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Dawnforge - The True Kings - Rogue's Gallery

Isida Kep'Tukari

OOC for the True Kings

Male Ogre Fighter 5

Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Spirits: Fate
Region: Stormfells

Height: 8' 3''
Weight: 608lbs
Skin: Olive
Eyes: Black
Age: 15

Str: 22 (+6) [13 points, +4 racial, +1 level]
Dex: 10 (+0) [4 points, -2 racial]
Con: 19 (+4) [8 points, +4 racial]
Int: 7 (-2) [1 point, -2 racial]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 6 (-2) [0 points, -2 racial]

Racial Abilities:
+4 Str, +4 Con (levels), -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha, low light vision. Racial talents – Talent Feat [Power Attack], Ox Back (AoL) [carrying capacity increases 50%], Unblinking Gaze (AoL) [cannot be intimidated and ignores effects to become shaken]. Racial transformations – Darkvision 60ft., Transformation Feat [Endurance].

Class Abilities: Proficient in light, medium, and heavy armor and all shields (including tower shields). Proficient in all simple and martial weapons. Fighter bonus feats.

Hit Dice: 5d10 + 14 +5 (Improved Toughness)
HP: 61
AC: 20 [+10 armor, +0 Dex]
Armor Check Penalty: -7
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +8 [+4 base, +4 Con]
Reflex +1 [+1 base, +0 Dex]
Will +3 [+1 base, +2 Wis]

BAB: +5
Melee Atk: +12 (1d6+7/x4/P, +1 heavy pick)
+12 (1d4+6/x2/B, heavy steel shield bash)
Ranged Atk: +5 (1d6+6/x2/10 ft./S, thowing axe)

Profession (tanner) +6 [8 cc ranks, +2 Wis]

Quick Draw (1st level)
Power Attack (talent feat 1st level)
Cleave (fighter bonus 1st level)
Improved Bull Rush (2nd level)
Improved Shield Bash (fighter bonus 2nd level)
Shield Charge [CW] (4th level)
Endurance (transformation feat 4th level)
Improved Toughness [CW] (fighter bonus 4th level)

Languages: Common, Giant

+1 Heavy plate (Races of Stone) – 3,150gp
+1 Heavy pick – 2,308gp
MW heavy steel shield – 170gp
10 throwing axes – 80gp
2 daggers – 2gp
Backpack - 2gp
Bedroll - 5sp
Waterskin - 1gp
50 ft. hemp rope - 1gp
Winter blanket - 5sp
Traveler's outfit - free
Flint and Steel - 1gp
Belt pouch - 1gp
Mug – 2cp
Trail rations (20 days worth) - 10gp
40 lbs salt pork – 120gp
Full barrel (32 gallons) of bitter – 62gp
5 square yards of oiled canvas – 5sp
-100 lbs of various hides (bear, wolf, deer, ram) – 50gp
Chest – 2gp
-Spare suit of chainmail – 150gp
-57 fifty gold piece trade bars – 2,850gp

Current load: 609 lbs, heavy load

Carrying Capacity light – 259.5 lbs or less, medium 260.5 – 519 lbs, heavy 520 – 780 lbs. Lift 780 lbs, Lift and Stagger 1560 lbs, Push/Drag 3,900 lbs

38gp, 4 sp, 8cp

Appearance: Targ is a particularly tall and hulking brute of an ogre. His long, dark, unkempt hair is dressed with grease and wrapped in a knot on his head. Dark and deep-set eyes peer dimly out of scarred and craggy face. He wears very heavy plate armor, probably well made under the many layers of road grime, but it’s hard to tell. A heavy pick rests in a loop at his hip, and a crude quiver of throwing axes rests on the other hip. A prodigious load rests on his mighty back, including a sloshing barrel, latched chest, bulging backpack, and a large roll of furs wrapped up in canvas.

Personality: Targ’s crude appearance and foul odor is matched by his awful manners and grunting voice. His words tend to be monosymbolic and simple, though he often strives to make himself understood. Targ has a curiously gentle soul, despite his almost stereotypical appearance. He likes pretty things, and he doesn’t care to see them fouled. Despite a lifetime learning fighting, he finds more pleasure in tanning a good hide and giving it to a chilled child than crushing skulls.

Background: Targ grew up in the Stormfells in the service of the stone giant Malbrok. Trained for battle from an early age, his clan leaders had high hopes for him, due to his particularly massive size. He learned what they cared to teach him, and could easily bully his way though any battle, but when put to making an example of a rebellious human village in his master’s lands, Targ found he could not crush the woman and children under his weapons.

His clan leaders were embarrassed in the extreme, but Targ had too much skill to assuage their embarrassment with his life. Instead they exiled him, telling the dim young lad it was to “season” him for Malbrok’s guard. He was not to return until he was called for, and was told to simply learn how to fight better. Targ regarded his exile with typical ogrish stoicism. He took himself to the lowlands, fighting orc and lowland raiders that tried to kill him, running away from farmers and tradesmen who attacked him out of fear. He made a bit of a living with a childhood skill of tanning hides in the outermost villages, but still wandered, wondering, in his vague way, what was to become of him…

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First Post
Sir Aravir
Male Trueborn Fighter 5

Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Patron Spirits: Alharra
Region: Kingsmarch

Height: 6' 3''
Weight: 203 lbs
Skin: Metallic
Eyes: Green
Age: 23

Str: 17 (+3) [10 points, +1 level]
Dex: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 racial]
Con: 14 (+2) [4 points, +2 racial]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 point]
Wis: 12 (+1) [0 points, +4 racial]
Cha: 19 (+4) [10 points, +2 racial, +1 legendary]

Racial Abilities:
+2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Dex, Levels (+2 Con, +2 Wis) 1 Extra Feat at 1st Level, 4 Extra skill points at 1st Level, +2 racial bonus to handle animal and ride checks with horses
Racial talents – Talent Feat (Mounted Combat), Talent Feat (Trample), Talent Feat [Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)],
Racial transformations – Darkvision 60ft, Divine Heritage

Legendary Path: 1st Circle Path of Persuasive (Ride)

Class Abilities: Proficient in light, medium, and heavy armor and all shields (including tower shields). Proficient in all simple and martial weapons. Fighter bonus feats.

Hit Dice: 5d10 + 10
HP: 50
AC: 24 [+8 Armor, +1 Dex, +4 Shield, +1 Deflection ]
Armor Check Penalty: -6
Init: +4 (+1 Dex, +3 Feat)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +6 [+4 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +2 [+1 base, +1 Dex]
Will +2 [+1 base, +1 Wis]

BAB: +5
Melee Atk: +10 (1d10+5/19-20/x2, MW Bastard Sword)
+8 (1d8+3/x3 Lance) - Double Damage when mounted
+8 (1d6+3/19-20/x2 Short Sword)
+8 (1d4+3/19-20/x2 Dagger)
Dragnet (special)

Ranged Atk: +6 (1d10/19-20x2 Heavy Crossbow)

Diplomacy +11 [7 Ranks, +4 Cha]
Handle Animal +5* [1 Rank, +4 Cha]
Intimidate +12 [8 Ranks, +4 Cha]
Knowledge (Nobility) +2 [1 Rank cc, +1 Int]
Knowledge (War) +3 [2 Ranks, +1 Int]
Ride +12*^ [8 Ranks, +4 Cha]
*+2 Ride and Handle Animal w/horses
^ +2 Ride when staying in saddle.

