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Deepwater's Despair


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*Sargon wipes the disgusting kobolt remains off his glaive on their bedsheets.* "One more door. Then we can come back and search under these trapdoors. Are you alright, Fluke? If so, are you up for leading again?"

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Manzanita said:
*Sargon wipes the disgusting kobolt remains off his glaive on their bedsheets.* "One more door. Then we can come back and search under these trapdoors. Are you alright, Fluke? If so, are you up for leading again?"

"Um yeah not so much. Perhaps I can let you folks open the doors in the future, after I check 'em of course. Thanks Torug, feeling oh so much better than you know dead and all that." Fluke says massaging his sore but thankfully punctureless chest.


*Tyralis casts around the room for a heavy chest, or at the least, a hefty bed. Anything he can find to block the trapdoors, to be sure nothing clambers out after the group has moved on.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

The rooms are distressingly free of heavy furniture. The kobolds slept on bundles of rags, and kept their possessions either in sacks or on their persons. He could jam the trapdoors with one of the daggers left behind however, and that will have to do. There's little value left behind other than about a dozen daggers of decent make. You have two doors left, one that's quiet and smells of nothing really, and other with a faint glow underneath it, some out of tune humming, and the scent of bad stew. The passageway continues past the doors, and an orange glow is coming from around the corner in the tunnel.


*Tyralis finishes spiking the trap doors, and shakes his head.* "That'll have to do - watch for the buggers coming up behind us, eh?" *He then pulls out his battleaxe, and readies his shield, then gestures at the smelly glowy room.* "Given their lack of culinary skills, I suspect the rest of our friends are in there. It's very likely they're expecting us, so be ready for an ambush." *He moves to the door, and waits for Fluke to check it for traps.*


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"Yep, into the kitchen." Sargon whispers. "I'll lead after you check for traps, Fluke."

Sargon wil barge on in there and kill any kobolts he can see with his Glavie. +4 1d10 +4


*Fluke moves very quietly to the door with the glow and checks it for traps and or locks. If he finds a trap he will disarm it and like wise a lock, pick it.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

Though there's no trap, this door does prove to be secured. Not by a lock, but by a bar. Using a slender blade, Fluke can lift the bar up from the other side and get the door open. Inside is what appears to be a kitchen of some sort. Cupboards line the walls, and hunks of meat dangle on hooks. A large, scarred table is covered with ends of vegetables and bits of meat. The glow comes from the truly enormous stew pot in the back of the room. It's set over a stove that's vented out through a pipe in the wall. The stove is open and a supply of wood is stacked nearby to fill it. Standing on a stool is an older kobold wearing britches and a stained apron. He stirs the pot, humming tunelessly and loudly. His back is to you and he seems to have not heard you come in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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