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DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

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Alton, just having a brain wave, walks to the location where he found the rose, and studies the box, taking specific note of the name on the front. "I found the rose in this box, i wonder if there was a specific reason for it being in here and not laid somewhere else.. " He taps his chin for a moment.

Turning to Mornakai, "You may have hit onto something here my friend.. Where would this other enclave be located?"

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Looking up at Alton's question, Jehhna responds confidently, 'Just here in the shop area.'

Checking the box the carved rose was found in, Alton can clearly see it's marked "Sivis Enclave-Sharn"

Mornokai's mood seems to darken as he mentions, 'There's no need to involve them. Locate the papers so we can deliver them, you will be well rewarded'

the mud seems very similar to the variety located in the MudCaves neighborhood of the CliffSide area of Sharn

ooc; anyone may now attempt an untrained Know: Local check to learn more about the Ruby Rose


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With several sets of keen eyes having had a turn at searching, Jehen figured that any physical clues left had been found. She put her brain to work, going over what they had found or heard so far- after a few moments, she had pieced together at least a quick start to things. "This mud seems to be the best direction to follow- it might be from the river-ward side of the city. More specifically, it seems likely to be from Mudcaves, in the Cliffside district. Unless anyone has a stronger lead, perhaps we might head there next. This Ruby Rose fellow, now I've heard he is a rather political type, heads a group calling themselves Determinists- so we'll need to be mindful of political entanglements."

"Does anyone else have any thoughts, or are we ready to move out?" Even as she finished speaking, she was packing up her investigator's kit, tucking a sample of the mud and the red scrap of cloth into storage envelopes.


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Raekz sums things up in his head. So far, we've got a lead and a possible location and a possible culprit. Simple enough. Clean enough. Best to get it all out now. Taking a small breath, he asks, "Mr. Etchstone, we've got good leads now. The case seems to be going smoothly now. Just one final thing for me." He nods, then pauses for a moment, before continuing, "How long has your assistant been here? How far do you trust her?"

Untrained KN(Local) 18


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"I believe we have enough information to proceed, if everyone else agrees. we shall be on our way to our collegues suggested location." Alton turns to the gnome and his apprentice. "Thank you for not disturbing the scene, We will obtain your documents for you. Feel free to proceed with your designated duties, we will return shortly"

Making sure everythign is in order, and that all evidence has been retrieved, Alton heads for the door, giving a final nod to the gnome.

Mornokai's eyes bulge is surprise at Raekz' words, while the Apprentice's previous good humor evaporates as she can't help but scowl at the hobgoblin.

Sputtering his response, Etchstone explains loudly, 'My good goblin, you sniff up the wrong tree; Jehhna has been with me for a decade and all that time her work has been exemplary. I trust her to take over the shop, once I have retired. Now, be on your way, time is of the essence here!'

Turning to look at Alton, their eyes on the same lvl, Mornokai nods in thanks.

ooc; 354B may not know Sharn/Breland intimately, but he's heard stories.
Anyone who beats a DC10 know: local check has heard at least some stories of the Infamous Ruby Rose; a freedom fighter/terrorist (depending on who you ask) trying to bring about Democratic, instead of Monoarchical, rule in Breland.


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"Let us head out then," states 354b as he starts walking out the door. Once out side he realizes that he has no idea where he is going. He turns and asks, "Which way is it?"

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