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Darkwolf loses, robs Gray of 18 yen and makes BLACK belt!


First Post
Argh..time for my bimonthly beating?

Brown Belt D2
Graduate of the Dojo of Nature's Wrath/Harmony and the No Luck Dojos
Master of the Dojo of the Predator
Record 25-23
Dojo Style: Phoenix
Fist of Fury(x2)
Chi Strike
Master of Emotions
Master of Movement
Yen: 0
Item: Grand Klaive - Sig style sword, Mastery sword - paid for by Kazzt & paid off
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First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The vine tracks with the village; grasps the gaze of the honor!
<MeowthBot> 2: The thorn crushes the palace; reduces the gaze of the steam!
<MeowthBot> 3: The cherry blossom torments the hells; blocks the energy of the scythe!
<MeowthBot> 4: The chopstick crushes the island; grasps the tempest of the fire!
<MeowthBot> 5: The owl stands upon the madlands; fends off the edge of the honor!


First Post
"Muahahahha... Yes, your yen is mine! But at least I won't take your soul...."

Gray of the Cherry Blossom Caves and Tiger Valleys
Diamond Sash 1
Signature Style (Cherry Blossom), Signature Style (Tiger), Signature Location (Caves), Signature Location (Valley), Hard Hitter, Master of Wealth, Arena Fighter, Mastery (Tiger), Poison Blade, Bribe Judges (x2), Crowd Pleaser (x2)
Yen Ring (Fist of Fury (x2), Poison Blade (x2))
56 Yen

Gray's first hand
[15:17] <MeowthBot> 1: The fang shouts by the volcano; grasps the aggression of the wyrm!
[15:17] <MeowthBot> 2: The tree slides within the swamp; skillfully dodges the gaze of the battlements!
[15:17] <MeowthBot> 3: The manta ray kicks higher than the swamp; dodges the kick of the spirit!
[15:17] <MeowthBot> 4: The mongoose spins through the wetlands; shields against the storm of the lightning!
[15:17] <MeowthBot> 5: The ferocious lotus blossom bashes the mesa; absorbs the rising of the void! *yen*


First Post
<Lady_Wei> Hey cuties. ;)
<Noir> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Noir: I find your guardian to be honorless, your island to be laughable, and your concentration to be like the flinging of feces by a diseased monkey.
<Noir> :)
<GrayDoom> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: I find your sister to be irrelevant, your plantation to be laughable, and your strength to be dull.
*** Hummingbird has joined #ybfight
<Lady_Wei> I'd be going against tradition if I did otherwise. :D Insults Darkwolf
*** Hummingbird is now known as Silentbird
<Lady_Wei> Note: please post stats either here or in a thread
<Noir> creating thread...I would like strategy
<GrayDoom> i'd prefer 6-8 flags speed strat
<Noir> thread started..will edit in stats in a moment
<Lady_Wei> Yeah, I bet you would. DW, what do you want, oh flinger of diseased monkey feces?
<Noir> 6 flag speed strat
<Noir> my stats are there..
<Lady_Wei> I'm presuming you want to generate hands yourselves?
<Noir> we can..
<GrayDoom> yeah
<Noir> i have a thread up already GD..
<GrayDoom> i know
<Noir> I just saw your message in #yb..
-> *meowthbot* ybhand
<GrayDoom> which was three minutes ago :p
<GrayDoom> that's why i have timestampts turned on
<Noir> had to go track down stats... ;p
*** Noir is now known as Darkwolf
<GrayDoom> hand up
<Darkwolf> need a masters
<Lady_Wei> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Lady_Wei: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the glade north-east of the Altar of the Rainbow Circle on the night of the phoenix.
<Darkwolf> The cherry blossom torments the hells; blocks the energy of the scythe!
<Darkwolf> Mastery to Sword
<Darkwolf> The sword torments the hells; blocks the energy of the scythe!
<Darkwolf> done
<GrayDoom> The mongoose spins through the wetlands; shields against the storm of the lightning!
<GrayDoom> done
* Lady_Wei is pondering
<Lady_Wei> 2 points DW. 2 points DW, 0 points Gray
<Darkwolf> The chopstick crushes the island; grasps the tempest of the fire!
<Darkwolf> chi strike
<Darkwolf> done
<GrayDoom> The tree slides within the swamp; skillfully dodges the gaze of the battlements!
<GrayDoom> done
<Lady_Wei> DW's defense is the total opposite of what is needed
<GrayDoom> heh. darkwolf, you might want to mention chi strike in your stats
<Lady_Wei> Point Gray. 2 points DW, 1 point Gray
<Darkwolf> heh..you're right...somehow fell out..
<Darkwolf> The thorn crushes the palace; reduces the gaze of the steam!
<Darkwolf> FoF
<Darkwolf> The owl stands upon the madlands; fends off the edge of the honor!
<Darkwolf> done
<GrayDoom> The ferocious lotus blossom bashes the mesa; absorbs the rising of the void! *yen*
<GrayDoom> Fist of Fury: The fang shouts by the volcano; grasps the aggression of the wyrm!
<GrayDoom> Poison Blade!
<GrayDoom> Poison Blade!
<GrayDoom> Crowd Pleaser!
<GrayDoom> Crowd Pleaser!
<Lady_Wei> LOL
<Lady_Wei> I always get a kick out of you doing that. :)
<GrayDoom> heh
<Lady_Wei> 4 point move, right?
<Darkwolf> 5
<GrayDoom> 5
<Lady_Wei> Ok... now to deliberate on the moves. :)
<Lady_Wei> I really hate to do this, but...
<Lady_Wei> Gray's move is definitely better. 5 points Gray, match Gray, 10(?) yen Gray
<GrayDoom> yeah, 10
* Darkwolf collaspes
<Lady_Wei> That's why I don't fight Gray. :)
<Lady_Wei> Where does the 5th point come from, BTW?
<Darkwolf> thats why I put a restriction on you Gray...you're just too good
<Darkwolf> yen
<GrayDoom> The jester appears next to Darkwolf.... "I can ease your pain... darkness comforts you, heals you, helps you...."
you, helps you...."
<Lady_Wei> Oh, I missed the "yen" part
<Lady_Wei> k
<Darkwolf> 1st move, yen, 2nd move, poison, poison
<Lady_Wei> Right
<Lady_Wei> Who's posting the log?
<Darkwolf> 1'll get it..
<Lady_Wei> k


