Dockside Diversion/Still Waters


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OOC: Syl is in for a new possible adventure!

Sylvain listens to the goings on between the lizard man, Borric, and the newcomer with the crossbow. "How about we all lower our weapons and talk like civilized creatures here. We can work something out to keep everyone happy, without any bloodshed, I'm sure."

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"That might work if all here were civilized."

The officer does not lower his weapon but Sekmun laughs again undisturbed by the insult and the threat of the weapon.

"I believe I have just been called a 'savage'. Again. You have my offer and the Eel is easy to find if you decide to take it up. And again my thanks for cleaning up my problem."

Sekmun bows to the group (still ignoring the ship's officer above him) and turns to leave.

[sblock=OOC]It's both hook and filler. This was originally intended to be an encounter that kicked off recruitment for an adventure but when the DWI filled up and with submitted adventures still several days to approval I expanded it to include filler material for the lower level characters.

This is really two hooks and the adventure depends on if you choose to work with Sekmun or the Captain whom you really haven't met yet. And don't feel obligated to follow up on either, especially if you have something else in line. I won't be offended if you choose to go with another game.

And a bit of disclosure so you all can make a better decision. With the fall ballroom competition season kicking into high gear and other commitments I haven't gotten as far on the adventures as I would like. Once I know which path the group will take I'll submit the first part and hopefully get that approved. While playing out the first part I'll be able to finish the second part. If that sounds too risky for you and you choose to go with another adventure I understand.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Without knowing anything, I kind of like the lizard man dude. Swarms and bugs? That's right up Syl's alley. Of course, I would be cool with the other leg if the rest preferred that.


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Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

"Well, that was certainly ... interesting," the sorcerer says of the exchange of bodily fluids and insults. He lets the lizardfolk leave, unsure of what to do next. But there is someone authoritative still pointing something sharp and shooty at them, so he decides maybe he should try to make a friend.

"Now, then the danger's all passed and everyone's off back to his own, erm, business and suchlike, so we can all go back to ... not ... pointing sharp objects at one another, yes, Mister ...? " he asks leadingly of the captain.

OOC: Diplomacy +7.

If we're expanding this into a regular adventure, probably makes the most sense for Nathan to stick around here rather than wander back to the Inn. I don't have a preference one way or the other as to who we follow at this point, but as GlassEye pointed out, we don't know the other option, so might as well see what that's all about. :)


"Thank you, Sekmun." Zelena says with and sharp nod. "I will consider your offer."

The gnome looks up to the officer of the ship and points her battle axe at him, to make sure she has his attention before holding the weapon to her side. She says plainly, without threatening, "Sir. I suggest you point that elsewhere or we are going to have an... issue." She smiles but the look in the gnome's eyes are quite serious.

A wolfhound, Zelena's mount, walks up to her side. The beast lets out a deep rumble up from its chest, in a low growl.

[sblock=Zelena's Actions & Stats] Move Action:
Standard Action:
Swift Action:

Free Action:
Miscellaneous Actions:

Zelena Andu Gnome Cleric 2/Bard 2
Initiative: +2 Perception: +10
Conditions: none
AC: 21 (13 touch; 19 flat-footed)
HP: 34 of 34
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +8
In Hand: mithral battle axe +1 (+4, 1d6+1) and shield
Spells: Divine (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize; (1st level) Bless, Air Bubble, Protection from Evil, Longstrider(d) (color notes a cast spell)
Arcane Spell Slots 0-level (at will) 1st level: 4 of 4 slots remaining (Grease, Silent Image, Vanish)
Channeling: 5 of 5 attempts remaining; Liberation: 1 of 1 attempts remaining; Agile Feet 5 of 5 attempts remaining

Celebfedhiin (Riding Dog)
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, scent Perception: +8
Conditions: none
AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 13 of 13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
In Hand: Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip) [/sblock]

(( I am game GE! ))


The graybeard lowers his crossbow and releases the tension so that he can unload it. He gives Nathan a nod acknowledging the sense of his words and quirks a brow at Zelena and her wolfhound.

"I've no issue with you."

He gives a pointed glance to the retreating form of Sekmun; his dislike of the lizardman very clear. Turning his attention back to the four on the dock next to his ship he continues.

"Argon Galerius, Captain of the Golden Gale, at your service. I've a proposal of my own for you if you are willing to come aboard and discuss it."

He motions with an open hand towards the gangplank that touches the dock nearest Borric.


(( Knowledge (local) on both the Argon Galerius, Captain of the Golden Gale (and his ship) and Sekmun... 1d20+8=15 If you need/want another roll to reflect both, let me know.))

