• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Describe your homebrew in one sentence.


A world created with potential and change in mind, full of traditions reintrepreted and brand new cliches; a place where the gods are bound to their planes and demons are older than the first planet.

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Mark Causey

Mallus said:
"After a while you get used to the duelists, drug-addicts, little demons peeping in your windows, the demigods peeing against your house, all the paupers, pirates, foreigners and immortals, the barbarians, slavers, aristocrats, theocrats, democrats, and demagogues, the shitfy-eyed mystics and witches, the monsters in the military, the noise, not to mention the trolleys that are pulled by dinosaurs".

--a citizen speaking on life in CITY.

I'm intrigued. Do you have a website?


First Post
I'm almost embarrassed to admit mine:

Metroid Prime replaces Lavos in a game of Chrono-trigger and mutant horror in D&D.

None of my players were aware of this basis when we started, and shockingly (considering that they are all avid video gamers) after five or six months are still blissfully unaware. They do enjoy time travelling, however.


First Post
I've got too many unfinished (unstarted!) homebrew projects to count, and I fully understand that I'm the only soul that'll ever find most of them interesting. Here are 'concept statements' for a few of them. My best shot at sentences...

D&D Setting #1
An oceanless world, war-torn from centuries of conflict under the rule of demonic lords, stands dangerously close to falling back into darkness as various religions, all honoring the same deity, clash over which is the truest faith. Meanwhile, in the shadows of cities and the ruins of civilizations lost in the age of conflict, dark cults, devils, and demonic progeny attempt to raise their demonic lords to devour the world once more.

D&D Setting #2
Tens of thousands of beings, from a myriad of worlds, awaken in safehavens on the elemental planes (slightly varried from the standard elemental planes) to find that the prime material, ethereal, astral, shadow, and all of the outer planes have been destroyed by some unknown force. Our heroes struggle against the elements (literally) while they try to discover what happened, why they were spared, and what is yet to come.

The Cardinal

First Post
On a planet where the true oceans are made of clouds, storms last decades, and the continents are just titanic mesa, believe alone can create gods and monsters - but most have forgotten this dangerous truth.
Now, on one of the two largest continents, an empire dies the slow death of decadence while an unknown foe approaches from a land across the eastern ocean, and the other continent - isolated by permanent storms - is rapidly overrun by hell itself after the Great Seal in the northern mountains broke twelve years ago...


First Post
A world were Nature predominates, and Magic is a secondary force.
Suddenly invaded by the Forces of Light and Darkness.


First Post
How about one word? "Map-based"

To expound on that, I literally start by sketching out a map of a region, I eyeball it to determine how strategic control within the region is divided, assign nations to each sub-region, then I place cities, towns, etc... in appropriate locations, a light scattering of "interesting" locations (ruins, caves, evil forests, evil swamps, dragon lairs), and the overall design is done. I then determine appropriate encounters for the areas as the party gains the ability to go places, and fill out cities and special places as I go.

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