Innate Talent [Diplomacy, Knowledge War] (1st level)
Mounted Combat (Talent feat 1st level)
Weapon Focus [Bastard Sword] (Fighter bonus 1st level)
Improved Imitative (Racial Bonus Feat)
Shield Specialization {Fighter bonus 2nd level)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Bastard Sword] (Talent Feat 3rd Level)
Ride-by-Attack (3rd Level)
Weapon Specialization (fighter bonus 4th level)
Trample (Talent Feat 5th Level)

Languages: Common, King’s Tongue, Valhedrin

MW Bastard Sword (Soulforge) – 335 gp
Short Sword – 10 gp
Dagger – 2 gp
Lance – 10 gp
Dragnet – 25 gp
Heavy Crossbow – 50 gp
20 Bolts – 2 gp
MW Full Plate Mail w/spikes (Armor of the Black Knight) [Legendary Item] – 1700 gp
Heavy Steel Shield +1 – 1170 gp
Chain Shirt – 100 gp
Ring of Protection +1 – 2000 gp
Heward’s Handy Haversack – 2000 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x 3 – 150 gp
Waterskin x2 – 2 gp
50’ silk rope – 10 gp
Grappling hook – 1 gp
Flint and steel – 1 gp
Whetstone – 2 cp
Bedroll – 1 sp
Noble Outfit – 75 gp
Signet Ring – 5 gp
Heavy Warhorse – 400 gp
Chain Barding – 600 gp
MW Military Saddle (CA) – 210 gp
Bit and Bridle – 2 gp
Light Riding Horse – 75 gp
Pack Saddle – 5 gp

Current load: 86 lbs Light Load
Carrying Capacity light – 86 or less, medium 87-173 lbs, heavy 174-260 lbs

Bastard Sword 6 lbs
Full Plate 60 lbs
Shield 15 lbs
Handy Haversack 5 lbs
Heavy Crossbow
Ring of Protection

Heavy Warhorse – 300/600/900 lbs
Rider 182 lbs
Equipment 86 lbs
Chain Barding 80 lbs
Short Sword 2 lbs
Lance 10 lbs
Dragnet 5 lbs
Military Saddle 30 lbs
Bit and Bridle 1 lb
396 lbs

Light Horse – 150/300/450 lbs
Pack Saddle 15 lbs

Heavy Warhorse – Large Animal (CR 2)
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 14/19 (-1 Size, +1 Dex, +4 Natural, +5 Armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats: Endurance, Run
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a heavy warhorse is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301–600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601–900 pounds. A heavy warhorse can drag 4,500 pounds.

249 gold, 8 silver, 8 copper

Appearance: Have a mix of Trueborn blood, Aravir stands over six feet tall. He has the Deluin trait of a well built frame and is quite muscular. He has bright green eyes and platnium blond hair. There is liitle doubt though that he heirs from a celestrial line. He skin has a slight metallic sheen to it.

When dressed for battle he wears a suit of full plate mail that is made of a black metal. The armor has spike and gives quite a fearsome appearance. He likes to see the fear in the enemies eyes as he rides them down. He carries a long bastard sword in one hand and a shield in the other

Personality: Quiet and rather rough when on the field of battle or in the tavern. But when it comes time to talk he amazing lights up and becomes a different person. He is able to talk to peasant or King alike.

Sir Aravir has a hatred of Tieflings, due to his history of fighting them. He also has a tendency to drink heavy.

Background: Aravir was born into the royal family of Deluin. As distant cousin to the King, Aravir’s father held no land and was dependent on the King. As often that was needed politics came first. An alliance between Deluin and Andlemere was created. Aravir’s father was required to marry a cursed family member of Andlemere.

Less than a year into the marriage Araheil was killed in battle. Deemed to be cursed Tanta forced to live in Ardaven as an ambassador to Andlemere. While there Aravir was taught the skills of diplomacy. Just as any other noble of Delune, Aravir was trained in the art of war. At a young age Aravir was noted for his physical prowess and skill with a sword as well as diplomacy.

When old enough Aravir was sent to Elladyian Keep. Elladyian Keep is located on the border with Emerlyn, battles and skirmishes are common. After a year at Elladyian, the tieflings invaded the Kingsmarch. Aravir was among the Delune on the field of battle fighting all the way until the Battle of Dor Erlon. At the battle of Dor Erlon, Aravir was amongst those that Valia Perenor rallied. During the retreat the tiefling commander was located on a nearby hill, Aravir noticed and rallied the nearby troops to charge the position. The tiefling commander was rode down and trampled. This action led Aravir to be a minor hero at the battle. Among the loot captured from the Battle of Dor Erlon was the suit of plate mail the tiefling commander wore, Aravir claimed the armor.

Not long afterwards Tanta died. Aravir had experienced much death on the field of battle, he had never experienced the loss of family member. Aravir grieved for the loss of his mother, in a fit of drunkenness and anger he killed a fellow soldier. Before he could be caught he fled to the countryside.

Destiny works in strange ways, Aravir stopped at Lake Alharra. Upon the shores of the lake, Aravir had a vision. He saw dark clouds growing to the south upon the plains of Emerlyn, Valhedar, and the Azran Desert. Slowly but surely the clouds moved north towards the Kingsmarch. Upon reaching the Kingsmarch the dark clouds materialized into an army of humans, yuan-ti, demons, tieflings, and other monsters. On the other side of the field sat a golden light shining down upon an army of dwarves, elves, minotaurs, and humans. Beneath a banner stood a united Kingsmarch. Leading the army was Aravir. When Aravir awake he saw a fading female figure walking out into the lake. Aravir knew he was granted a vision by Alharra.

A few hours later Aravir was captured and imprisoned. While in prison he told many of his vision. He was labeled a lunatic, a drunk, and others said he was making excuses for killing another man in cold blood. Finally before a closed audience Aravir told his vision to King Enir. The King was not impressed and was about to pass judgement on Aravir, when a disciple of Alharra stepped forward. She said that Alharra had spoken and chosen Aravir. Many wondered why Alharra had chosen Aravir, he was anything but faithful or worthy. The disciple explained Aravir could be the Kingsmarch greatest hero or its greatest enemy. But the fate of the Kingsmarch was to be made by the King of Deluin. With reluctance King Enir granted Aravir his freedom. After the meeting the disciple gave Aravir, a bastard sword named Soulforge, the disciple said the sword was touched by Alharra.
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Galanorthrim Evanyrdor
Male Dawn elf Wizard (Life) 5
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Spirits: none
Region: Sildanyr

Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 107 lbs
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Age: 139

10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 16 (+3) [4 points, +4 racial]
Con: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 racial]
Int: 22 (+6) [16 point, +2 racial, +1 level, +1 legendary]
Wis: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Cha: 12 (+1) [4 points]

Racial Abilities:
+4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, low light vision. Racial talents – Talent Feat [Spell Focus (conjuration)], Talent Feat [Empower Spell], Talent Skills [Knowledge (arcana) +2, Spellcraft +3]. Racial transformations – Elfsight, Transformation Feat [Iron Will], immunity to magic sleep spells and effects and a +2 racial saving thrown bonus against Enchantment spells, low-light vision, weapon familiarity (elven weapons), +1 racial bonus on attacks with long and shortbows, +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot rolls, Spell Immunity: magic missile

Class Abilities: Proficient with club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff. Casts spells drawn from Sorcerer/Wizard spell list.

Hit Dice: 5d4+5
HP: 21
AC: 15 [+1 Deflection, +1 Dodge, +3 Natural]
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [+1 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +4 [+1 base, +3 Dex]
Will +7 [+4 base, +1 Wis, +2 Iron Will]

BAB: +2
Melee Atk: +2 (1d4/19-20/x2/S, dagger)
Ranged Atk: +7 (1d8/x3/P, MW longbow)

Concentration +9 [8 ranks, +1 Con]
Decipher Script +9 [3 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (arcana) +16 [8 ranks, +6 Int, +2 Talent skill]
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8 [2 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (history) +12 [6 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (local) +10 [4 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (nature) +8 [2 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (the planes) +12 [6 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (religion) +10 [4 ranks, +6 Int]
Listen +2 [0 ranks, +1 Wis, +1 racial]
Search +7 [0 ranks, +6 Int, +1 racial]
Spellcraft +17 [8 ranks, +6 Int, +3 Talent skill]
Spot +2 [0 ranks, +1 Wis, +1 racial]
Survival +6 [0 ranks, +6 Int (legendary)]

Spell Focus (transmutation) (1st level)
Scribe Scroll (Wizard bonus 1st level)
Spell Focus (conjuration) (Talent feat 1st level)
Craft Wondrous Items (3rd level)
Iron Will (Transformation feat 4th level)
Still Spell (Wizard bonus 5th level)
Empower Spell (Talent feat 5th level)

Languages: Anderlar, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan

Spells: 4/5/3/2 per day; save DC 16+spell level (18+spell level for conjuration and transmutation spells). Aspect-life; can use Silent Spell and Still Spell 1/day with no level adjustment for life spells.

