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DCC #7 The Secret of Smuggler's Cave - IC


Caramir Thistledown, Elf Urban Druid5

"Fear not, Jadinir, whichever establishment we select is sure to have a trough out front for feeding horses, and I'm sure that those noble beasts would welcome your company." Caramir, while sharing Jadinir's affinity for nature, prefers his nature more 'civilized,' plus he likes to tease the barbarian half-elf.

[sblock=Caramir's sheet]
Caramir Thistledown
Elf Urban Druid 5
Final Ability Scores
S 12 +1
D 16 +3
C 11 +0
I 13 +1
W 16 +3
C 12 +1

AC: 23 [10+6(armor)+2(shield)+1(amulet)+1(feat)+3(dex)]
FF: 19 T: 15
Init: +5

+1 Longsword, Att = +5, for 1-8+2 hp damage
Sickle, Att = +4, for 1-6+1 hp damage -- spec att = trip


Dodge [+1AC]
Combat Expertise [trade Att bonus for AC bonus]
Agile Maneuvers [use dex in place of str for CMB]

SKILLS [5 points/level = 25]
Handle Animal [4 ranks, +1 Cha, +5]
Knowledge, Nature [4 ranks, +1 Int, +1 trait +6]
Ride [2 ranks, +3 Dex, +5]
Sense Motive [5 ranks, +3 Wis, +8]
Survival [10 ranks, +3 Wis, +13]

+2 Magical Hide Armor [4,165 gp] [+6 AC]
Heavy Wooden Shield [7 gp] [+2 AC]
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000 gp)
Brooch of Shielding [1,500 gp] [absorbs 101 hp damage from magic missiles]
+1 Magical Longsword [2,315 gp]
Sickle [1d6 dam, special: trip attack]
Backpack [2gp]
Belt Pouch [1gp]
Everburning Torch [110gp]
Trail Rations, 8 days [4 gp]
Light Horse [combat trained, 110 gp]
Riding Saddle [30gp]
Saddle Bags [4gp]
50' Silk Rope [10gp]
Ink, 5 vials [40gp]
Inkpens, 20 [2gp]
Paper, 50 sheets [20gp]
25 Goodberries
[164gp left to spend]

Devotee of the Green: +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and (nature) checks (both were already class skills)
Warrior of Old: [racial/elf trait] +2 trait bonus to initiative checks [total +5 on init. checks!]

L0[4]: Flare, Guidance, Detect Magic, Resistance
L1[4]: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Etangle, Jump
L2[3]: Bull's Strength, Resist Energy, Restoration - Lesser
L3[2]: Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection From Energy

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Jadinir smiles, punching Caramir's shoulder hard enough for him to notice. "Those horses will share more nobility than the patrons of the inn, I'm sure of it. Plus, their food will probably be better than ours, too. City folk simply do not know how to properly fire a boar, let alone catch one."

OOC: My, our names are quite similar... and it was a complete accident, though a happy one. We may want to come up with nicknames, since we're all friends and such. ;)



"Indeed, a proper stock of Elven mead is a requirement for any tavern in an Elven village. I can't be held responsible if they don't account for a proper thirst. Let us inquire."


Jadinir smiles, punching Caramir's shoulder hard enough for him to notice.

Caramir smiles at Jadinir, and he almost pulls off his nonchalance, but the left side of his mouth twitches noticeably in pain when Jadinir slugs his arm."Touchy, touchy," he says, as the group heads into the tavern, Caramir still vigorously rubbing his arm.

[sblock=Caramir's sheet]
Caramir Thistledown
Elf Urban Druid 5
Final Ability Scores
S 12 +1
D 16 +3
C 11 +0
I 13 +1
W 16 +3
C 12 +1

AC: 23 [10+6(armor)+2(shield)+1(amulet)+1(feat)+3(dex)]
FF: 19 T: 15
Init: +5

+1 Longsword, Att = +5, for 1-8+2 hp damage
Sickle, Att = +4, for 1-6+1 hp damage -- spec att = trip


Dodge [+1AC]
Combat Expertise [trade Att bonus for AC bonus]
Agile Maneuvers [use dex in place of str for CMB]

SKILLS [5 points/level = 25]
Handle Animal [4 ranks, +1 Cha, +5]
Knowledge, Nature [4 ranks, +1 Int, +1 trait +6]
Ride [2 ranks, +3 Dex, +5]
Sense Motive [5 ranks, +3 Wis, +8]
Survival [10 ranks, +3 Wis, +13]

+2 Magical Hide Armor [4,165 gp] [+6 AC]
Heavy Wooden Shield [7 gp] [+2 AC]
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000 gp)
Brooch of Shielding [1,500 gp] [absorbs 101 hp damage from magic missiles]
+1 Magical Longsword [2,315 gp]
Sickle [1d6 dam, special: trip attack]
Backpack [2gp]
Belt Pouch [1gp]
Everburning Torch [110gp]
Trail Rations, 8 days [4 gp]
Light Horse [combat trained, 110 gp]
Riding Saddle [30gp]
Saddle Bags [4gp]
50' Silk Rope [10gp]
Ink, 5 vials [40gp]
Inkpens, 20 [2gp]
Paper, 50 sheets [20gp]
25 Goodberries
[164gp left to spend]

Devotee of the Green: +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and (nature) checks (both were already class skills)
Warrior of Old: [racial/elf trait] +2 trait bonus to initiative checks [total +5 on init. checks!]

