Follower of the Way
I'm not really seeing how. You can't change most of the design for those classes. Just look at Warlock and Fighter in Playtest 7--two of the classes most in need of help. They've barely changed from the PHB version, and much of the change has just been shuffling things around a little. Hell, Action Surge got nerfed for Eldritch Knights. Champion, one of the weakest subclasses in the game (and one WotC explicitly said fans were not satisfied with) is practically identical, other than getting free advantage at high level.not really, you certainly can make quite a few changes and stay within the lines. Of course there are limitations, as with anything. Classes can loom rather different, they just have to roughly stick to the existing power curve
They've tweaked a few knobs. It's 5.5e, and that inherently keeps it pretty limited.
As for the naming...how about TTR? Table Top Revival.