Do You Prefer to Play a Human PC When RPGing?

Do You Prefer to Play a Human PC When RPGing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 262 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 182 41.0%

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I prefer to play a character that inspires me. If it's human, great. If not, great. This is not a nuance that the poll allows for.


Nope, since 3.X came out I've played a dwarf, half-elf, half-orc, and a gnome. I have no preference to what race I play (though I sometimes lean towards the gnome).


First Post
I prefer humans, they are just easier for me to put myself in their shoes than say an elf or half-orc. If I play another race it is usually a dwarf.


First Post
I usually play humans.

I've played other races but the extra feat, skill point and no prefered class usually pulls me over to human.


Unless I'm going for a class or concept that absolutely demands a demihuman, I'll go with the human. As has been mentioned, the extra feat, skill points, Favored Class: Any are just too nice to pass up, on the whole.

Voidrunner's Codex

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