Spells known:

0-level: Acid Splash†, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Mage Hand‡, Mending‡, Message‡, Open/Close‡, Read Magic, Resistance

1st-level: Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person‡, Feather Fall‡, Grease†, Identify, Mage Armor†, Magic Missile*, Protection from Evil, Shield, True Strike, Unseen Servant†

2nd-level: Bull’s Strength‡, Fox’s Cunning‡, Knock‡, Locate Object, Melf’s Acid Arrow†, Rope Trick‡, Spider Climb‡, Web†

3rd-level: Fly‡, Hold Person*, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Stinking Cloud†, Summon Monster III†

Spells prepared:

0: Detect Magic x2, Message, Read Magic
1: Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor, True Strike, BLANK
2: Bull's Strength, Melf's Acid Arrow, Web
3: Hold Person, Summon Monster III

* Non-life spells
† Conjuration
‡ Transmutation

Dagger – 2 gp
MW longbow - 375 gp
20 arrows - 1 gp
Ring of Protection +1 – 2,000 gp
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 – 2,000 gp
Spell Component Pouch – 5 gp
Backpack - 2 gp
Spellbook - free
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x3 - 150 gp
Scrollcase x2 - 2 gp
Paper x50 - 20 gp
Ink 2 oz. - 16 gp
Inkpen - 1 sp
Bedroll - 5 sp
Waterskin - 1 gp
Traveler's outfit x2- 1 gp
Flint and Steel - 1gp

Current load: 23 lbs, light load

Carrying Capacity light – 33 lbs or less, medium 34 – 66 lbs, heavy 67 – 100 lbs. Lift 100 lbs, Lift and Stagger 200 lbs, Push/Drag 500 lbs

350 gp, 8 sp, 0 cp

Appearance: Galan is tall compared to most dawn elves, being near five and a half feet tall. He is slender and has long dark blonde hair. His eyes are a deep blue that used to sparkle with life, but are now cold.

Personality: He is quiet and somber, though a chance to use his magic makes him come to life.

Background: Galanorthrim Evanyrdor, or Galan as he is usually called, is a dawn elf whose life has been deeply touched by the civil war. He has lost several family members to the conflict. Perhaps the most troubling part for him, though, is that his best friend, Saurgrim, is a night elf who had joined in the worship of Lathail. He didn't know at first, but his friend finally confided in him one day. Galan was horrified and scared. He didn't tell anyone about it even though he knew he should. Saurgrim told him about the worship rites and rituals that were performed. At first, they seemed harmless, but they became more and more depraved and barbaric. Galan was disgusted and tried to persuade his friend to end his association with the Lathail worshippers. They got into a huge argument and bitter words were spoken. It almost came to blows, but they went their separate ways.

Galan finally went and reported his friend. He knew where their meetings were and he went on the raid to arrest the night elves. What he saw scarred him. Elven sacrifices were the most minor part of what he saw. He ended up fighting and killing Saurgrim. He was lauded as a hero for several well-known night elf fugitives were caught or killed on the raid. He didn't want any part of it, though. He left Sildanyr to get away from it all. That was six months ago. Since then, questions have consumed him. Why did he have to kill his friend? Why have the night elves rebelled? Did he do the right thing? The most burning question, though, has become, what can be done to end the war? A dark thought, a whisper, a hint, has started growing in the back of his mind. He thinks he has found the solution.

He adventures now because he is not ready to go back to his homeland. And because he knows his knowledge of magic must increase tenfold if he is to entertain his idea to end the war.
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First Post
Haedyn, Male Lowlander Spirit Adept

Male Lowlander Spirit Adept 5
Medium Humanoid
Experience Points (required): 11,000 (15,000 for 6th level)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Spirits: None
Region: Kingsmarch

Height: 7’ 0”
Weight: 266 lbs
Skin: Fair
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Age: 22

Strength 22 (+6) [10 points, +4 racial, +1 level (4), +1 legendary]
Dexterity 16 (+3) [10 points]
Constitution 16 (+3) [6 points, +2 racial]
Intelligence 14 (+2) [6 point]
Wisdom 12 (+1) [4 points]
Charisma 6 (-2) [0 points, -2 racial]

Racial Abilities
+4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha; Base land speed: 35 feet; 1 extra feat at 1st level; 4 extra skill points at 1st level; +2 racial bonus on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks made to influence a transaction or trade; Racial Talents (Fast Learner [Imtimidate, Survival]; Talent Feat [Track]; Talent Skills [Intimidate +3, Sense Motive +3]); Racial Transformations (Great Swimmer; Fast Movement)

Class Abilities
Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, and shields (except tower shields); Spirit Sense I; Spirit Strength (10); Adept Powers (Evasive Action, Piercing Strike, True Vision); Evasion; Spirit Adept bonus feats; Feather fall.

Legendary Abilities
Legend Points (1); 1st Circle Path of the Mighty (Intimidate)

Hit Dice: 5d10+15
Hit Points: 55
Armour Class: 20 (10 base, +3 Dex, +1 natural, +5 armour, +1 deflection) [touch 14, flat-footed 17]
Armour Check Penalty: 0
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 35ft

Fortitude +8 [+4 base, +3 Con, +1 resistance]
Reflex +8 [+4 base, +3 Dex, +1 resistance]
Will +6 [+4 base, +1 Wis, +1 resistance]

Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +3/+9

+10 melee [1d12+9; 20/x3; slashing; “Riva” masterwork greataxe]
+10 melee [1d10+9; 20/x3; bludgeoning; masterwork maul]
+9 melee [1d4+6; 19-20/x2; piercing or slashing; dagger]

+6 ranged [1d4+6; 20/x2; 50 feet; bludgeoning; sling]
+6 ranged [1d4+6; 19-20/x2; 10 feet; piercing or slashing; dagger]

Skills (48 + 4 (1st) points; max ranks: 8)
Balance +5 [0 ranks, +3 Dex, +2 synergy Tumble]
Bluff -2 or +0 (trade) [0 ranks (cc), -2 Cha, +2 racial (trade)]
Climb +10 [4 ranks, +6 Str]
Diplomacy +0 or +2 (trade) [0 ranks, -2 Cha, +2 synergy Sense Motive, +2 racial (trade)]
Escape Artist +7 [4 ranks, +3 Dex]
Hide +7 [4 ranks, +3 Dex]
Intimidate +9 [0 ranks, +6 Str, +3 talent]
Jump +13 [5 ranks, +6 Str, +2 synergy Tumble]
Listen +5 [4 ranks, +1 Wis]
Move Silently +7 [4 ranks, +3 Dex]
Profession (farmer) +5 [4 ranks, +1 Wis]
Sense Motive +9 [5 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 talent]
Spot +5 [4 ranks, +1 Wis]
Survival +6 [5 ranks, +1 Wis]
Swim +10 [4 ranks, +6 Str]
Tumble +10 [5 ranks, +3 Dex, +2 synergy Jump]

Power Attack [1st level]
Cleave [lowlander bonus 1st level]
Dodge [3rd level]
Track [talent feat 3rd level]
Close-Quarters Fighting (CW) [spirit adept bonus 4th level]

Common, Anderlar, King’s Tongue, Valhedrin.

