Dodkong minions

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Casimir Liber

Right then, nearing the time when I unleash the dodkong. I have this so far...(party is 6 x lvl 19 FWIW). So all fine-tuning appreciated


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Right then, nearing the time when I unleash the dodkong. I have this so far...(party is 6 x lvl 19 FWIW). So all fine-tuning appreciated

It's all terrible! :p

Ahem. Will have a look through it later and get back to you.

It's so long ago that we last discussed this chap I will have to go through this thread to remind myself about the details.

Oh, and what's the status of Cairn Wight (Undead Stone Giant), and its incorporeal cousin the Cairn Wraith (Undead Stone Giant)?

I've finished the stats for the Wight but it's still blued (meaning it's not signed-off and added to the Index) plus I couldn't see a D&D Beyond version anywhere.

As for the the Wraith, the Enworld version is just a placeholder.

Currently the only completed Cairn that's in the Index is the Cairn Zombie.

Casimir Liber

Oops, fixed a couple of typos - here

Latest version of cairn wraith is below - I need to sleep now


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Oops, fixed a couple of typos - here

I thought we'd agreed the type shouldn't have (stone giant) in it, on the basis that a regular wight doesn't have (human) or the like as a tag and isn't affected by human bane weapons. It's just an undead.

The same should apply to an undead derived from a Stone Giant, especially as the living giant doesn't have Huge giant (stone giant) as its type.

The Stone Camouflage just uses "cairn" in the Cairn Wight (Undead Stone Giant) since it's a "racial trait" possessed by all cairns due to their stone giant nature.

Although come to think of it, shouldn't that apply to Sunlight Sensitivity too?

The Rock Bowling has an obsolete wording. The Enworld version uses "The cairn wight send a rock tumbling along the ground in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage and falling prone on a failed save, on a success they take no damage and remain standing."

Oh, and I tweaked the Description so it has "These stone giant wights possess the intellect of their former selves" instead of "These giant wights possess the intellect of their former selves" so we have at least one use of stone giant wight in the text.


Latest version of cairn wraith is below - I need to sleep now



Hmm, the Life Drain is completely different from the standard version so should be renamed.

I'd suggest just recycling the Death Grip and/or Soul Drain of the Cairn Wight (Undead Stone Giant) rather than reinventing the wheel.

Also, I wouldn't have it do 2 levels of exhaustion per hit AND give it two attacks with Multiattack. With its Legendary Action option the Wraith can make three exhaustion-inflicting attacks per round so can kill a PC in a round if they're unlucky.

Contrariwise, at most the Cairn Wight (Undead Stone Giant) can only do four levels of exhaustion per round, two with its standard Action and two as a Legendary Action, and the target has to fail two DC 10 Constitution saves for that to happen (since it must miss its DC 15 CON save by 5 or more).

Now that I think of it, that DC seems extraordinarily low for a Challenge 16 creature. The recommended DC for a CR 16 creature is 18 after all.

While I did deliberately gimp the DC by making it CHA-based instead of CON-based like a standard Wight, maybe we should go back to the default and make it CON-based for the Cairn Wight, which'd give its Death Grip and Soul Drain DC 19 (so the target would have to miss a DC 14 to get two levels of exhaustion, which is pretty easy for a Challenge-appropriate PC).

Should I update the Cairn Wight (Undead Stone Giant) with DC 19 for its life sapping special attacks?

Oh, and the Cairn Wraith's "Life Drain" should use base 8 for its saves, not base 10, which'd make the DC 16 rather than 18.

The easy fix is to increase the CON a bit and knock off a few HD.

Both Wraiths and Wights have CON 16 (+3) in 5E so I think you'd be justified in giving a Cairn Wraith the same CON 22 (+6) as the Cairn Wight, or if you prefer to keep the DC 18 make it CON 20 (+5) like a living Stone Giant.

I lean towards CON 20 so the Cairn Wraith is a bit more ephemeral than the Cairn Wight.

Either way you'd need to knock off a few Hit Dice assuming we're aiming for the HP to be in the same ballpark of 209.


Now I'm thinking of statting up my own version of this critter.

It depends how energetic I'm feeling (and whether I get distracted by something else!).

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