D&D 5E Different Methods for Rolling Ability Scores (8-15 range)

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The High Aldwin
Does 8 + best of two d6 + Fate Die give 8-15 with a mean just under 12.5.? Really skewed though.
That is actually pretty decent.

Here is the AnyDice link: AnyDice

The 8 is pretty low, but on par with the 1% of rolling 2d10 and having a result of 2 = a score of 8.

Sadly, I think the hard part is the "simple" criteria I was looking for, but I'll keep this in mind. :)


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Hmm... I remember something about people using decks before. If you recall more let me know!
I found a recent thread about it.

From @clearstream
Make a 20-card deck from which you will draw 3 cards for each score without replacement, leaving 2 cards in the deck. For example - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. This deck has interesting features -

  • The range for the sum of scores is 60 to 66
  • The range for an individual score is 6 to 15
  • A character can have no more than one 15, and no more than one 6
  • Scores will average to at least 10, and at most 11, i.e. 10.5
There are other decks and discussion there as well.

Also while searching for it, I found an older thread that mentions some other alternatives for ability score generation.



The High Aldwin
So, for anyone following this I think I might have something. You can tell me your opinion.

You roll d8 +7 for each ability score. Then you roll an extra d8, adding the result to your lowest ability score, to a maximum of 15.

  • Range is from 8-15, with the cap for adding the extra d8.
  • Average is 12.24, the same as 4d6, drop lowest.
  • The distribution is non-linear:

  • Obviously, you get to roll instead of using a chart.
  • Finally, it is pretty simple IMO (same as the easiest option, d8 + 7, with an extra die).
Getting an 8 is pretty low, less than 1 in 100, but considering how little I see an 8 with rolling or point-buy, I can live with that.



That is actually pretty decent.

Here is the AnyDice link: AnyDice

The 8 is pretty low, but on par with the 1% of rolling 2d10 and having a result of 2 = a score of 8.

Sadly, I think the hard part is the "simple" criteria I was looking for, but I'll keep this in mind. :)

Highest 3 of 6d5 (make it 8 if it isn't) is pretty -- except for needing a bunch of d5s.


Voidrunner's Codex

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