Weight of Items Worn [50 lb / 58 lb (incl. clothes)]
+1 Mithril Chain Shirt [10 lb] {2,100 gp}
Masterwork Greataxe [12 lb] {320 gp} (Riva, The Blades of Oblivion, Darkness’ End; legendary item)
Carried into battle by his family on the side of the Kingmarch for two centuries or more, Riva has been handed down from father to son for untold generations. Hardly a scratch is to be seen on the bright twin blades or the lustrous black wood of the haft, though the greataxe must have seen much battle over that time. None now living know how their family came by the mighty axe, but it has always served them well...
Masterwork Maul [20 lb] (CW) {315 gp}
Dagger (2) [2 lb] {2 gp}
Sling [0 lb] {free}
Bullets, Sling (10) [5 lb] {1 sp}
Amulet of Natural Armour +1 [0 lb] {2,000 gp}
Cloak of Resistance +1 [1 lb] {1,000 gp}
Ring of Protection +1 [0 lb] {2,000 gp}
Explorer’s Outfit [8 lb] {free}

Backpack [2 lb / 61.5 lb (incl. backpack)] {2 gp}
-- Bedroll [5 lb] {1 sp}
-- Blanket, Winter [3 lb] {5 sp}
-- Everburning Torch [1 lb] {110 gp}
-- Mirror, Small Steel [0.5 lb] {10 gp}
-- Money, wrapped in an old cloth (500 gp) [10 lb]
-- Rations, Trail (10 days) [5 lb] {5 gp}
-- Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) [10 lb] {1 gp}
-- Sack (2) [1 lb] {2 sp}
-- Tent [20 lb] {10 gp}
-- Waterskin [4 lb] {1 gp}

Pouch, Belt [0.5 lb / 4.08 lb (incl. pouch)] {1gp}
-- Flint & Steel [0 lb] {1 gp}
-- Potion of cure light wounds (10) [0 lb] {500 gp}
-- Money (121 gp, 8 cp) [2.58 lb]
-- Whetstone [1 lb] {2 cp}

Weight Carried: 115.58 lb (light load)

Carrying Capacity [22 Strength]
Light: 173 lb. or less; Medium: 174-346 lb.; Heavy: 347-520 lb.;
Lift (over head): 520 lb.; Lift (off ground): 1,040 lb.; Drag: 2,600 lb.

621 gp, 8 cp

Haedyn is a massive lowlander, heavily muscled though still quite agile, he is quite an intimidating figure...especially when he uses his height of seven feet to full effect. He keeps his black hair cropped fairly short, so as to fit under his helmet, and sports a neatly trimmed doorknocker style beard. Intense coal-black eyes look out from a face dominated by a crooked nose, that has obviously been broken more than once, and a jagged scar running down his left cheek. When not dressed for battle, which is seldom it seems, he wears typical utilitarian clothing...mostly in dull earth tones.

When garbed for battle however Haedyn wears a mithral shirt, which gleams where you can see it through the stains of battle. Over his right shoulder rests the head of a greataxe, which shows little battle damage, though he holds the haft as if it is an extension of his arm. Hanging down his broad back, beside his pack, is a well crafted maul...while on his belt he carries several daggers, a sling, and a pouch of lead bullets.

Haedyn’s deep gravelly voice and considered way of speaking, makes most people think he is far less intelligent than he truly his is, which suits him well enough. Believing the strong should protect the weak, Haedyn won’t abide bullies, and will as a rule step in and use his size and intimidating presence to drive them off. His warlike exterior though belies the man inside, as behind it all he’s still a simple farmer at heart, though now the Spirit drives him to see what he can accomplish with his life.

Haedyn grew up in Kingsmarch, farming with his family near the great city of Avennar. Joining the armies of the Kingsmarch as soon as he was able, to defend those less able than he against the tiefling legions, he soon found himself under the instruction of Othir. A lowlander like himself with a connection to the Spirit, the much older Othir took the young Haedyn under his wing, teaching him what it meant to be one with the divine essence, and showing him how to survive and even flourish.

Fighting side by side in the armies of the Kingsmarch, the pair were a terror to their enemies on the battlefield. Using their Spirit granted skills to great advantage, they often avoided what appeared to be certain death, though the day finally came when even their abilities weren’t enough to save them both. Saddened by the loss of his friend, Haedyn felt as if he could still hear Othir from time to time as he fought, and often would feel as if he were right there beside him, fighting together as they always had. After days like that, Haedyn would often think about what it would be like to return to farming and family, though he knows he cannot do so until he has done all that he is able to do...

XP Log (started with 11,000 xp)[/SBLOCK]
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Hiitar Vain, male Tiefling Soldier of the Kingsmarch

Hiitar Vain
Male Tiefling Swashbucker 3 /Fighter 2

Medium Humanoid
Experience Points: 12,000
Alignment: Neutral.
Patron Spirits: XX
Region: XX

Height: 6'0
Weight: 160 lb.
Skin: Dark
Eyes: Yellow
Age: 88

Str: 13 (+1) [06 points, -2 racial, +1 L4]
Dex: 21 (+5) [16 points, +2 racial, +1 path]
Con: 14 (+2) [06 points, -2 racial, +2 L3 racial]
Int: 16 (+3) [04 point, +2 racial, +2 L5 racial]
Wis: 10 (+0) [02 points]
Cha: 12 (+1) [02 points, +2 racial]

Racial Abilities:
Low-light vision, +2 Bluff and Diplomacy. Racial Talents – Infernal Gift (Message, Alarm, 1/day, cast as wizard at character level), Infernal Resistance (+4 bonus on all saving throws against the spells, special abilities, and special attacks of evil outsiders), Talent Skills (languages if possible). Racial transformations – Darkvision 60ft., Infernal Presence (Fear effect 1/day against all enemies that can see you, DC 14+Cha mod).

Class Abilities: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields), +1 competency bonus to Reflex saves, add Int bonus to Damage, Bonus Feats.

Legendary Path: Path of the Swift (+1 dex, Intimidate as Dex skill)

Hit Dice: 5d10+10
HP: 50
AC: 20 [+4 armour, +5 Dex, +1 deflection]
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 15%
Init: +5 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.

Fortitude +8 [+6 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +7 [+1 base, +5 Dex, +1 comp]
Will +3 [+1 base, +0 Wis, +2 feat]

BAB: +5
Melee Atk: +10 with light weapons
* +1 rapier +12 melee (1d6+5, 18-20x2)
* * (PA 5) +1 rapier +7 melee (1d6+10, 18-20x2)
* Dagger +10 melee (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Atk: +10
* +1 Short Comp Bow +11 range (1d6+1, x3, 70 ft.)
* Dagger +10 range (1d4+4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft.)

Skills (4+2)*4 + (4+2)*2 + (2+2) + (2+3)
* Bluff +9 [6 ranks, +1 cha, +2 racial]
* Diplomacy +9 [6 ranks, +1 cha, +2 racial]
* Escape Artist +11 [6 ranks, +5 dex]
* Profession (soldier) +7 [6 ranks, 1 talent rank]
* Sense motive +6 [6 ranks]
* Use Rope +11 [6 ranks, +5 dex]

* Intimidate +13 [8 ranks, +5 dex*]
* Ride +6 [1 rank, +5 dex]

* L1 - Weapon Focus (Rapier)
* S1 - Weapon Finesse
* L3 - Quick Draw
* F1 - Power Attack
* F2 - Iron Will

Speaks and Writes: Common, Valhedrin, Infernal, King's Tongue.
Speaks: Anderlar, Halfing, Night-elven, Sothren, Elven.

+1 Rapier (2 lbs., 2320 gp), +1 Studded Leather (20 lbs., 1175 gp), +1 Short Comp Bow + 20 Arrows (5 lbs., 2375 gp), Two Cold Iron Daggers (2 lbs., 10 gp), +1 Ring of Protection (2000 gp), Light Warhorse w/Millitary Saddle and Gear (500 gp), Outfit (100 gp), 4 potions of CLW (200 gp),

Current load: 29 lbs, light load.

Carrying Capacity light – 50 lbs or less, medium 51 – 100 lbs, heavy 101 – 150 lbs. Lift 150 lbs, Lift and Stagger 300 lbs, Push/Drag 900 lbs

320 gp.

Appearance: Immaculately dressed and groomed, Hiitar's clothes are made of the finest materials, ornately worked. Hiitar himself is tall and lean, and moves with a dangerous grace. Hiitar could almost pass himself off as an elf, except for the eyes; yellow with a slitted pupil, they are the eyes of a cat, or a fiend.

Personality: Hiitar is abrupt and impatient, self centered and vain like most of his kind. But the cruelty, and the pleasure that most tieflings get from inflicting pain and suffering is alien to Hiitar. Hiitar can be proud and unbending. He would not spend his life pretending to be a 'good' tiefling while he lived in the Dominion. He will not hide his tiefling heritage now he lives in Kingsmarch.

