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DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

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Jehen moved down the corridor, the group following behind her. Threading through the very narrow corridor, the heroes' shoulders brushed the sides of rocky walls and after 20' Jehen can see that the corridor ends in a set of bars, a cell behind it.

Two subtle signs are revealed to the astute inquisitive; there is a patch of crimson red cloth, it matches exactly the threads that were found under the nails of the Sivis woman who was attacked earlier today and secondly, there are a thin pair of legs poking out into Jehen's line of sight inside the cell.

ooc; jehen is carrying the loot y'all just found, accept the tokens, which you've distributed.

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Jehen paused and examined the area for another moment. It seemed they had come up empty- she wondered just what they might have missed. Still, whoever was in the cell might be able to provide a clue- if they could approach him(?) properly... She moved back up the tunnel a ways, out of easy sight, and whispered to the others. "I think we ought to see if whoever is in that cell might be willing to answer some questions in return for their freedom. What do you think?"


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"Let's move, and get some answers. It'll be a refreshing change from all the nothings we've found so far," Raekz answers her, relieved to finally find something.


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With a nod, Jehen moved up towards the cell door- as quietly and carefully as she could. She stopped just at the edge of the door's reach, trying to get some sense of who the prisoner was, and whether they were in any kind of condition to answer questions.

(If the prisoner doesn't react to Jehen's approach, she will try plan B): Looking into the cell, Jehen gave a quick hissing whisper. "Psst! Hey there, are you still alive? We might be able to get you out, if you can answer a few questions..."

OOC: If it comes to actual interaction, Jehen has her Beguiling Influence still running, so Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, Bluff +12, with Sense Motive +7

Leaving Kaz at the entrance to the winding cave, the large warrior unsure his greatsword would be effective anyway, the trio of heroes continue down the narrow corridor, the obviously Arcane Inquisitive leading them on.

The cell itself seemed large, as if it could hold many at once, going back perhaps 15' to a rough hewn wall, the norm in this place.

Unresponsive to Jehen's approach, the prone figure within is reavealed to be a bed raggled male half elf with a scragly beard, long lanky and disheveled straw blonde hair hanging to his shoulders, stuffed under a weather beaten faded gray sailor's cap.

Shadowed eyes flicking up to view the now revealed human's voice, as the other two came up with the lantern at voices, and the man immediately scrambles to his shoddy boot wrapped feet and begins bowing his head and doffing his cap!

Revealing a full head of hair, the thin shouldered captive responds in flabberghasted tones, "Quickly dear Madam! I am in truth still among those that draw the sweet breath of life, but would be honored to join those amoung us who are truly free... So Quickly! Please, ask your questions!"


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Jehen chuckled a bit at the man's response- his words had the air of a poet, or worse, an actor. She kept her own tone brisk- while she didn't want to miss any information, she also had no wish for their enemies to corner them in this narrow passage...

"We'll start with the easy questions, friend. Who are you, and what did you do to earn such lodgings? And what do you know of the band that imprisoned you? Anything about where they might be found, or who leads them?" Despite her businesslike manner, her voice was at once both soothing and compelling, and her ears were alert to any hint the responses might convey.

OOC: Diplomacy is the most appropriate, I guess (+11 with Beguiling Influence), Sense Motive +7

Taking a step towards the gate, the man seems to open up to the group, revealing quickly, 'I be a local, a long line of those lovin' the freedom of Breland and tha great city Sharn. I worked the docks most while, providin' space for those who pay fer it. But these blokes see fit to run in here a week ago and take over the place, start plannin' somethin'... they'd feed me scraps, but I don't be thinkin' they keep me alive...why would they? Their leader be a big old mean half orc, quite truely said, a brute. I did heard them leave not very long ago, before the hell bats started squeeling. I done heard what the old half blood was spittin', but who're you folks? Why be ye here?"

you've a hunch the 1/2 elf is more than he says he is
make a spot check for me, please

Spotting the oddly constructed Warforged and the short hobgoblin behind Jehen, the half elf gesture's welcomingly, his melodic tone carrying down the tunnel, "Hello Gentlemen! Why a whole group of you to release me! What more can I tell you? We should make haste! Please, release me!"

The man seems to have a large bump on his torso near his chest, it isn't until you see the glint of silver near his left shoulder do you figure he's wearing a necklace of some kind.

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