Dictionary.com: Become A (Dungeon) Master Of These D&D Slang Terms

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I have trouble getting too worked up by an article that calls Fortnite an MMORPG in the very first sentence.

Also, "trippers" is not a thing. Although I'll give them props for the spiked chain reference.

I just want to point out that the next listable after that one that comes up for me is "9 Different Ways To Say “Stupid.”"

Metagaming is a form of cheating, but I think it boils down to how you define metagaming. Some people might say knowing that trolls need fire or acid to kill would be metagaming, while others might say that’s something characters would know. But I think everyone would agree that someone reading the dang module and using that knowledge in the game is cheating.

As for “heal sluts,” I’ve never heard that one before. Thankfully.


I have to say, I've never heard of Heal Sluts or Trippers. I think the person who wrote this has played a lot of WoW and was given a primer on D&D, but has never actually played.

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