• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dawn of Defiance


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All of you make your way to the Promenade,the main commercial area and heart of Sel Zonn station. It is filled with shops of all kinds as well as with large, open seating areas with fountains, plants and other decorations. Matter of factly, it's hard to remeber you're still on a space station. You see all kinds of people, but not much non-humans.

The Promenade is filled with the bustle of revelry and commerce.
Spilling out of the gambling halls are the sounds of victory and the
moans of defeat, while the music of local bands issues from the
cantinas. Only a handful of citizens mill about in the main areas of
the Promenade, a few gazing out the massive windows at the planet
Brentaal hovering below. Businesspeople hawk their wares to the
passersby, and a few Imperial stormtroopers make their way down
the main avenue of the Promenade on their usual patrol at a
leisurely pace.

You can see 4 advertisement boards: Gundark's Cantina, The Credit Chip, Delgas Medical Supplies and Mechanical Allies.

[OOC:You can socialize all you want, but before you take a course of action or go anywhere i need you all to make a perception check DC 10.]

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"Cantina. Excellent," Duella says to no-one in particular, rubbing her hands together. Normally she would've dropped off some of her equipment before indulging in the leisures of the place, but now she was too frustrated.
[sblock=OoC]Perception (1d20+6=15)[/sblock]


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Alder pats the captain on the shoulder as he leaves the ship. "Thanks for the ride buddy, If we ever happen to same cantina again, I'll buy you a drink." He is quickly swooped by the crowd and wisely decides not to fight the flow, soon finding himself in the promenade. Alder starts towards the cantina, wanting to drive the dry spot from his throat. It's always the same with these long jumps. Only stale water to drink for days. Hope they serve Aitha. Alder thinks to himself, not really caring for alcoholic bewerages.

OOC: Perception (1d20+7=12)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Koyi makes her way from the ship looking around for her next mark. The human beside her looks funny for some reason and she keeps an eye on his hands. "No one touches for free" she says under her breath to him.

As she is released from the crowd into the promanade she takes a moment to look around. "I think I can have a little fun here" she says aloud to the air.

Perception Roll (1d20+5=24)


First Post
Standing head and shoulders above most beings here, Surussk scans the Promenade to see what the options are. Deciding that food is the highest priority (the freighter captain obviously tried to cut costs with the crappy rations he served), Surussk will head that direction. As he walks, he automatically scans the crowd to assess any possible opponents. Not that he is looking for a fight, however his training made it a habit to look just in case. In particular, he looks curiously to see how the stormtroopers are armed, as well as any citizens he passes by.

Perception Roll (1d20+6=14)


First Post
@ all: You can see two men standing on the Promenade. They d not appear to be part of the larger group. They seem to be searching the crowd for someone, however you all go unnoticed.

[OOC= highlight the sentence that concerns you with your cursor...]

@duella: The two men seem to be carrying a hold-out blaster tucked into their jackets and ae wearing identical clothing.

@koyi, kered and EF-8: The two men seem to be carrying a hold-out blaster tucked into their jackets and are wearing identical clothing AND sem to be whispering into hidden comlinks...



First Post
Surussk notices a couple human males that seem to be looking for someone. However, they pay no attention to him so he assumes they are looking for someone else. Besides, the Red Claw clan would never stoop to using humans if they were hunting for him. He continues on to the cantina in search of some food.


Duella takes a couple of decise steps towards the two men before she catches herself and stops.
They sacked me, it's not my concern anymore, she thinks to herself, shaking her head. Still, the two looked suspicious, so she decided to stay around for a while. Almost without a thought she flicks her blaster to stun and edges towards the two men, though she is still keeping her distance.


Looks like it's time for me to get the heck out of here. Kered decides that the Cantina is a natural place for people to get lost in, so decides to head there. He makes no move that shows he noticed the men, but tries to keep an eye on them as he moves with the crowd.

Voidrunner's Codex

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