D&D 5E Dinosaur Racing Rules

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Found this article on Salon today: https://kotaku.com/here-are-d-ds-official-dinosaur-racing-rules-1818548329

Anyone have any official news?

How do you mean by official? The rules are in ToA, so I guess that makes them official.

On a related note, my son is playing a moon druid, and when he gets high enough level, he plans on racing with himself AS the dinosaur. That way, he can bypass animal handling checks and pretty much win every time. As the DM, I'll allow it, but then people will start taking notice when they figure out something's fishy and he will get much unwanted attention...


First Post
That sounds amazing. Since the races have been going on so long I wonder if they have ways to tell the eventual druid entry? Maybe a plot hook to sway the party into an unwanted experience? Who would ride your son? Does that impose penalties? I might have to do this as well.

I don't have the books yet and was wondering if there was any more info for non-dms.



How do you mean by official? The rules are in ToA, so I guess that makes them official.

On a related note, my son is playing a moon druid, and when he gets high enough level, he plans on racing with himself AS the dinosaur. That way, he can bypass animal handling checks and pretty much win every time. As the DM, I'll allow it, but then people will start taking notice when they figure out something's fishy and he will get much unwanted attention...

And if he gets Mobile or a class that adds movement, he could win by so much they'll be testing him for PED's :D

Charles Rampant

How do you mean by official? The rules are in ToA, so I guess that makes them official.

On a related note, my son is playing a moon druid, and when he gets high enough level, he plans on racing with himself AS the dinosaur. That way, he can bypass animal handling checks and pretty much win every time. As the DM, I'll allow it, but then people will start taking notice when they figure out something's fishy and he will get much unwanted attention...

I'd ask for Athletics checks, myself. After all, he's still got to exert himself to outpace the other participants, and he won't have the fear of a lash goading him on.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
but then people will start taking notice when they figure out something's fishy and he will get much unwanted attention...
After the race, the winning beast is likely to be surrounded by a crowd of excited onlookers. (Watch footage of the Kentucky Derby for instance.) When and how will the "animal" be able to sneak away from the crowd, wild shape back to human form, and collect his winnings?

Are the racing dinosaurs Medium-size? The druid might stick out as the runt on the track. Or "oops, T-Rex just ate the late entry."

I wouldn't just slap this down. Because it DOES sound like fun!
Instead, I'd introduce an NPC who tells them that it might be seen as 'cheating' (except under special circumstances?) and tells them the tale of a guy who tried the same thing and got caught. The PC can still go through with it, with the benefit of a Fair Warning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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