even if they do not that 1) leaves all the players coming in once 2024 is released and 2) all the players that have been around longer
so what
are slow sales to you. Same as 2014 now / in 2022 or so, less than 2014 now, significantly more than 2014 now (say twice as many per month, for at least several months) ? At what point is it not slow?
you get plenty of changed / new subclasses, compatible does not mean identical. The value of the new MM and DMG might be in the eye of the beholder
they might like the format better, they might want the additional monsters. You decide, I was asking what constitutes slow sales
What is slower adoption? Give me some numbers here, relative to the 2014 sales numbers...
why would anyone still buy 2014 books when the 2024 are out, I am not seeing this as a queue where 2014 has to clear through the channels first
of course it will take time to reach a larger install base, but that was not the question

If that is what you meant then well, duh, of course