Background: Hiitar joined in the Dominion forces when he came of age, hoping to get lost in the chaos of war. But the cruelty was even worse. Standing in the smoking ruins of a human village, surround by brutally butchered and tortured corpses, Hiitar realised he could no longer pretend. He fled.

Eventually he ended up in Kingsmarch. He was immediately thrown into goal, for there is little love lost between the people of Kingsmarch and tieflings. There, naked and filthy, he was eventually found by Darvekis Shadowbane. Slowly Darvekis came to see in Hiitar a fellow soul, and eventually the wizard took the young Hiitar Vain under his wing. Two years after being released into the care of Darvekis and some five years after being captured, Hiitar was given permission to carry a weapon. He chose a daggar. A year later he was allowed to join the fighting at the border. He added a short sword and some old leather armour. Darvekis gave him a Ring of Protection as a parting gift. For seven years, on and off, Hiitar fought against the forces of the Dominion. He did well for himself, taking a magical rapier from a teifling, some enchanted studded leather armour from a night-elf. He doesn't know who they were, or anything about the items. Hiitar doesn't really care. Once they belonged to someone else. Now they are his.

His time in prison changed things for Hiitar. He left almost everything behind when he fled, and they took away what he had left when he was captured. Over time, he found it strangely liberating to have nothing. He survived without them. When he was eventually released from gaol, he made no effort to reclaim his old possessions. While he is vain and takes great pride in his appearance and presentation, he has nothing invested in his possessions. They are just tools. Some are better than others at doing the job. His rapier is better than a mundane one. But if a better one came along, he would take the new one.

Under the wizard's patronage, Hiitar has grown into a capable soldier and after many years of service, Hiitar has earnt a small measure of trust from the people of Kingsmarch. But he is under no illusions. He is Tiefling.
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Rystil Arden

First Post
Ssiran Zan'sil
Male Yuan-ti Thinblood Telepath 5
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Spirits:
Region: Originally Zangala, Currently Ambria

Height: 5' 9''
Weight: 161 lbs
Skin: Light Tan
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Green
Age: 24

Str: 6 (-2) [0 points, -2 racial]
Dex: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [4 points, +2 racial]
Int: 22 (+5) [16 point, +2 racial, +1 legendary, +1 stat raise]
Wis: 14 (+2) [2 points, +4 racial]
Cha: 16 (+3) [10 points]

Racial Abilities:
+2 Int, +2Con, +4 Wis, -2 Str, low light vision, +2 Diplomacy and Sense Motive.

Racial Talents:
3 bonus Psionic feats--yay!

Racial Transformations:
Improved Initiative
Becoming the Taint (Only intense magical scrutiny reveals that he is not a Trueborn human)

Legendary Path:

1st Circle Path of the Learned

Class Abilities:
40 PP / day
Powers Known-
1-Attraction, Charm, Inertial Armour, Mindlink, Telempathic Projection, Vigour
2-Concealing Amorpha, Suggestion, Swarm of Crystals
3-Body Adjustment, Dispel Psionics

Hit Dice: 5d4 + 10 (Con) + 14 (Psionic Body)
HP: 40
AC: 16 [+3 Shield, +1 enhancement to Natural, +1 Deflection, +1 Dex] (AC 20 or higher with Inertial Armour)
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Init: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Init)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +4 [+1 base, +2 Con, +1 Cloak]
Reflex +3 [+1 base, +1 Dex, +1 Cloak]
Will +7 [+4 base, +2 Wis, +1 Cloak]

BAB: +2
Melee Atk: +0 (melee weapon)

Ranged Atk: +3 (as per power)

Autohypnosis +5 (1 cc rank, 2 Wis, 2 synergy)
Bluff +11 (8 ranks, 3 Cha)
Concentration +10 (8 ranks, 2 Con)
Diplomacy +22 (8 ranks, 3 Cha, 2 Racial, 6 Synergy, 3 Psicrystal)
Knowledge (Arcana) +11 (5 ranks, 6 Int)
Knowledge (Nobility) +14 (8 ranks, 6 Int)
Knowledge (Psionics) +7 (1 rank, 6 Int)
Listen +4 (2 Wis, 2 Alertness)
Psicraft +14 [+16 Telepathy effects] (8 ranks, 6 Int, [+2 Telepathy effects])
Sense Motive +12 (8 ranks, 2 Wis, 2 Racial)
Spot +4 (2 Wis, 2 Alertness)

Overchannel (1st level)
Talented (Telepath 1)
Psicrystal Affinity [Friendly](Talent 1)
Alertness (Psicrystal)
Improved Initiative (Transformation 2)
Psicrystal Containment (3rd level)
Psionic Body (Talent 3)
Psionic Meditation(Telepath 5)
Expanded Knowledge[Astral Construct] (Talent 5)

Languages: Common, Yuan-ti, Valhedrin, Anderlar, Draconic, Celestial, King's Tongue

+1 Mithral Heavy Shield (2,020 gp)
+1 Ring of Protection (2,000 gp)
+1 Bracers of Natural Armour (2,000 gp)
+1 Cloak of Resistance (1,000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
Legendary Talisman (free--necklace slot)

Current load: 12.5 lbs

Carrying Capacity light – lbs or less, medium – lbs, heavy – lbs. Lift lbs, Lift and Stagger lbs, Push/Drag lbs

0 gp

Appearance: Ssiran appears as a slight and slender Trueborn human, with somewhat unusual light-green eyes and angular features. He carries a gleaming shield of mithral silver with the symbol of a Trueborn noble family, and he sometimes looks upon the shield with equal parts pride, affection, and wistful nostalgia. He keeps it meticulously, and foes who mar the shield incite his wrath. Ssiran's embrace of his taint has allowed him to appear as a Trueborn to all but magical inspection, and he travels under the pseudonym Raynard.

Personality: Ssiran is kind-hearted, generous, and particularly sympathetic to outcasts, but he is new to being so, and he sometimes has to meditate to sort out the new feelings coursing through him. Evil beings who perform a great wrong to Ssiran or his friends, including damaging his shield, may yet rouse the wrathful ire bubbling within him, in which case he strikes for vengeance before he can stop himself.

Background: Although his mind is among the keenest of his people, Ssiran's Yuan-ti blood is weak, even for a thinblood. As such, he was constantly ostracised and tormented in Zangala, and his significant psionic achievements were ignored with racist disdain, even by his own family. Dejected and pettily jealous and angry, Ssiran decided he would teach them all by setting out on his own, but the road to a new life was not kind to the young Yuan-ti. Nearly slain by dark beasts along the way, Ssiran managed to reach civilised lands, only to be turned away by those who recognised his thick Zangalan accent and clothing, and the subtle hints of his yuan-ti heritage. This stirred Ssiran's ire, and he was quick to add the humans of these new lands to his list of those against whom he would one day wreak vengeance.

One day, Ssiran was being harassed by a militia of frightened villagers with torches and simple weapons, including stones that they threw at his exposed skin, raising nasty bruises, when a knight in shining armour descended into the midst, riding upon a beautiful horse of purest white. Ssiran was sure that this newest opponent would spell his doom, and he prepared to take as many of the villagers with him as possible, when a startling thing happened--the knight brought down a shining shield of pure mithral silver and deflected the rocks being thrown at him. Removing the helmet and calling out to the villagers to halt, the knight was revealed to be a stunningly beautiful Trueborn lady with kind blue eyes that seemed like gates to a celestial ocean. She calmed down the villagers and then bade Ssiran ride with her in a commanding voice he could not refuse. She introduced herself as Rayne Liore, a paladin and champion of virtue. Ssiran shook his head and told her that she was a fool to save him from the villagers' stones, for he would one day have his vengeance upon them. Didn't she know that he was yuan-ti. She replied that while she recognised him for what he was, she could see that though his heart had grown callous from the hatred and suspicion of others planted within him since his youngest days in the Machiavellian world of Zangala, there was good within him that was seeking to express itself. She told him that she believed in him. He scoffed at her words--what foolishness the altruism she described!--but he allowed her to bring him to stay at an inn, since her company seemed to either dissuade the humans from attacking him or perhaps convince them that he was not a danger to them. Finally able to mingle among humans, he immediately took this opportunity to learn more of their ways so he could fit in among them as if he weren't Yuan-ti at all, something with which his weak blood was finally an aid.

