D&D 4E DDXP 4E Rules Appendix

Sketchpad said:
I was curious about the skill list as well ... seems to me that that skill list is kinda small and VERY specific.

The skill list presented on the 5 page handout was not ALL inclusive. However, a lot of the skills that were present in 3e have been grouped in the 4e equivalent. It actually made it easier also to default to a similar skill.

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Branduil said:
But Opportunity Attacks are now limited to your basic attacks, which aren't nearly as good as at-will abilities.

Not necessarily true. Yes, you are limited to your basic attacks but magic weapons are part of that. One of our players did an Opportunity Attack with his magic weapon and the attack was more powerful than his regular basic attacks, and in par with most of his At-Will abilities.

D'karr said:
Not necessarily true. Yes, you are limited to your basic attacks but magic weapons are part of that. One of our players did an Opportunity Attack with his magic weapon and the attack was more powerful than his regular basic attacks, and in par with most of his At-Will abilities.
Couldn't he use his magic weapon with his at-will abilities, thus making them more powerful?

Branduil said:
Couldn't he use his magic weapon with his at-will abilities, thus making them more powerful?

Not in combination with the class powers, but the magic items each had specific powers that could be used as per encounter powers. There was a lot of diversity.

Err, you can absolutely use your magic weapons with your class powers...

For example, a +1 short sword would give the paladin +1 hit and damage with all but his daily. The +1 war staff +1 hit and damage with all the wizards' combat spells... in addition to improving his opportunity attack, but his OA would still pretty much suck compared to his powers I'd imagine.

Oldtimer said:
Here is another interesting tidbit:

Flanking said:
To flank an enemy, you and an ally must be adjacent to the enemy and on opposite sides of the enemy's space. You and your ally must be able to attack the enemy (with a melee or ranged weapon, or with an unarmed attack).

Now, that's new. Flanking with a ranged weapon. Hmm...
Well, the important part is the word "adjacent."

keterys said:
Err, you can absolutely use your magic weapons with your class powers...

For example, a +1 short sword would give the paladin +1 hit and damage with all but his daily. The +1 war staff +1 hit and damage with all the wizards' combat spells... in addition to improving his opportunity attack, but his OA would still pretty much suck compared to his powers I'd imagine.

I'm sorry I was not clear. When I was explaining "in combination" I was specifically speaking about the encounter powers for the weapons. So yes, you may add the enhancement bonus of weapons to At-will powers that have a requirement of "Melee Weapon" or "Ranged Weapon"

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