Deepwater's Despair


*Fluke reluctantly moves aside having opened the door, allowing Sargon to move in. He really thinks things will get out of hand if only he could sneak up and slit that old kobolds throat it would be over sooner. The pain in his chest reminds him to wait until he has had a chance to rest before trying that again.*

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*Seeing the old kobold alone in the room, Tyralis motions everyone to silence. He points at Sargon, then at Sargon's weapon, then at the kobold, and makes a running motion with his fingers. He then points at his bow, and mimes shooting an arrow.*

OOC: If only I had ranks in innuendo....


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Sargon creases his brow in confusion at Tyral's hand motions, but quickly gets to direct action, as his his wont. He dashes forward and attempts to split the old kobolt's skull.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Sargon rushes in, and in a single stroke crushes the skull of the elderly, deaf, lame kobold cook. He falls into the stewpot, adding another layer of stink to the stew. The kitchen holds little of value, other than some foodstuffs and trail rations that don't seem spoiled. Checking the place for secret doors, Tyralis finds one in the bottom of a chest. He spikes it as well, just in case.


*Fluke follows the others in and checks around. With no other exits from the room, he suggests they move quickly and quietly back out to the rest of the rooms.*


First Post

Sargon frowns at the death of the old, but quickly moves his mind onto the next thing. "Yes, Fluke. We must keep moving quickly. You first; I'll be right behind. Onto the next room."


*Fluke leads the way back out into the hallway and quietly to the next door that they have not checked. He listens for a moment before checking for traps and to see if it is locked. Provided he doesn't find anything he will open the door.*

Isida Kep'Tukari

Around the corner seems to be the source of the glow. At one side of the path lies a steaming pit, deep inside seems to be something hot and glowing, magma most likely. At one side, about forty feet down, is a heavy iron-bound wooden door. The path continues onward into darkness. No traps seem to be obvious, and Fluke and Tyralis are able to clear the corridor quickly. The darkness beyond holds no sounds or obvious smells, while the door holds some faint wimpering and an unpleasent odor.


*Fluke creeps into the room heading for the door, his movements silent to even his friends. He'll check it for locks and traps as well before trying to open it.*

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
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