But his peaceful travels with the charismatic Trueblood could not last forever. In a ploy to cement the perceived threat of Ssiran's vengeance from afar, his own sister Lass'riza sent a dangerous pyrokineticist killer for hire to eliminate her brother in the foreign lands. As the pyrokineticist crept upon the sleeping Ssiran, the young Telepath would surely have perished to the assassin's flames, but with a cry of alarm, Rayne bolted through the door and brought her shining shield to bear directly in the path of the flame, leaving both of them unscathed. Handing him the shield she held, Rayne looked deeply into Ssiran's eyes and spoke two simple words "Ssiran, run!" Such was the commanding voice in her words and her powerful presence, as well as the immediateness and fear of the moment, that Ssiran had already lept from the window and run a fair distance before he turned to look back for Rayne and realised that he had seen her charge towards the pyrokineticist with her lone sword glowing with holy light. At that moment, the cold reptilian logic that held sway over Ssiran's mind snapped, as the full realisation of Rayne's sacrifice, her belief in him, sunk in. His heart, a little-used organ in the past, twinged with some unknown feeling, and before he knew it, he had turned about and was running back towards the inn. It was at that moment that the inn exploded into a roiling firestorm. Uncharacteristic tears flowed from Ssiran's eyes, and he couldn't explain why, but he was overcome with a sense of loss. He called out to alert the town of the fire and helped carry water to put it out with the energy of a much stronger man, but by the time it was safe to check amidst the smoldering ruins of the inn, there was no sign of Rayne or the pyrokineticist, not even recognisable bodies...only ashes.

Ssiran meditated for a full week on the revelations of that fateful night, and he realised that he had discovered something pure and powerful, something that even the greatest masterminds of Zangala didn't understand. He had discovered love, and he had begun to understand the meaning of altruism, of sacrifice for others. And he decided that Rayne's sacrifice could not be in vain. He devoted himself to a new goal to go along with his studies in psionics. Instead of vengeance upon those who had wronged him, Ssiran decided that he must aid all those who are wrongfully ostracised, like he had been, especially those who did not have the chance Rayne gave him, helping them find a place to join society among friends and loved ones as best they can. To that end, Ssiran first realised that he must successfully establish himself among the humans, which he did with startling ease now that he had perfected his ability to blend in. Some day, he hopes all those in Ambria can live in peace, without hating their neighbours for being different. When that day comes, perhaps he can turn his sight to a place where his new way of thinking is needed even more...Zangala...
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Guest 11456

Female Wood Elf Rogue 5
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Spirits: None
Region: Deep Sildanyr

Height: 4' 6''
Weight: 82lbs
Skin: Light Brown
Hair: Dirt Brown
Eyes: Leaf Green
Age: 120

Str: 10 (+0) [2 points, -2 racial, +2 3rd level]
Dex: 24 (+7) [16 points, +2 racial, +1 4th level, +2 5th level, +1 Legendary]
Con: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Int: 14 (+2) [6 point]
Wis: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Cha: 8 (-1) [0 points]

Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex, -2 Str, improved low light vision, forest senses. Racial talents – Aim is True (Ex), Talent Skills: Listen +3, Spot +2, Talent Skills: Hide +3, Move Silently +2. Racial transformations – Ears of a Fox (Ex), Eyes of a Hawk (Ex).

Class Abilities: Proficient in light armor, but not with shields. Proficient in all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, shortbow, and short sword. Sneak attack +3d6, evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge.

Legendary: 1st Circle of the Path of the Swift (Climb)

Hit Dice: 5d6
HP: 26
AC: 20 [+7 Dex, +1 Amulet, +1 Bracers, +1 Ring]
Armor Check Penalty: +0
Init: +7 (+7 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [+1 base, +0 Con, +1 Cloak]
Reflex +12 [+4 base, +7 Dex, +1 Cloak]
Will +5 [+1 base, +3 Wis, +1 Cloak]

BAB: +3
Melee Atk: +4 (1d6/19-20:x2/P, mw short sword)
+4 (1d4/19-20:x2/P, mw dagger)
Ranged Atk: +11 (1d6/x3/60 ft./P, darkwood shortbow)
+10 (1d6/x2/30 ft./P, javelin)

Balance +15 [8 ranks, +7 Dex]
Climb +15 [8 ranks, +7 Dex]
Disable Device +10 [8 ranks, +2 Int]
Hide +18 [8 ranks, +7 Dex, +3 Talent]
Listen +21 [8 ranks, +3 Wis, +4 Race, +3 Trans, +3 Talent]
Move Silently +17 [8 ranks, +7 Dex, +2 Talent]
Open Lock +15 [8 ranks, +7 Dex]
Search +14 [8 ranks, +2 Int, +4 Race]
Sleight of Hand +15 [8 ranks, +7 Dex]
Spot +20 [8 ranks, +3 Wis, +4 Race, +3 Trans, +2 Talent]

Point Blank Shot (1st level)
Precise Shot (3rd level)

Languages: Elven, Sylvan, Night Elven, Common

Traveler’s Outfit - free
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 – 2,000gp
Bracers of Armor +1 – 1,000gp
Cloak of Resistance +1 – 1,000gp
Ring of Protection +1 – 2,000gp
Efficient Quiver – 1,800gp
MW Short Sword – 310gp
MW Dagger – 302gp
Darkwood Shortbow* – 350gp
60 Arrows – 3gp
18 Javelins - 18gp
Backpack – 2gp
MW Thieves’ Tools – 100gp
Bedroll - 5sp
Waterskin - 1gp
Trail rations (4 days worth) - 2gp
2 Potions of CLW – 100gp

* Legendary Item

Current load: 23 lbs, light load

Carrying Capacity light – 33 lbs or less, medium 34 – 66 lbs, heavy 67 – 100 lbs. Lift 100 lbs, Lift and Stagger 200 lbs, Push/Drag 500 lbs

11gp, 5 sp

Appearance: Jillian is short and lean, even for a wood elf. Her traveling clothes are made of animal skins and she wears them loosely about her body. Her lithe form is a wonder to behold. Her skin, hair and eyes mimic the colors of the forest.

Personality: Jillian is aloof and introverted. She generally like to keep her past, present and future to herself. However, she is loyal to those she calls companions. She is a competent warrior, as well as an exceptional rogue. Her hearing and sight are matched by few. She prides herself in her ability to sneak and hide. Her biggest fear is being worthless in the eyes of her companions.

Background: Jillian grew up, like many wood elf, on the outskirts of a dawn elf community deep in Sildanyr. She learned to use the bow like her father and once she had come of age was presented with her father’s darkwood bow. It was a sight to behold. A most exquisite weapon, she keeps it close to her at all times because it is all she has to remember her father.

On a fateful morning she went out to hunt, alone as she liked it. She had hoped to bring down a large buck to prove her prowess with the bow. But hunting was not good that day and she only returned with a two rabbits. But upon reaching her village she found everyone dead. Searching the area she found several dead tieflings. She knew who had done the deed but was not privy to the reason. With little else to live for she started her path of vengeance against the Dominion.
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Rhydar “Ebony” of the Isles
Saltblood Akashic 2/Rogue 3

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight: 145 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Olive

STR: 10 [--] (2 points)
DEX: 20 [+5] (10 points, +2 race, +1 level, +1 legend)
CON: 14 [+2] (4 points, +2 race)
INT: 16 [+3] (10 points)
WIS: 12 [+1] (4 points)
CHA: 14 [+2] (6 points)

Hit Dice: 5d6 + 10
HP: 36
Armor Class: 23 (10 base + 5 Dex + 5 Armor + 3 Buckler)
Initiative: +5
BAB: +3
- Melee: +8
- Ranged: +8

Speed: 30’

FORT: +3 (1 Base + 2 Con)
REFL: +8 (3 Base + 5 Dex )
WILL: +5 (4 Base + 1 Wis)

