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Dark*Matter: Discovery, The Delphi Paradox


Thunder and lightning boomed into the narrow confines of the cave as the team opened up with a variety of guns, sending lethal bits of lead hurtling down the corridor.

Cade reacted first, shouldering his rifle and firing quickly. His shot was good, the heavy bullet impacted the cowlike monster right in the chest, opening up a heavy wound, singing its fur and causing it to roar in anger.

Larry, on the other hand, was a little more shocked, and pulled the trigger of his Desert Eagle prematurely. The .50 caliber bullet bounced off the floor and two walls, before it passed by Meredith's ear, and flew off down the hall.

Meredith moved to the front of the group, and adopted a defensive stance that came to her both from training and some form of genetic memory.

Nick preformed the incantations he had learned, and a feeling of protection came over him. He didn't feel invulnerable, but would be harder to hit.

Diego took aim and fired, hitting the beast in the left arm, and opening up a flesh wound that was bleeding, but not hindering the monster. The blessed rounds didn't seem to have any extra or beneficial affect.

The minotaur was staggered by this gunfire, but not stopped. It roared, narrowed its eyes, and charged. Right at Cade, who had injured him the most. The minotaur, with surprising quickness, raised its axe and brought it down heavily on Cade's gun, as the man himself backpedaled to try to avoid the blow. The axe easily cut through the wood and metal, smashing the gun into several pieces, and rendering it worthless for anything other than scrap metal and firewood.

Meredith took a swing at the monster with her sword as it passed by, opening itself up, but she just barely missed.

[sblock]Cade hits and deals 19 points of damage
Diego hits and deals 6 points of damage
The minotaur breaks Cades rifle[/sblock]

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"Why you dirty sonuva..."

Quickly Cade throws himself backwards, tumbling away as he draws his sidearm and to open fire on the beast.

Meanwhile, Cade's mind scrambles for a weakness in this thing.


See below.
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OOC: The minotaur is a large creature with a reach of ten feet. Cade will still be open to AOOs with just a five foot step.


Putting full confidence in his protective ward, Nick draws his pistol and steps toward the thing, opening fire.

ooc: If he can do it from behind while it is distracted, all the better, but not necessary.


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Forgetting her fear, Meredith moves over behind the minotaur, flanking it with Cade and bringing her sword around in a vicious, whistling arc. The blade glows white as it swings and seems to speed up as it nears the minotaur as if hungering to taste the demon's flesh!

(going on offense to attaaaaaack! Rar! Will 5' to flank if possible.)


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"I can't believe I missed a target that big." Hoping he didn't hit one of his friends in the meanwhile, and also afraid to leave Dorine alone, Larry takes aim once more and sends another shot after the beast.

[sblock=ooc]Use another AP[/sblock]


Cade attempted to dive backwards, away from the minotaur, and was only partially successful. Stumbling as he moved, the minotaur saw an opening and took it. Cade could feel the edge of the axe scraping across his ribs. An inch further, and he'd have been bisected. Firing as waves of pain clouded his vision, Cade got lucky and shot the beast right in one of its lungs.

Larry's Desert Eagle boomed again, and he shot the beast in the right arm. It was starting to look fairly poor, it's fur matted with blood.

Meredith charged up behind the creature, stabbing at it with her sword, but missed as it took its swing at Cade.

Nick, now protected by his spell, drew his gun and fired a single shot, hitting the minotaur in the back, causing it to scream with pain again.

Diego fired his gun again, but missed.

The minotaur, almost blind with rage, continued its assault on Cade. Cade looked up just in time to see the axe fly into his chest. He was thrown back against the wall, and slumped down in an unconscious heap, as he started to bleed to the death.

[sblock]Cade takes an AOO, is hit and takes 11 points of damage
Cade critically hits and deals 14 points of damage
Larry hits and deals 11 points of damage
Nick hits and deals 8 points of damage
The minoatur hits Cade and deals 11 points of damage, knocking him down to -3. Fortunately, the minotaur rolled low on its critical confirmation check.


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"NO!" Meredith yelled on seeing Cade's fate. She grabs the sword with both hands and hauls it back as her face twists in fury. She then brings the weapon around with all her strength in an overhead slash, meaning to cleave through the beast's chest and gut!

(Basically...I swing again. Only with an AP. :))

Voidrunner's Codex

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