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D&D General Did you get your start playing D&D, and what do you play now?

What RPG did you start with, and what do you play now?

  • I was introduced through D&D, and only play D&D

    Votes: 36 19.4%
  • I was introduced through D&D, and play both D&D and other RPGs

    Votes: 106 57.0%
  • I was introduced through D&D, and only play non-D&D RPGs

    Votes: 15 8.1%
  • I was introduced through a non-D&D RPG, and only play D&D

    Votes: 5 2.7%
  • I was introduced through a non-D&D RPG, and play both D&D and other RPGs

    Votes: 21 11.3%
  • I was introduced through a non-D&D RPG, and only play non-D&D RPGs

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • I will not be quantified, by you or anyone else!

    Votes: 2 1.1%


I started with the red box a lifetime ago, and 90% of my roleplaying since then has been D&D in its various forms. I've played, run, and enjoyed dozens of other systems, but nothing does it for me like D&D. I've stopped asking myself why. Not every question needs an answer!

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Elder Thing
I mean dumb in terms of game design--prioritizing combat above all else, the uselessness and fiction-breaking nature of levels 1-3, and avoiding giving you a default setting, which creates what seems like a generic fantasy game but that still has goofy meta-genre stuff like Mimics--and tactical insofar as having to measure out exact ranges on maps, and other rules details that took me right out of any sort of high-fantasy mythical tone. Fights don't seem desperate or dramatic to me, just fiddly and about as dangerous for the PCs as an American football game.

I'm not really a big fan of any D&D iteration or similar deal, but I think I'd be more into something like DCC than 5e.
Huh. It's interesting how experiences differ; I find levels 1-3 to be the most fun in the game, pretty much. I strongly dislike the 5e subclass system, though, especially for wizards.

I've never in my life run a D&D game that used exact measurements or "battle maps" - WotC's continual attempts to turn D&D into a boardgame really rubs me the wrong way and has ever since they really kicked it into overdrive back in 2002 or 2003. Though 5e is much better about that aspect than the last couple of editions were - at least the rulebooks give measurements in feet instead of in squares!.

All that being said, DCC might work for you, though the creators do make a concerted if semi-satirical effort to remove much of the non-combat game entirely. It's also nominally a "generic" rule set and actively eschews "weird campaign settings." But the fights are definitely dramatic and desperate, especially if you have fewer than the normally-recommended 6-8 PCs in a group.


I was introduced to the idea of RPG with some of the early choose your own adventure books and then came across a mention of D&D in a computer magazine discussing computer rpgs and their origins in MUDS and MUDS decent from D&D. It was several years later I came across a copy of the red box basic and I really did not get really into it until a few years later with AD&D. I them mostly played other systems, Palladium, WHFRPG, Rolemaster, MERP before coming back to D&D in late 3.0 and sticking with D&D since.


When I was 13 in 1990 a friend lent me the rulebooks for Palladium Robotech and Heroes Unlimited. I think I tried to make characters but didn't really get it. The first TTRPG I actually played was Marvel Super Heroes. I don't think I played D&D (2E) until a year later. Over the next five years or so we played Champions, WEG Star Wars, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, and Call of Cthulhu. Then I was away from the hobby completely for over twenty years.
I started playing D&D 5E about four years ago and really enjoy it. I don't have much time for the hobby so our monthly game is all I can manage. Sometimes I like to go to Drive Thru and pick up rule book PDFs and enjoy reading through them even if I'm not going to be playing them at a table. But D&D is all I play now.

Started in 1979 with OD&D and a plethora of house rules (the AD&D PHB was out already, but the DMG wasn't, so no groups in my area were playing AD&D yet). Then the introduction of the DMG had both groups I was in transition to pure AD&D (much to my chagrin). It wasn't until '81 and the release of the B/X rules that I started running D&D instead of just playing it (that was my third or possibly fourth edition of D&D that I played).

Today I play everything under the sun.

Currently I am playing or running (I'm in 8 different groups - most meet weekly, some biweekly)

  • 1981 B/X D&D
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (1e)
  • D&D5e
  • Neoclassical Geek Revival
  • Villains & Vigilantes 2e
  • Top Secret 1e/2e
  • Empire of the Petal Throne
As a footnote (because I see a lot of people who talk about playing D&D before it was "cool"), I started in 1979 BECAUSE D&D was already cool.
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