followed by Ultramodern Firearms.


Codename Veil

Does anyone have information on the Codename Veil setting from Mongoose Publishing? From the description on the d20 Reviews site, it sounds intriguing -- like a more serious take on Men in Black -- but I can't find any more details about it. It doesn't even seem to be *mentioned* on Mongoose's website, and I'm wondering why.


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