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Defenders of the Blackfeather - Tariff of Relkingham


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Sena circles around to begin surrounding the remaining guard.

Move action - Move to K25.

Standard action - Righteous Brand against Red.

Righteous Brand against Red (1d20 8=28, 1d12 6=17)

Critical hit for 18 damage! Also, Hal gets a +3 bonus to his melee attacks against Red until the end of Sena's next turn.

Sena Ironhelm - Female Dwarf Cleric 5
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 20
AC:20, Fort:17, Reflex:14, Will:19 -- Speed:5
HP:45/48, Bloodied:24, Surge Value:12, Surges left:10/10
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Righteous Brand
Sacred Flame

Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune or Turn Undead)
Healing Strike
Healing Word x2

Beacon of Hope
Cure Light Wounds
Inspiring Word
Rune of Peace
Symbol of Hope +1

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Hal takes a step to complete surrounding the guard with Sena's help, then attacks with his bastard sword, his blade striking true against the guard's exposed flank.

Move action - Shift to L23.

Standard action - Reaping Strike against Red

Reaping Strike with Combat Advantage from flanking and the Righteous Brand Bonus (1d20 11 2 3=20, 1d10 6=10)

Hits AC 20 for 10 damage, and on a miss still does 2 damage.

Since he will be starting his turn adjacent to Hal, Red will take 1d10 damage from Rain of Steel.

Hal Carter - Male Human Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC:22, Fort:21, Reflex:19, Will:17 -- Speed:5
HP:27/53, Bloodied:26, Surge Value:14, Surges left:8/11
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Reaping Strike
Tide of Iron

Steel Serpent Strike
Sweeping Blow

Comeback Strike
Inspiring Word
Rain of Steel


First Post
Palace 8

Making up for previous bad luck, Sena's axe hits true and does 18 damage to Red

Aided by Sena's blessing, Hal does 10 damage to Red.

Red is still conscious, but before he has a chance to lift up his halberd, Hal's rain of steel does 10 damage and eliminates the last foe.

All the guards are unconscious and you are free to move about the Palace unhindered.

The group gains 900 Experience



First Post
Lindus will restrain the guards, then move over to the portcullis leading to room 2, where the cry was heard before the fight. He'll look into the next room, and examine the portcullis for an opening mechanism.

Meanwhile, after a short rest (5 minutes), Sena regains her Healing Word, and she heals Hal for 19 points. Inspiring Word on Hal (1d6 3 14=19)

Hal and Sena then join Lindus at the door.

The parties current state of health:
Hal - 46/53 HP, 7/11 surges
Sena - 45/48 HP, 10/10 surges
Lindus - 46/46 HP, 6/8 surges

Sena will regain that Healing Word if the party goes five more minutes without combat.

OOC: I forgot - again! - that Sena should have had bonus damage on that critical. Magic weapons and implements give an extra boost to damage on a critical, and I keep forgetting. Luckily, it didn't matter here.


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Palace 2a

Lindus looks into room 2B, the waiting room they were in originally. The portcullis, which was raised before, is now lowered. Just inside the room, on the wall with the portcullis, is a lever. There is no lock and the portcullis appears very heavy and would take a feat of strength lift.


First Post
Lindus pulls the lever and hears a click, but it does not seem to do anything to the portcullis, which stays open in anycase.

As you enter the antechamber from which the cry came you see Fiqinasi in a heap on the floor in a pool of blood. His left arm has been severely cut, and he has lost a lot of blood. As you turn him over, you see that his left eye has been crudely plucked out of his face leaving a bleeding gaping hole. He summons his remaining strength and whispers “Avonathemon has taken the edict! He’s going to invoke it on the altar in Relkingham … You must …” and his last words trail away.


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Sena tends to the Steward's wounds and uses the power of Erathis as best she can to aid the poor man. Meanwhile, Lindus and Hal search the room to see if there is anything of note - a clue, valuables, etc.


First Post
It is too late for the steward, he is dead. You find nothing else of note or worth keeping in the waiting room.

The door leading out of the Palace is locked.


First Post
Sena says a prayer to Erathis, commending the Stewards spirit to the goddess they both served.

The group then returns to the main chamber and then explores each of the other rooms, clockwise from the room where the Steward lies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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