I think the actual issue we face is right here in how you say what you said here (and similarly in Sly Flourish's other post he made about wanting everyone to call the game revision 'D&D 2024' instead of '5E24')... people seem to want to treat the term '5E' as a generic brand. One that you can use to talk about all manner of games that use the D&D 5E game engine but not have that conversation be connected automatically to the Dungeons & Dragons game.
But to me, that's virtually impossible and people shouldn't even waste time on that idea because it's only going to lead to annoyance and disappointment. Reason being... the term '5E' only exists because it is related to Dungeons & Dragons. Wizards of the Coast's 'Dungeons & Dragons'. It is a marker for D&D's 'Fifth Edition'. The terms are interlinked. And it doesn't matter if a game designer uses the 5E game engine but creates a game wholly separate from D&D... if they attach the term '5E' to it, then it's going to be considered a "D&D product"-- or at least part of the D&D conversation. And that's never going to change. So what I think has to happen is that the 5E people need to take their cue from the 3E era.
In the 3E era there was a specific branding created to denote products that used the D&D 3E engine but were not actually D&D related-- the 'd20' identifier. That brand (even though it was created by WotC) was specifically to allow people to talk about and identify products in the greater landscape of gaming that had this connection to each other, but was not a part of the talk of Dungeons & Dragons itself. And it worked. People could talk about 'd20' products freely and rarely have people assume they meant Dungeons & Dragons or have 'D&D people jump into the convo thinking they were talking about something else. But unfortunately for today, the current landscape does not have that. And the term '5E' cannot and will not become that because a large swathe of the gaming populace will not go along with it.
So what I think really had to happen is that anyone and everyone who wants to make and talk about product that uses the 5E game engine but not actually be connected to the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition conversation... needs to come up with a new term altogether. A term different from 'D&D' and '5E' (as both those terms were created in direct reference to Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition.) Only once a term like that can be created for that purpose... maybe then places like E.N. World can make a separate branding board that will allow those people to congregate and talk specifically in the manner they wish about those games that use the engine but are completely separate from D&D and Wizards of the Coast.
EDIT And just to be clear... '5E Revival' or '5ER' cannot be that term, because it includes '5E' in it-- meaning that for most players it is specifically referencing the Fifth Edition of Dungeons & Dragons (even if it's not meant to be.)