First Post
Gray, you big flower-loving cutie, you're a Diamond Sash 2 now. That makes you right up there with Kalanyr! How exciting!

Darkwolf, you fall to Brown Belt D3. I know this student of yours... Sabaron... he's going to be very angry if you lose your next match, so don't. :p


First Post
<Sabaron> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Sabaron: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the badlands east of the Citadel of Lord Lao on the dawn of the frog.
<Sabaron> Frog day! :D
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The cherry blossom storms the steppes; wards off the roar of the sun!
<Darkwolf> knew it
<Sabaron> That was quick
<Darkwolf> master
<Darkwolf> sword
<Sabaron> whew
* GrayDoom absolutely hates kazz't. DAMN HIM FOR GIVING DW THAT SWORD!
<GrayDoom> done?
<Darkwolf> The sword storms the steppes; wards off the roar of the sun!
<GrayDoom> done?
<Darkwolf> done
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The tiger moves by the well; shields against the terror of the willow!
* Sabaron prepares for the onslaught
<GrayDoom> ouch
<Darkwolf> rofl
<GrayDoom> see? you have a much greater chance of winnin
<Sabaron> Do you have any powers that can save you, GD?
<GrayDoom> cause i can get that =\
<GrayDoom> i have tiger mastery =\
<Sabaron> lol
<GrayDoom> well
<Darkwolf> would have boinked if I hadn't had the sword
<GrayDoom> fist of fury
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The monkey sings from the temple; blocks the cut of the four winds!
<GrayDoom> crowd pleaser x2
<Sabaron> Trying for more yen?
<GrayDoom> done
<Sabaron> What do you get, 1 yen per CP if you lose the round?
<GrayDoom> yup
<Darkwolf> yup
<Sabaron> 2 points and match DW. 2 yen GD
<Darkwolf> I just had a feeling i was going to draw cherry blossom
<GrayDoom> bah. at least you have sword mastery
<Darkwolf> thanks to selling DW's soul...at least he has it back now
<Sabaron> Who's posting the log?


First Post
Darkwolf, you regain your honor and are now a Brown Belt 2. Congrats, sensei!

Gray, you remain a Diamond Sash 2, with 6 less yen, of course.


