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Diesel's Dawn of Defiance


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The deep storage bay is as run-down as the hallways leading up to it, with entire metal plates missing from the floor and a huge, open exhaust shaft near the back of the room. Large crates litter the area, creating the appearance of a haphazard mess, and the air has a distinct smell of sweat and fumes that makes the entire area unpleasant. Flickering lights provide modest illumination, and a burst pipe along the ceiling leaks blue fluid down one wall. Apart from the crates, the room appears quite empty.

Near the center of the room is an item that seems very out of place—a large, finely crafted desk made of Japor ivory wood, which means that the desk is both priceless and rare. Sitting peacefully behind the desk is a protocol droid with shiny, ebony coverings that seem to soak up light and offer only the slightest reflection. The droid's eyes flicker slightly, as though imitating a person blinking rapidly.

The astromech zooms to the desk, beeping.

"Welcome," the protocol droid says without rising." I assume by your presence that you know who I am, for few come to this humble place save those in need of my services." The droid's accent is male and his dialect is perfect Coruscanti-Imperial. If he were human, he could easily be taken for a Brentaal noble.

"My esteemed R5 unit informs me you are here on behalf of Maya, wishing to inquire about the cargo." The droid's tone is friendly but indifferent. "Maya, obviously, is not among your number. It is my hope that nothing is amiss. Further, I do not believe I have had the pleasure of your acquaintance. You, see, with all that unpleasantness on the Promenade, I am understandably curious."

"I would offer all of you seats, but we must make allowances for our surroundings. However, not everything needs to be uncivilized." Switch produces a decanter filled with a crimson liquid and several delicate glasses from the desk. With surprising grace he begins filling the glasses as he awaits your response.

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"Thank you for your hospitality." Rain says, giving a formal bow to the droid. Just because Dathomir is a rough place doesn't mean its inhabitants are not civil, in their own way.

"I am Ranal Cho of the rainbow mountain tribe of Dathomir." the girl says, formally introducing herself. It would be the height of rudeness to lie to your hostafter the host sees to your comfort, at least from Rain's point of view, then again, lying at all was abhorrent. Taking up the offered glass, Rain sips at the liquid tentatively to see if she likes it.

Willing to alow the others to introduce themselves and speak as they knew more of bargaining and credits, Rain takes the time to reach out in the force to sense what is around her in the storage bay, looking to see if Switch and his round friend were the only ones present.

(OOC:Taking 10 on use the force for a 17 on Sense Surroundings to ignore cover and concealment, and then taking 10 on my perception (17 total) check to notice what/who is in the warehouse.)


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"Hi," Ashlin greets, as chirpily and informally as she seems to greet everyone, so far at least. "I'm Ashlin. This is UbD. Nice to meetcha."

She takes a glass but doesn't drink from it right away, swirling it around instead. Polite or not, you didn't get to be a crime boss without being dangerous.

"So yeah...Maya couldn't come, which is actually a great segue to the other business I was mentioning before. She's hurt and needs professional medical help of a discrete and non-Imperial sort. We have a finder's fee for you too."


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Bel takes Switch's offerings, takes a sip, then says, "Your hospitality does you credit. I can tell you are a being of distinction and class. So, let's get down to business, what can you tell me about this cargo we're picking up? Where will we find it, what is it, and what do we need to transport it? And while we're at it, as my friend mentioned, what do we need to do to get Maya some medical help and keep it quiet?"

[sblock=ooc]Persuading Switch (1d20+7=15) [/sblock]


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"Your hospitality is quite great, I have never had a drink such as this, it is truly wonderful. My compliments on your good taste." Rain added to her earlier thanks.

OOC: Aid Another Check to help Bel make a good Impression. DC 10, Result = 12, Bel's Check result is boosted by +2 to 17 total.


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"I don't drink alcohol," Ardon says as he refuses the crimson drink that the droid offers him, "but thank you for your hospitality.

"I agree with Bel. We were kind of in the dark about what the cargo would actually be. If I remember correctly, even Maya didn't know."


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[sblock=Rain] Reaching out with the Force, you become aware of another in the bay, hidden from your line of sight by the large crates to your left near Switch's desk. In your mind's eye you visualize a droid-gaunt and relatively short, and armed with a blaster . It is standing perfectly still but is definitely powered on.Otherwise you see and hear nothing.[/sblock]

Switch listens calmly, lifting a glass to his face. He lets it linger there, as if smelling the liquid. When you have finished speaking, he carefully places the glass down.

"It is most pleasant to meet such well mannered beings." he says in a friendly tone as he considers the decanter. "Corellian wine," he says contentedly,"almost a century old. I am glad you enjoy it."

Studying you each for a moment, he places his arms on the desk, and with a touch of a button reveals a computer screen inset into the desk.

"Before we begin, I would like to preface my remarks by stating that I am not-no pun intended- a cold hearted creature. However, my occupation does entail certain risks, and my information is valuable and cannot be, I would hope you understand, given freely."

The droid leans forward. "Now then, I would most happily, for a finders fee, dispatch a doctor for Maya. It is most distressful that she is damaged. Luckily, the finest physician at Delgas Medical owes me a favor. Doctor Fenn is the soul of discretion, and possesses a healthy distrust of authority, so Maya shall be in good hands. Simply let R5 know of Maya's location and he shall dispatch the doctor to her post-haste."

Steepling his fingers before him, he continues," As to the cargo, it is not located here. It is in a safe location, I assure you. However,recent events involving Maya, and I assume from the vague Holonet descriptions, yourselves, on the Promenade have increased my liability in this affair should anything untoward occur. By my calculations there is a 20.6 percent increase in the probability that my other dealings on Sel Zonn could be negatively impacted. I must have an indemnity against such an unfortunate result."

"Therefore," Switch says, his voice almost mournful, " I shall require a payment of 1,000 credits. For this eminently reasonable sum you may retrieve and take the cargo anywhere you will.I believe Maya,and Alderaan Security have already made arrangements regarding transport."

"As to the nature of the cargo, that information is, shall we say, at a premium."

Switch sighs."I hope this does not distress you too greatly. I do enjoy dealing with such pleasant lifeforms as yourselves, but sadly the amount of the payment is non negotiable."

Switch places his hand to his chin in an almost exaggerated gesture of thinking, "However, I would accept payment in kind if you have any items you wish to part with. Furthermore, given your prowess on the Promenade, and quite obvious bravado, I would be willing to offer any or all of you work-future employment of a quite simple nature to reduce my fee. You might even find such work enjoyable, assuming you leave this station alive "


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Ashlin edges over to UbD and says quietly, "Hey, lemme see the stuff you, uh, brought with you."

Louder she says, "I think we have some stuff we can trade."

Hopefully it'd be enough. She wasn't too keen on owing a crime lord anything. Not that she was a law-abiding citizen, but she didn't much go in for the violent stuff if she could avoid it.


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"Here is the fee that Maya wished me to pass on to you for seeing she received the aid of a healer. It contains 200 credits." the red head says, placing the credstick Maya gave her on Switch's desk. She also gives the little round droid the location of Maya's apartment.

After the doctor business for Maya that Rain had given her word on was completed, the Red-haired girl stepped back from the desk and watched as Ashlin's Droid began divesting itself of the equipment from the soldiers that she had defeated on the promenade. "Are these weapons of sufficient value?" she asks, reffering to the pair of rifles the storm troopers had been carrying, she hoped they were.

Voidrunner's Codex

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