- Bonus Feat
- Bonus Skill Points
- +4 racial bonus on Swim checks
- +2 racial bonus on Use Rope checks
- +1 circ. bonus to AC when using a buckler
- Clever
- Enterprising
- Agile
- Transformation Skills (Tumble +2, Balance +2, Jump +2)
- Sneak Attack +2d6
- Trapfinding
- Evasion
- Trap Sense +1
- Skill Memory +2 (1/day)
- Perfect Recall

Legendary Path: Path of the Swift (Circle 1)

1st Level
- Two-Weapon Fighting
- Improved Unarmed Strike
3rd Level
- Weapon Finesse

Diplomacy +14 (8 ranks, +2 Cha, +4 Syn)
Bluff +10 (8 ranks, +2 Cha)
Disguise +20 (6 ranks, +2 Cha, +2 Syn, +10 unnamed)
Intimidate +12 (5 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 Syn)
Gather Information +8 (6 ranks, +2 Cha)
Sense Motive +9 (8 ranks, +1 Wis)
Tumble +14 (5 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 Syn, +2 Tran)
Balance +14 (5 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 Syn, +2 Tran)
Jump +14 (5 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 Syn, +2 Tran)
Profession (sailor) +2 (1 rank, +1 Wis)
Craft (carpentry) +6 (1 rank, +3 Int, +2 equip)
Survival +2 (1 rank, +1 Wis)
Spot +5 (4 ranks, +1 Wis)
Listen +5 (4 ranks, +1 Wis)
Sleight of Hand +10 (3 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 Syn)
Hide +8 (3 ranks, +5 Dex)
Move Silently +8 (3 ranks, +5 Dex)
Search +7 (4 ranks, +3 Int)
Disable Device +9 (4 ranks, +3 Int, +2 equip)
Open Locks +10 (3 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 equip)
Climb +10 (3 ranks, +5 Dex, +2 equip)
Knowledge (local) +7 (1 rank, +6 Int)
Knowledge (geography) +7 (1 rank, +6 Int)
Knowledge (history) +7 (1 rank, +6 Int)
Knowledge (nobility) +7 (1 rank, +6 Int)
Knowledge (engineering) +7 (1 rank, +6 Int)
Knowledge (nature) +7 (1 rank, +6 Int)

- Common, Dorlian, King’s Tongue, Sothren, Velhedrin

Armor & Shield
-Mithril Shirt +1 (+5 AC, Max Dex 6) Description (2100gp, 10lb)
-MW Darkwood Buckler +1 (+3 AC) Description (1205gp, 2.5lb)

Melee weapons
-MW Rapier +9 (1d6, 18-20/x2) Description (320gp, 2lb)
-Daggers (3) +8 (1d4, 19-20/x2) (6gp, 3lb)
-Unarmed +8 (1d4, 20/x2)

Ranged weapons
-MW Heavy Crossbow +8 (1d10, 19-20/x2, 120 ft.) (350gp, 8lb)

Miscellaneous Magical or Psionic Items
-Hat of Disguise (1800gp, 1lb)
-Handy Haversack (2000gp, 4lb)
-Wildwood Ring (item of Legend) Carved by his own hand out of a piece of a ship that had been with his family for years, this wooden ring is a startling mix of black and purple grain. (created by character, belonged to blood ancestor in another form, has been with him since he was a child lvl 1)

Potions or Psionic Tattoos
-Type (gp)

Wands, Staffs or Dorjes
-Type (XX/50chg) (gp, 1oz)

Scrolls or Power Stones
-Type (gp)

Mundane equipment
-Explorer’s Outfit (-gp, -lb)
-Sashling (10gp, 1lb)
-Masterwork Thieves Tools (100gp, 2lb)
-Masterwork Artisan’s Tools (55gp, 5lb)
-Climber’s Kit (80gp, 5lb)
-Listening Cone (20gp, 1lb)
-Fingerblades (20gp)
-Glass Cutter (2gp, 1lb)
-Collapsible Grappling Hook (3gp, 2lb)
-Superior Hacksaw x2 (40gp, 2lb)
-Jeweler’s Loupe (20gp)
-Small Magnet (10gp, 1lb)
-Periscope (20gp, 2lb)
-Quiver Scabbard (10gp, 2lb)
-Folding Saw (2gp, 2lb)
-Silent Shoes (10gp, 1lb)
-Spider Poles (35gp, 8lb)
-Roll of Twine (1sp)
-Bolts (50) (5gp, 5lb)
-Caltrops (5) (5gp, 10lb)
-Small Steel Mirror (10gp, .5lb)
-Silk Rope (100ft) (20gp, 10lb)
-Trail Rations (10) (5gp, 10lb)
-Waterskin (2) (2gp, 8lb)
-Everburning Torch (110gp, 1lb)

Weight Carried: 25.5lb (78.5lb in haversack)
Remaining money: 629gp 9sp

Slender with sharp features but most of all, a sharp nose, gives him a slightly weasel-like appearance. His olive skin is curiously lighter than normal for a saltblood and no tattoos are visible upon his skin, a state he prefers so that he can’t be identified by such markings. He carries two visible weapons, a large crossbow across his back and a rapier at his hip. A triangular buckler is strapped to his right forearm. A small haversack rests on his back. The only adornment you can note are a carved ring of an exotic black and purple wood and a headband to hold his dark hair from his eyes.

Rhydar, or “Ebony” as his closest comrades call him, leads a life of adventure. He views the world as a game, the swindling of merchants, the passing of trade and information, the delight of drinking, the revel of a brawl; all things are part of a game which he delights in coming out on top despite the odds. As all saltbloods he enjoys a life on the edge, where risk and adventure are around every corner, wealth and prestige the common reward.

Occasionally, one can find him carving idly at a piece of wood.

Bad habits would include haggling to the penny for the fun of the game, drinking a bit too much when given the chance, carousing occasionally, conveniently going for walks or to check on the horses when boring tasks such as gathering the firewood or such would arise, going off to scout without telling anyone, and so on. He would just say however, that none of these are bad, he just happens to know how to live well and get out of the mundane day-to-day that people are bound to.

Ebony is a third cousin of Balme of Seagarden, although he dislikes pressing that association. Born into the noble rich of the Dreaming Isles, he prefers to leave titles and noble relations out of his life. They cause more trouble than they are usually worth.

The life which a wealthy, adventurous and partially unscrupulous family brought surely aided Ebony’s progression from a child to a full-on fast talker and spy. A family tradition he calls it, his parents would have been disappointed in him if he had gone on to anything else.

He attended a number of academic places of learning in his youngest years, learning the intricacies of trade and negotiation, a basic spread of knowledge and various crafts. One of which, woodcarving became a unique habit for Ebony. When he reached an acceptable age, he disappeared from the academies setting up a remarkable series of clues to see if his parents could catch up to him (some misinformation, some true).

Jumping around from island to island, even heading into Landsgate, a place he greatly enjoyed until he left with a number of guards on his heels for some misplaced accusations over trade negotiations which turned sour. How did he know that gaining majority control of the bean market would turn many people into his enemies, most of them with much more money than himself at the time. He escaped of course, but narrowly and hasn’t headed back to Landsgate in some time, believing that there may still be a few individuals who aren’t so pleased with the saltblood.