First Post
<Sabaron> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Sabaron: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the ricefield south-west of the Old Hermit's Village on the dusk of the needle.
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The fang bows upon the heavens; quells the stab of the vermin!
<Darkwolf> FoF
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The monkey punches the grotto; parts the touch of the rosewood as it punches above the motion of the mist!
<Darkwolf> done
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The mongoose kicks above the dungeon; removes the terror of the comet!
<GrayDoom> fof
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The fang nails the delta; parries the onslaught of the mist!
<GrayDoom> and crowd pleaser x2
<GrayDoom> done
<Darkwolf> i could have sworn you didn't like money matches ;p
<GrayDoom> lol
<Sabaron> GIve me a second
<Sabaron> Let's see... Gray's move isn't a stab... but mongeese are rodents or rodent like
<Sabaron> Darkwolf's move does not inspire terror, nor does it resemble a comet
<Sabaron> Defense DW
<Sabaron> Now for offense
<Sabaron> Neither one is very good
<Sabaron> But Gray's at least is an offense
<Sabaron> DW's defense is better than Gray's offense
<Sabaron> Therefore, 2 points and match DW
<Sabaron> 2 yen Gray
<Darkwolf> :)
<GrayDoom> bleh. bleh. and bleh again.
* GrayDoom does not see how mongoose == vermin =\
<Darkwolf> I would have judged the same way..but saying the fang was bowing under the mongooses kick ;p
<Darkwolf> mongoose could be vermin like...all depends on if there are cobras around


First Post
<Sabaron> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Sabaron: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the tower north of the Cherry Blossom Pagoda on the day of the manticore.
<Sabaron> I hate me
<Darkwolf> dont hate you... ;p
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The phoenix punches the mountain; shreds the slash of the lightbeam!
<Darkwolf> chi strike!
<Darkwolf> done
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The manta ray burns the cemetery; shields the beauty of the ape!
<Darkwolf> 3 yen or giving up?
<GrayDoom> sigh, done, bribe, next round =\
<GrayDoom> and only costs 2 yen for me to bribe this round
<Sabaron> Heh
<Darkwolf> chi strike thank you very much
<Sabaron> 1 bribe down, one to go
<GrayDoom> sigh, 3 =\
<Darkwolf> you first gd
<Darkwolf> may you draw many of my sigs :p
<GrayDoom> k
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The crab moves across the vale; dodges the aggression of the spirit!
<GrayDoom> fof
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The fox leaps through the ricefield; silences the blood of the scythe and so it lies with the stab of the reptile!
<GrayDoom> sigh. and crowd pleaser x1
<GrayDoom> done
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The raven falls above the temple; absorbs the cut of the chi as it strikes from the tempest of the battlements!
<Darkwolf> mastery to sword
<Darkwolf> fof
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The lotus blossom glides from the swamp as it dodges by the lily; avoids the foray
of the body!
<Darkwolf> done
* GrayDoom sighs
<Sabaron> Hmm...
<Sabaron> The Sword of Damocles falls, I see
<Sabaron> That's too perfect. Care to bribe, Gray?
<GrayDoom> waaaaaaaah
<GrayDoom> 3 more yen down the drain =\
<GrayDoom> currently -5 yen
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The avenging kama invades the canyon where it moves from the leaf; removes the foray of the four winds!
<Darkwolf> fof
<Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The dagger strikes the well; quells the energy of the void!
<Darkwolf> done
<GrayDoom> great. just greeeeeeat.
<Sabaron> Heh
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The tree burns the coast; removes the assailment of the fortress!
<Sabaron> lol
<GrayDoom> fof
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The crane torments the canyon; protects against the edge of the honor!
<GrayDoom> poison blade x2, cp x1
<GrayDoom> now just let me lose in peace =\
<Sabaron> Umm... no contest here. Match DW.
<Sabaron> That was crazy
* Darkwolf has luck again!
<GrayDoom> bleh
<GrayDoom> yes, sash sure are so overpowerd =\
<GrayDoom> when they lose even in 2 flag matches with two bribes =\
<Sabaron> In an artificial setting that's techinically illegal. :D
<GrayDoom> no, it isn't illegal
<GrayDoom> only if it was speed
<Sabaron> Oh, right
<Darkwolf> heh..other fighter wouldn't have forced me to go 3 rounds
<Sabaron> That was just bad luck on your part, Gray.
<GrayDoom> other fighter also wouldn't have lost 10 yen, given you 6 yen, or gien you 3 ranks =\
<Darkwolf> ok..now its definately time to change the topic of the thread
<Darkwolf> black belt!! :)
<GrayDoom> damnit
<GrayDoom> i've gone from 25-18 to 15-21
<GrayDoom> mj besrgfj
<GrayDoom> all i want is one freaking more win vs dw


First Post
Darkwolf, you go to Brown 5 and then Black Belt 1! Congrats! You get Kama or Dagger style, a dojo style of your choice, and a Mastery of your choice.

Gray, you lose 10 yen, plus innumerable bribes. Poor guy. At least you're still Diamond 2.
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