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Doctor Who SE04 EP13 Journey's End - SPOILERS


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Another great episode, though i was a little WTF, seeing the fake doctor get with rose at the end. Yeah, it was for the best, but I couldn't see anyone wanting a copy. I think she'll be back again.

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If it hadn't been Dr. Who I'd be ranting about their not offing Davros at the first possible opportunity. Y'know, the one guy who can make more Daleks? But that was expected, so, oh well. Otherwise a great episode. The first time I've really liked Catherine Tate, as well. And nicely wrapping up all the loose ends until the next season, whenever that will be. (2010, presumably.)

But these people need to watch more movies. Specifically The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. "If you're going to shoot, shoot, don't talk!" ;)

Oh yeah, and setting off a couple dozen nukes would not destroy the planet, no matter how strategically placed they were. Kill everyone one the planet? Probably. Actually destroy it? No way.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Oh yeah, and setting off a couple dozen nukes would not destroy the planet, no matter how strategically placed they were. Kill everyone one the planet? Probably. Actually destroy it? No way.

Fictional sc-fi technology. UNIT have been involved with aliens and The Doctor for over 30 years. It's no less plausible than the TARDIS towing the Earth home. :)


- Donna. Oh dear, that had to be the saddest exit for a companion that I've seen. I know the Doctor was only trying save her, but still it seemed rather cruel of him to just wipe out all traces of their time together from her mind. Really hope this isn't the last time we see the Temp from Chiswick, she was by far my favorite in the new series.

Donna deserved a better ending than this for her character really grew on me this season. I enjoyed the episode until the moment of her fate was decided on.


First Post
Donna deserved a better ending than this for her character really grew on me this season. I enjoyed the episode until the moment of her fate was decided on.

I couldn't agree more. Really dropped my overall opinion of the episode because of it. Better they had just killed her off honestly and given her a heroic leaving.

That said, I think I picked up on how they could bring her back...

[sblock]After the Doctor leaves, they focus on Donna talking on the phone for a bit. I noticed that the light was reflecting off her ring and I thought it odd that the director left that obvious a goof in and didn't correct it.

And then I thought of a pocket watch...[/sblock]


I really enjoyed the episode.

- Doctor-Donna. I think both actors did a great job "channeling" each other. I did realize what what Donna's "death" would be as soon as she got the doctor's mojo. Pretty touching companion leaving scene. I loved when granddad said he's watch the stars, watch the Doctor, for Donna.
- Call backs to earlier series. Davros recognizing Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane's reaction in the previous episode when she heard 'exterminate' over the radio was awesome.
- Davros's speech about the doctor using his companions as his weapons, pretty spot on.
- German Daleks.
- The return of K9 (for 10 whole seconds).

- The Doctor as bystander.
- Yet another Empire of Daleks wiped out, again. The Daleks need to stay dead for a season or two. There are plenty of other baddies in the Whoniverse.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I couldn't agree more. Really dropped my overall opinion of the episode because of it. Better they had just killed her off honestly and given her a heroic leaving.

Interesting. I think completely the opposite - I loved the tragedy of it. It was far more emotional than a death scene would have been.


First Post
It started great, but completely jumped the rails by the end.

So, the Daleks are gone...again. What's this been, the third time they've been proclaimed extinct? Of course, we didn't actually see Davros die, so I suspect he'll turn up again with *surprise* a whole new generation of them next season.

And Donna's treatment was depressing. She began as the most irritating companion and ended up being the best.

Honestly, I could live with all that, but the 2nd Doctor/Rose ending made my stomach turn. Where did the writers come up with that? Did they swipe it from some 12 year old girl's fanfic? :rant:

Someone on another message board said that Rose got everything and Donna had everything taken away from her. :.-(

And, if the Doctor had to dump the 2nd Doctor in the alternate universe because he committed genocide, shouldn't he have stayed there himself since he wiped out the Racnoss? I guess it's morally acceptable to drown spider babies but not kill creatures who just tried to destroy all life in the universe...

And what happened to the space police that appeared in part one? Was that plot thread just dropped?

Lastly, was I the only one who expected the Doctor-Donna to regenerate into a new companion once she began to "malfunction"?

That's how I would have ended it. Instead of having the hand grow into the 2nd Doctor, I would have had the jar burst open and the energy flow into Donna, turning her into the Doctor-Donna.

After saving the day, everyone else would have had their ending, but Rose would have returned to her universe by herself. Back in the Tardis, Donna begins to malfunction and collapses to the ground. The Doctor realizes she is dying, but, to his surprise, she starts to glow. The episode would end with Donna transformed into a completely different person and the Doctor uttering his famous "What?".

The next season, you would explain that the regeneration was a one-shot deal (leftover Time Lord energy). Not only would you have a new companion, but you would have a built in subplot about Donna having to explain to her family why she is different (not just in looks, but personality).

But that's just me...
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