But thats both sub-optimal and completely optional. Barring pressing time issues cropping up in the adventure, there isn't any reason to do so.hennebeck said:Let's hope you have a sane DM.
A day is one cycle for your adventurers. If they can push on for 48 hours, then they push.
When they sleep after 2 days, their HP reset, their AP reset and they get their daily powers back.
If players want to fight for 5 mintues, and then sleep for 6 hours, then they get all their stuff back.
But I won't play in a game that lets players do that, nor do I want to play with people that exploit the game like that.
Meh. I used extreme examples to make a point, but the basic question still stands. If you have an 'extended rest' that overlaps days, how does it work? If you've rest from 10 pm to 4 am, adventure for 12 hours and want to rest from 6pm to midnight, can you? Or have you used up that day's rest?
And before someone says '24 hours', there are settings, worlds and planes that do vary in what constitutes a day. Even discounting unreasonable amounts, I've seen everything from 20-34 hours.
And I bring this up because it was a huge, exploitable loophole in 3e at higher levels. Planeshift and planes with variable time coefficients were easy to mess with. Barring that, I don't want to see these rules to be what they were in 3e- handwaved away or a way for the DM to deny the wizard his abilites with random encounters. Except now that would work for everyone's daily abilities.
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