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Deepwater's Despair


*Tyralis listens to the little one's short announcement, and considers.* Easy money, or more than it seems? Hmmmm.

"What do you know of the bandits? How many, how armed, how organized? Where do they hole up? Are they freelance, or paid by a rival? All caravans, or only a few? What sort of payment can we expect? Expenses, or just a flat reward? A bounty per head, or only on full completion? A bonus for recovered goods? And do you want them captured, or stopped?"

*His questions are rattled off rapid fire, but don't seem extremely considered - simply what comes to him next to ask. He awaits the response as he sizes up the other potential clients.*

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*Torug looks at this man, as he's spitting out questions. His laugh starts as a chuckle, but soon he tips back in his chair with a snort as the man has no intention of stopping. His face is contorted in mirth as a deep-bellied roar emanates from the Little Bull.*

"So many questions, so many questions. Things like these are best discussed over a drink. I'd invite you to sit, but I don't like the looks of those ears and that bow. Elf and arrow don't go together."

*At this, he laughs a little harder at his own joke.*


*Fluke is a little concerned that those who seem the most interested might not get along when the other halfling starts to laugh like a dwarf. But he tries to answer a few of the questions that the elf voices. *

"Well see that is part of the problem. None of the caravan guards return to tell tales of what may have happened and no successful mission has uncovered the truth. I am afraid that we would be walking into the unknown. Nothing like a little uncertainty to make it more exciting though. I can tell you though that lately it has been all caravans that are lost, that is why this town is so... deserted." he says searching for the right word. "As for pay, I need to figure out how many here are interested before we can really get down to those details."


*Tyralis shrugs.* "No one has investigated the site, tracked the road, anything of that sort? Or are we the first to truly investigate?" *He steps closer to the group as he speaks.* "Has the town suffered any attacks, or lost any cattle, or had thefts?" *He stands behind the halfling, certainly not attempted to stand over the small fellow.* "I ask my questions now, so that we are not surprised when we are in the field."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"I kin tell ye a bit," Thrak says, coming to Fluke's rescue. "We have 'ad a few guards come back, but they says the were attacked from cover of the trees, by archers on both sides using poisoned arrows. There've not been any attacks on town itself, but they've gone from three days out to two days out... They're getting closer each time. Some of th' locals tried to track 'em-"

"But there weren't any tracks of whoever's attacking, only the tracks from the wagons and horses, and those disappear to the north before they go a quarter-mile," another patron offers, slamming back his ale. Thrak nods in agreement, his brows furrowed in anger.


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"It appears t' me some magicks may be afoot. Some kind of illusion, mayhaps? D'ya know of any mages that dwell in the area? Could be one of them t' blame fer this mess."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Not that I know of," Thrak says, shaking his head. "Closest thing we have is Master Keylaran, she know a dab of magic, but it ain't her doin' this. Could be someone else, o' course. Someone from out of town, maybe."


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*Sargon suddenly slams his mug to the table, splashing ale in various directions.*

"I'm in on this! Poison, witchcraft, ambush, whatever. I'm not afraid. It's something alive that's behind this. And thus it can bleed. Now who's with me and this brave little halfling? The more the merried I say."


This one will be interesting.... *Tyralis sighs, and brushes off his leathers, approaching Fluke.* "I am interested in your job, sir. When does the investigation begin?"


"Thanks Thrak, forgot 'bout them. So that's four who sound like they are interested. Any other takers? Come on, Fluke's not a bad leader, promise."

"I guess I can discuss how this is going to work then. Keylaran, who is fronting the money for this venture, wants three things out of anyone that goes after the bandits; their leader's head on a plate (or at least proof of death, or even a live body captured), a detailed description of their lair (and she will want to see it for herself), and the recovery of her shipment of alchemical supplies."

"I have been told that as long as we bring all that back we get 100gp up front and upto 400gp depending on the success of each of the goals of the mission, most important though is the return of her supplies. I am sure that we could make a few gold on the side as well if we return the good stolen from the other merchants in Deepwater. All their goods should be stamped with Deepwater's seal so anything beyond that is ours for the taking."

"As poison is definitely involved, Keylaran will also give each of us an antitoxin up front. The one caveate is that once you have agreed to the job, she wants to meet all of ya. So if you are still interested, please give me your names and make your mark here."
Fluke says, producing a small sheet of paper and a pen for the others to sign on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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