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Deepwater's Despair

Isida Kep'Tukari

OOC - I'm back! Really. I swear.

*Fluke leads the rest of the group through town until they reach a relatively new stone building on the edge of town. A huge chimney on one side of the building is going strong, and on top of the building you see a hint of glass. A three-story tower projects up from the back of the building, decorated with several hideous gargoyals. Fluke leads you to a sturdy wooden door bound with steel in the front of the building. A heavy brass doorknocker in the shape of a dragon's head leers at you all. Knowing what's going to happen next, Fluke steps to the side and knocks.*

*A few moments later the door swings open with frightening aclarity, enough to have blackened the eye or bloodied the nose of anyone standing too close. The person opening the door is a woman of average height with flaming red locks pulled back severely. She wears dull robes of sturdy canvas and leather, much stained with various substances, and eaten away in some places by some unguessable substance. She is slender and fine-boned, and may have been pretty if it wasn't for the thoroughly annoyed expression on her face.*

"WHAT?!" she roars in a hoarse voice, then checks herself when she sees Fluke. "Oh, it's you. Who are they?" she says rudely, pointing to the rest of the group. Fluke knows this is about par for the course when dealing with Keylaran.

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"Their my recruits. See I told you I could find a few adventurers to help me track down our stuff. They are all here to deal with the bandits. You said if I could find em you'd pay em to get the stuff back. Well here we are, and look they have all signed an adventuring contract and everything. I got it all covered." says Fluke quickly, his voice somewhat different and his pace definitely a lot faster.


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"This is starting out swimmingly," Prendalin mumbles mentally to himself. Leaning into his staff, he listens attentively.
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Tyralis, Elven Ranger 1

*Tyralis watches the interactions curiously, interested to find out how their avowed leader will handle the situation.* So what kind of leader will he be, I wonder? A stand and fight, or a run and hide?

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Hmph. Well, I'll suppose they'll do. Get in," Keylaran says with ill grace, gesturing for everyone to enter. The room is clearly an alchemical lab of fantastic proportions. Anyone with knowledge of the craft knows that this room contains only the finest materials for making virtually any strange substance. There are numerous stone-topped tables covered with elegant glassware, swooping and swirling around morters and pestles. Small contained flames with no visible source burn under some of the containers, and a small rushing waterfall in the corner provides water for the laboratory. The smell in here is harsh and bitter.

"Don't touch anything if you want to keep your fingers," she warns, and then perches on a high stool so that she is above everyone. "My problem is I just got my gots-besotted lab established here and was about to secure a good trade route through Redhaven to Albon, and then my first load of cargo gets stolen! I made them from the first herbs of the season, and I can't just replace that with a snap of the fingers! My reputation as an alchemist is at stake, and my standing within the Brotherhood of Alchemy will be compromised! I want my cargo back, and I wanted it yesterday."


"Yup, we'll get right on it and have the supplies back in jif. Oh right introductions, right? You said you wanted to meet em all. So we have Torug and Tyralis." Fluke says pointing to the two who have spoken, then to the rest of the members as they are ushered inside. "And this is Korrim, he's from Deepwater, this is Sargon, and that there is Prendalin." he finishes, trying to peer around legs to see if he's missed anyone.


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Sargon remains silent, a barely visible smile of amusement on his face. He looks carefully about at the equipment. He understands none of it, but knows there are many paths to power, and he is willing to try more than one of them. Not used to being ignored by women, Sargon glances back occationally to Keylaran, trying to size her up.


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*Torug sits if there is any available seating that looks harmless. Otherwise, he stands and lets the bossy woman have her way, saying nothing, and only listening to his potential source of cash for the time being.

Voidrunner's Codex

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