D&D 5E Do we need a Fifth Edition Revival (5ER)?

not really, you certainly can make quite a few changes and stay within the lines. Of course there are limitations, as with anything. Classes can loom rather different, they just have to roughly stick to the existing power curve
I'm not really seeing how. You can't change most of the design for those classes. Just look at Warlock and Fighter in Playtest 7--two of the classes most in need of help. They've barely changed from the PHB version, and much of the change has just been shuffling things around a little. Hell, Action Surge got nerfed for Eldritch Knights. Champion, one of the weakest subclasses in the game (and one WotC explicitly said fans were not satisfied with) is practically identical, other than getting free advantage at high level.

They've tweaked a few knobs. It's 5.5e, and that inherently keeps it pretty limited.

As for the naming...how about TTR? Table Top Revival.

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I'm not really seeing how. You can't change most of the design for those classes. Just look at Warlock and Fighter in Playtest 7
warlock looked rather different some playtests before. That 2024 sticks so close to 2014 is on WotC, not an inherent limitation

Sure, they will be somewhat similar, but if they aren’t then why even bother sticking to 5e at all. Theoretically you can move far out, as long as the power progression stays similar, but that will probably be rare

warlock looked rather different some playtests before. That 2024 sticks so close to 2014 is on WotC, not an inherent limitation
Potayto, potahto. It is inherent to what WotC quite clearly meant when they used the phrase "backwards compatible."

Sure, they will be somewhat similar, but if they aren’t then why even bother sticking to 5e at all. Theoretically you can move far out, as long as the power progression stays similar, but that will probably be rare
They're not "somewhat similar." They are nearly identical. Apart from some subclass tweaks and the occasional new feature, they're genuinely one and the same.

You can't majorly change the parts of the game, particularly classes, that aren't working well and yet also let people play all of the original flavor content at the exact same tables. That's what they defined "backwards compatibility" to mean. Under that limitation, there was very little they could actually change or fix.

Potayto, potahto. It is inherent to what WotC quite clearly meant when they used the phrase "backwards compatible."

They're not "somewhat similar." They are nearly identical. Apart from some subclass tweaks and the occasional new feature, they're genuinely one and the same.

You can't majorly change the parts of the game, particularly classes, that aren't working well and yet also let people play all of the original flavor content at the exact same tables. That's what they defined "backwards compatibility" to mean. Under that limitation, there was very little they could actually change or fix.
Oh, I don't know. Level Up classes are quite different from WotC 5e, but still pretty compatible.

Potayto, potahto. It is inherent to what WotC quite clearly meant when they used the phrase "backwards compatible."
no one is talking about WotC here... this is about how far 3pp can stray from vanilla and still be compatible with monsters and adventures

They're not "somewhat similar." They are nearly identical.
see above, no one is talking about WotC here but you

no one is talking about WotC here... this is about how far 3pp can stray from vanilla and still be compatible with monsters and adventures

see above, no one is talking about WotC here but you
That's the whole problem. Talking about 5e without everyone assuming WotC as the baseline we need to refer to.

That's the whole problem. Talking about 5e without everyone assuming WotC as the baseline we need to refer to.
the rest of the thread should have given that away, but I do acknowledge your point. If it isn't even working in a thread specifically about this, it won't work in a less clear cut case either ;)
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Yeah, exactly. This is another core difference.

Fierce independence and non-conformity vs conformity. OSR producers are almost allergic to sameness.
Which, while great for creativity, turns any attempt at large-scale community-building into an exercise in herding cats. Many splinters do not a table make.

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