Ebony leaves a spotted trail of rumors and events all over the place as he has traveled, some exaggerated, some wholly untrue and others might even be so. Whatever the case, being picked up by King Enir II’s guards and trotted off to the castle has put him in an edgy spot, he hadn’t been in the Kingsmarch for more than a couple days, surely something was afoot and he wanted a hand in it.
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The man with the probe

Solara, Mistress of Dawn, Lady of the Rising Sun
Trueborn Human Shaper 5

Alignment: Neutral Good
Region: Kingsmarch

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 148 lb
Eyes: Sun Yellow
Hair: Golden Red
Skin: Golden Tan

STR: 14 [+2] (6 points)
DEX: 10 [--] (4 points, -2 Racial)
CON: 16 [+3] (6 points +2 Racial Advancement)
INT: 12 [+1] (4 points)
WIS: 12 [+1] (0 points, +2 Racial, +2 Racial Advancement)
CHA: 22 [+6] (16 points, +2 Racial, +1 Lv 4, +1 Legendary)

Hit Point: 47
Hit Dice: 5d8 + 15
Armor Class: 19 (10 base + 0 Dex + 5 Armor +3 Shield +1 Natural), 10 Touch, 19 Flat Footed
Initiative: +0
BAB: +3
- Melee: +5
- Ranged: +3

Speed: 20’

FORT: +4 (1 Base + 3 Con +1 Enhancement)
REFL: +1 (1 Base + 0 Dex +1 Enhancement)
WILL: +5 (4 Base + 1 Wis +1 Enhancement)
Misc Modifiers

Trueblooded Human Racial Abilities
- Bonus Feat
- 4 Bonus Skillpoints
- +2 to Ride and Handle Animal when dealing with horses
- Racial Talent: Talent Feat
- Racial Transformation: Natural Armor
- Racial Talent: Divine Mastery (Cure Moderate Wounds)
- Ability Increase: +2 Wisdom
- Racial Transformation: Holy Light (May cast Light at will)
- Racial Talent: Divine Mastery (Spiritual Weapon)
- Ability Increase: +2 Constitution
Shaper Class Abilities
- Divine Focuses:
-- Light: Turn Undead (As Cleric Ability)
-- Elemental: Fire Resistance 10
- Specialties:
-- Fire
-- Healing
- Specialty Metamagic (once per day per specialty, No level adjustment)
-- Enlarge Specialty Spell
Path of Persuasion
- +1 Charisma
- Sense Motive as Charisma skill
- +20 to a Charisma skill 1/day

Human Bonus
- Innate Talent (Heal, Bluff)
1st Level
- Divine Might
- Talent: Extend Spell
3rd Level
- Divine Shield

Concentration +6 (3 Ranks + 3 Con)
Diplomacy +16 (8 Ranks + 6 Cha +2 Synergy)
Gather Information +11 (5 Ranks + 6 Cha)
Heal(CC) +5 (4 Ranks + 1 Wis)
KN: Religion +6 (5 Ranks + 1 Int)
Perform: Storytelling +11 (5 Ranks + 6 Cha)
Sense Motive +11 (5 Ranks + 6 Cha)
Spellcraft +6 (5 Ranks + 1 Int)

- Common
- Celestial

Caster Level: 5
Save DC: 10 + 6 Cha + Level
Spells Known or Available:
Oth level – (6/day)
Detect Magic
Cure Minor Wounds
Create Water
Purify Food and Drink

1st level – (8/day)
Cure Light Wounds
Burning Hands
Divine Favour
Shield of Faith

2nd level – (6/day)
Cure Moderate
Hold Person
Spiritual Weapon

Melee weapons
-The Morning's Star Legendary Masterwork Morningstar +1 (+6, 1d8+3, 20/x2) The carved shaft of this weapon is designed as if the rays from the top emanate down the shaft. It was told that Alharra blessed this item for one of the first Knights of the Dawn, and was given to the founding Rayside. Given to Solara for her trial. (2308 gp, 6 lb, 0 XP?)
-Dagger (+5, 1d4+2, 20/x2) Description (2 gp, 1 lb)
-Heavy Shield (+5, 1d4+2, 20/x2)

Ranged weapons
-Masterwork Crossbow (+3, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80 ft.) (335 gp, 4 lb)
-Dagger (+3, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, 10 ft.)

-Breastplate (AC +5, ACP -3, Max Dex =3) (200 gp, 25 lb)
-Sun's Bay Mithril Heavy Shield +1 (AC +3) Mithril shield with fiery sun emblazoned shining down from the top of the shield. Has been in the Rayside family, and is the traditional first shield used on the trial. (2020 gp, 7.5 lb)

Miscellaneous Magical or Psionic Items
-Cloak of Resistance (1000 gp, 1 lb)
-Handy Haversack (2000 gp, 2 lb) *Items in haversack

Potions or Psionic Tattoos
-none (gp)

Wands, Staffs or Dorjes
-Cure Light Wounds (50/50chg) (750gp, 1oz)

Scrolls or Power Stones
-none (gp)

Mundane equipment
-Adventurer’s Outfit
-20 Bolts (2gp, 2lb)
-Solara's Talisman Holy Symbol A family symbol of the sun cast in silver, it was melted during Solara's meditation. Now, it consists of half a sun, with wavy strands emanating from it. She hangs it from one of the strands around her, so it rests like the dawn's sun rising. (25 gp, 1 lb)
-Spell Component Pouch (5 gp, 2 lb)
-4 Waterskins (4 gp, 16 lb)*
-6 Days of Trail Rations (3 gp, 6 lb)*
-5 Flasks of Alchemists Fire (100 gp, 5 lb)*
-4 Vials of Holy Water (100 gp, 4 lb)*
-5 Flasks of Oil (5 sp, 4 lb)*
-50' Silk Rope (10 gp, 5 lb)*

Weight Carried: 55.5 lb
Remaining money: 135 gp 5 sp

Capacity: 58, 116, 175
Lift: 350
Push/Drag: 975

Solara is a tall, athletic woman who would be lovely considered by any standard. Her golden red hair cascades just down to her shoulders, and her skin glows a golden tan of a woman who revels in the sun. Her eyes are a piercing sunny yellow, and seem to see into whoever they look at. When traveling, she usually wears her breastplate, with a flowing red cloak, and is always well kempt.

Solara is confident, strong willed and passionate. She is structured and disciplined, but can be forced out of these by strong emotion (often passion or rage). Generally, she is known to be friendly and good company. However, she is known to occasionally talk to the sun, particularly when making hard decisions.

Solara Rayside, is the daughter of Gavin Rayside, a Knight of Dawn. The Knights of Dawn are honored warriors, founded by the Rayside ancestors and blessed by Alharra to defend the Trueborn, as well as uphold all that is right and good. Gavin raised his daughter with these ideals, instructing her in some martial training, as well as instilling a sense of discipline in her, as well as a sense of rightousness. Solara however, had much of her mother, Melinda, in her. She was a fiery and passionate girl, who sometimes let her emotion get in the way of her discipline.

Despite Solara’s flaws, Gavin pushed for her to enter the Knights. The Knights of Dawn undergo warrior and spiritual training, and Solara took what she could. However, to enter, there were a series of tests, the final was seeking the Cave of the Rising Sun (a cave positioned to see the sun immediately upon it’s rising) and meditating from sunrise to sunrise at its entrance. Solara was given several family items, including a morningstar, a crested shield, and a silver medallion with her family crest. For days she followed the tests, but upon reaching the cave moments after sunrise, she became frustrated. Never one for quiet contemplation, Solara reached out to the sun as she stared upon it rising at dawn, abandoning her taught meditation. It seemed as if the sun reached back, and they embraced, becoming one.

Solara returned from it transformed from her experience, with odd yellow eyes and a newfound purpose. Embracing the sun gave her a commitment and a drive she had not known before, and her passion and strong personality gave her strength and insight into others around her. She began to tell of the power of the Light of Dawn, its healing ways, and its fiery wrath. She dropped her family name, going only by Solara, though she quickly became known as the Mistress of Dawn, or the Lady of the Rising Sun.

Concerned by not only her admitted failure at the trials, but her changes, Gavin spoke to Solara about the Knights, her changes, and her mission. She told him she had not turned her back on her family, but she must follow her own sunny path, and her calling is now to tell others the glory of the Light of Dawn. The Knights were not for her, though they were welcome to follow her. She told her father she loved him and her mom, but she must set out to spread her message, and then left after giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Solara has now set about the world to speak for the sun and the dawn, telling stories of the sun and its journey across the sky, as well as what wonderful things the sun has brought. She speaks to the sun on occasion, sometimes as a sister, or daughter, or even as if it were a lover, and she does not deny it speaks back. Her passion gives her strength, but she draws strength from the sun as well, and needs only to look up to know she is on the right path.
While not many in the Knights of Dawn are aware, the Knights of Dawn were formed by Dawn Rayside, one of Solara’s ancestors, and were named as such because they followed her.
There a contingent in the Knights that believes they should be following Solara and this is what the trials were truly for. However, most are still loyal to the Knighthood, which officially does not recognize her, and Solara has pull in the knights only as the daughter of one of their own in almost all cases.
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