The gnome nods to the Captain, "Perhaps you could be persuaded to come dockside, Captain? Until we know what you propose that is."

She looks back to her Syl, "Thanks, for earlier" As she puts her hand to scratch the hound, "This is Celebfedhiin, we found one another along Arcane Row."

She looks for Waltor... "I have not forgotten about you my friend. I have those crickets I promised you."

Zelenna smiles at the others and motions to at least the end of the gangplank but does not proceed up.

[sblock=Zelena's Actions & Stats] Move Action:
Standard Action:
Swift Action:

Free Action:
Miscellaneous Actions:

Zelena Andu Gnome Cleric 2/Bard 2
Initiative: +2 Perception: +10
Conditions: none
AC: 21 (13 touch; 19 flat-footed)
HP: 34 of 34
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +8
In Hand: mithral battle axe +1 (+4, 1d6+1) and shield
Spells: Divine (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize; (1st level) Bless, Air Bubble, Protection from Evil, Longstrider(d) (color notes a cast spell)
Arcane Spell Slots 0-level (at will) 1st level: 4 of 4 slots remaining (Grease, Silent Image, Vanish)
Channeling: 5 of 5 attempts remaining; Liberation: 1 of 1 attempts remaining; Agile Feet 5 of 5 attempts remaining

Celebfedhiin (Riding Dog)
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, scent Perception: +8
Conditions: none
AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 13 of 13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
In Hand: Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip) [/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric shrugs and looks up at the ship's officer.

"If you are serving some wine while talk, I am willing."

The fighter precedes his companions up the gangplank and stops in front of Galerius.

"Name's Borric Hawkins, mageslayer. Why is that you fear the lizard?"

As he offers his hand to shake while looking at the Captain with some scrutiny, but learns very little from the man's weather face from years at sea.

Sense Motive (1d20+9=10)

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (26 with shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 39 Current: 43
CMB: +7 CMD: 20 (22 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +6 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: 10ft reach

Current Weapon in Hand: MWK Guisarme
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


Captain Galerius huffs through his gray and wiry beard.

"I propose business, which I do not discuss dockside like a common fishmonger."

The captain turns his attention to Borric as he makes his way aboard.

"I've a bottle of Semerly in my personal stores or, if your companions find other accommodations more comfortable we could retire to my club, the Upper Room, and discuss business in proper comfort.

I do not fear the snake. He's a savage and cannot be trusted."

[sblock=Knowledge Local]Sekmun: Sekmun, a lizardfolk merchant, has generated a bit of talk on the docks since the Eel of K'issp has docked. Unlike most lizardfolk Sekmun is forward-thinking and well-spoken. Rumor says this is because the blood of the River Lords (bronze dragons) runs in his veins. He also seems to have a large amount of gold in coin and jewelry.

Captain Argon Galerius: Captain of the Golden Gale and favored retainer of Ludmilla Boraga, one of if not the most powerful noble house in Venza. Galerius has served House Boraga since before Ludmilla took power though rumor has it that there has been something of a falling out between the captain and his patron. The Gale has recently been taking on a large quantity of provisions.[/sblock][sblock=Sense Motive]Except for his obvious lack of regard for the lizardfolk Borric can't get a read on the stoic Captain.[/sblock]


The gnome shakes her head and says under her breath to her companions at the end of the gangplank, "Nothing like being bigoted." She will motion the others up as she follows nodding for the hound to follow.

Once aboard the ship Zelena clears her thoughts and calms her emotions. She looks up at Captain Galerius expectantly.

[sblock=Zelena's Actions & Stats] Move Action:
Standard Action:
Swift Action:

Free Action:
Miscellaneous Actions:

Zelena Andu Gnome Cleric 2/Bard 2
Initiative: +2 Perception: +10
Conditions: none
AC: 21 (13 touch; 19 flat-footed)
HP: 34 of 34
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +8
In Hand: mithral battle axe +1 (+4, 1d6+1) and shield
Spells: Divine (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize; (1st level) Bless, Air Bubble, Protection from Evil, Longstrider(d) (color notes a cast spell)
Arcane Spell Slots 0-level (at will) 1st level: 4 of 4 slots remaining (Grease, Silent Image, Vanish)
Channeling: 5 of 5 attempts remaining; Liberation: 1 of 1 attempts remaining; Agile Feet 5 of 5 attempts remaining

Celebfedhiin (Riding Dog)
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, scent Perception: +8
Conditions: none
AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 13 of 13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
In Hand: Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip) [/sblock]

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