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D500 adventure ideas!


Lu Wei Fong said:
198) The Tarrasque's most bitter and formidable foes are the world's dominant family of Red Dragons. In one of their innumerous conflicts, they have entered the territory of a major population center of your choice. Their struggles have already destroyed several villages and now they threaten to trample the capitol in thier next skirmish. Both sides will ask the PCs party to aid them in defeating the other. The fate of the capitol city and innumerous lives are hanging in the balance. The PCs choice; whether to take sides, try and find a way to neutralize both, or just ignore it, could potentially save or ruin the nation and end or inflame a centuries-old conflict. Not to mention the moral dilema of which is the lesser of two evils.

Really good idea but I think this would work better as two rival families of dragons, both of which are evil.

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202. The PCs' prime material plane becomes completely severed from both the Astral and Ethereal planes. (Check the Manual of the Planes for the full ramifications of this.) How did this happen, and is it reversable?

203. A famed explorer, who hadn't been heard from in a hundred years, shows up and claims to have discovered a fountain of youth.

Lu Wei Fong

First Post
DonaldRumsfeldsTofu said:
That's the best plot device ever...I'm using that even if I don't roll 197.

I thought the Tarrasque had like an intelligence of 3.

Thanks for the compliment, glad you liked the idea :)

About the Tarrasque, you're right I think, probably should of thought of that :p Oh well, let's make it intelligent! That's a lot more interesting then a feral beast I think :)

Really good idea but I think this would work better as two rival families of dragons, both of which are evil.

That's pretty good too, whatever works. Glad you liked it :)


204. A powerful creature is killing dragons and taking their heads. All types of dragons have been targeted thus far. The Good dragons appeal to adventurers for help

Stone Angel

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205. A mad wizard entrenches himself with an artifact of massive destructive power atop mountain tower. The only way to get there is to fly. He has however surrounded the mountain top with a huge null magic zone. Do the PC's dare trust that crazy gnomish inventor with the air ship, or do they attempt to cut a deal with large creature that can get them there naturally.

The Seraph of Earth and Stone.

Stone Angel

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206. The city that the PC's call home or have many friends/family in is about to be annhilated. 3 Solars show up and for a little Sodom and Gomorah stylin. Can the PC's even hope to stop one of these ultra powerful beings let alone 3. Or perhaps brute force cannot overcome the will of a deity.

The Seraph of Earth and Stone.


208. There have been attacks along the border by foreign troops. The whole nation is mobilizing for war. The Foreign power that is responsible for these attacks comes to the players and claims that they have had nothing to do with these attacks and claim that they're innocent. They have come to the players as the offended country will likely believe the players word once they find out who is really responsoble


First Post
209: A small farming community has recently given up farming and has started to obsessively begin construction on what looks like it will be an emmense stone tower.
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