L0[4]: Flare, Guidance, Detect Magic, Resistance
L1[4]: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Etangle, Jump
L2[3]: Bull's Strength, Resist Energy, Restoration - Lesser
L3[2]: Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection From Energy


Thy wounds are healed!
The group heads down to Fair Haven to find an inn or tavern. Asking a tall thin elvish farmer they meet the group is directed to The Siren's Swoon (the only establishment in the small village).

Passing through the village to the Swoon you are greeted with curious smiles and a few waves. Not all the elves look on the group pleasantly though and give a hard eye when they see Nurkaz walking among you. It seems elven prejudice has made it's way to Fair Haven although no elf you see in passing does anything more than stare.

The Siren's Swoon is a rather small building of only two stories, but has all the elegance one would except of an elven made building. It's fresh lumber is stained to a fine dark brown and intricate designs are carved into the columns supporting the porches roof and the eaves around the building. The horse trough also has some scroll work done to it to add to the appearance of the building.

A large group of elves watch as the party enters the inn, they whisper to themselves and point.

Inside the tap room is bright, and two musicians play a merry tune on flute and drum, giving the place a feeling of serenity the group has not know since taking the road. There are two elves in conversation at one table quietly whispering to each other. And a lone human sits at a corner table by himself a mug before him, a strange sight to see in a mostly elven town.

This is a simple rule I have used in my RL games and should work really well here in pbp.

There are two types of NPCs Named and Unnamed.

Named NPC's are those that I control inclusively, they are introduced to players as Mort the Baker or High Judge Henville. Players may not control any actions from a Named NPC.

Unnamed NPC's are controlled by both the DM and the players. They have titles or descriptions to let you know who or what they are. The baker, the man in the corner, or something similar.

Note: That though a player may control a unnamed NPC he may not contradict any personality or actions posted by the DM or another player. (If a player posts that the cook left in a huff mad at the group. You can't post that he had a change of heart and came back and feed everyone, changes like that are left to the DM. And you may not receive any service or item for free or in return for a favor that your character performs for that unnamed NPC. All services and items are at standard rulebook prices with any haggling to be done between player and DM (with the DM in control of the NPC). And lastly these NPCs may not be given a name by the player, you must continue to address them as sir, m'lady, master, etc.

This is all in hopes that we can speed things along. Hate for someone to post. {{ Walking into the tavern John says hello to the barkeep.}} And then you wait two days for me to post. {{ Hello, What will you have?}}

That kind of interplay is not truly need if you go up to the same barkeep and ask if he knows any rumors that is different. But for now just know that you may control unnamed NPCs to both a) keep the game moving and, b) and more depth to your posts.

The human in the corner is the only Named NPC in the inn (although you don't know his name yet). Feel free to intermingle with the two elves or make up a innkeep or what not.[/sblock]


Iago points back, cups his hand over his mouth, and makes "psst, psst" noises to the whomever in the party is closest to him at the time.

"Now, now Iago, we don't need to stoop to their level by whispering." says Nurkaz loudly. "In any case they will be singing our praises soon enough, stunty though we be." Nurkaz heads to the bar and places drink orders with the barman for the group before heading back to the table.


Thy wounds are healed!
The group enjoys some fresh cold mead and a sweet warm red wine as they compare The Siren's Swoon to other inns they have seen throughout the land.

Soon the door to The Swoon opens letting in two elves that looked to have just came from a long run. Panting and breathing hard they survey the room. Seeing the mixed group at the table the lead elf hurries over followed by a younger elf dressed like a farmer.

"Oh by the gods finally!" the muscular brown haired elf says as he comes up to the table. "Please, please tell me you are form Guldin Falls. (which you are btw) Please tell me you have come to help us."

"I am Alexi Morningsong, mayor of Fair Haven and this is Olafiet." he says introducing himself and the obvious farmer.


Caramir Thistledown, Elf Urban Druid5

"Greetings. I am called Caramir Thistledown. We have come to your lovely city of Fairhaven to investigate the tales we have heard of hauntings in the Manor and the Lighthouse here. Could these hauntings be related to whatever it is that has you so worked up?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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