D&D 5E Dark One's Blessing vs. Shrapnel Explosion

Another fun rules question:

A Warlock with Dark One's Blessing (heals when reducing enemy hit points to 0) reduces the hit points of a creature to 0 which has an ability like Shrapnel Explosion (deals 6d6 damage when its hit points reach 0).

In which order is the damage and healing applied?

It's relevant because let's say the Warlock is at 1 HP, the damage is 12 and the healing is 10. Would the Warlock end up at 0 hit points or at 10 hit points?

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for these I default to whoever is active at that moment. who's turn it is then I go to initiative order.

Initiative order sounds fair to me.


The High Aldwin
I am not familiar with Shrapnel Explosion, it sounds like a reaction?

In which order is the damage and healing applied?

It's relevant because let's say the Warlock is at 1 HP, the damage is 12 and the healing is 10. Would the Warlock end up at 0 hit points or at 10 hit points?
Two options...

Scenario A:

Damage first: Warlock is at 0 hit points. He falls unconscious.
Healing second: Now, he gains the 10 temporary hit points. But, from the section on temp HP:


Result: He remains unconscious and if he is hit again, the damage is reduced from his temp HP first, avoiding auto-failed death saves, until it is depleted.

Scenario B:

Healing first: Warlock has 1 hp, but gains 10 temp hp.
Damage second: Warlock takes 12 damage, entirely depleting his temp HP and dealing 2 remaining damage to his hit points, reducing him to 0 hit points.

Result: Warlock is at 0 hit points and has no buffer to protect him.

In either case, the Warlock is at 0 hit points. In the first scenario, he has some temp HP to help against attacks while he's down, and in the second he doesn't.

Ultimately, I would just apply both. Reduce the Warlock to 0 hit points. If the temp HP was greater than the damage minus his remaining hp, he has some temp hp still, otherwise he has nothing.


Follower of the Way
Another fun rules question:

A Warlock with Dark One's Blessing (heals when reducing enemy hit points to 0) reduces the hit points of a creature to 0 which has an ability like Shrapnel Explosion (deals 6d6 damage when its hit points reach 0).

In which order is the damage and healing applied?

It's relevant because let's say the Warlock is at 1 HP, the damage is 12 and the healing is 10. Would the Warlock end up at 0 hit points or at 10 hit points?
I default to "whatever is most favorable to the player unless I have an extremely good reason to do otherwise."

So in this case the Warlock would have 10 HP.

There's no rule or guideline in the PHB or DMG for this, so it defaults to DM decides.
Xanathar's guide suggests this optional rule:
Most effects in the game happen in succession, following an order set by the rules or the DM. In rare cases, effects can happen at the same time, especially at the start or end of a creature’s turn. If two or more things happen at the same time on a character or monster’s turn, the person at the game table — whether player or DM — who controls that creature decides the order in which those things happen. For example, if two effects occur at the end of a player character’s turn, the player decides which of the two effects happens first.
If you use this rule then the warlock's player will decide the order of the damage and healing, unless the attack was an opportunity attack or otherwise happened on the dead monster's turn, in which case the DM decides the order.


The High Aldwin
There's no rule or guideline in the PHB or DMG for this, so it defaults to DM decides.
Xanathar's guide suggests this optional rule:

If you use this rule then the warlock's player will decide the order of the damage and healing, unless the attack was an opportunity attack or otherwise happened on the dead monster's turn, in which case the DM decides the order.
Yep, this is the general rule, which is why I asked if the creature feature was a reaction, in which case it interrupts the warlock.


The High Aldwin
No it doesn't, the general rule is that reactions happen after the trigger.
Exactly, the trigger is the creature going to 0 hp. It happens after that, interrupting the warlock's turn.

The issue is that Dark Bless has no timing component, it just happens (no reaction required). I do not know if Shrapnel Explosion is a reaction or also just something without a time component.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
The Razerblast's Shrapnel Explosion ability has the following text:
Shrapnel Explosion. When the razerblast drops to 0 hit points, a flaming orb in its chest explodes, destroying the razerblast’s body and scattering its armor as shrapnel. Creatures within 10 feet of the razerblast when it explodes must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.​
I'd say two things happen when the creature's hit points reach zero: 1) the warlock gains the temporary hit points, and 2) the orb explodes. Then creatures within range roll their saving throws. Then the explosion's damage is dealt.

I don't know if the OP's 12 hit points is the full damage or the halved damage, so the warlock might end up with 0 hit points or possibly on a successful save with 5 (4 of which are temporary).
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