D&D 5E Does Poison Immunity make you immune to the poisoned condition?

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Technically, I think not, but logically I would say yes. Unless there's something mentioned in the condition I'm unaware of, I'd say it's a DM call. I would rule yes, but others might not.

Let's take a look at Dwarven Resilience:
Dwarven Resilience.
You have advantage on saving
throws against poison, and you have resistance against
poison damage (explained in chapter 9).
I would say the second part specifically refers to "poison damage" and would not apply for the Poisoned condition. However the first part refers only to "poison" and not "poison damage", so I'd think that one refers to both.


First Post
I would say "yes" but I'm struggling to think of an instance where immunity to poison damage is granted where the poisoned condition isn't also mentioned.


Oh this is where the title goes?
If an ability says you are immune to poison damage, then you are only immune to poison damage, not the condition. But like Kalshane says, normally the two immunities are granted together.

A 10th level monk is immune to poison, period. I would interpret that as both damage and the condition.


First Post
The yuan Ti state "You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition". If one implied the other, it would be unnecessary to state both.

For example, the axe of Dwarven Lords provides immunity to poison damage. So you could still be affected by the poisoned condition.

Where the Eye and Hand of Vecna state "You are immune to poison and disease" which I would say is both the damage and condition.


As far as I know, the entries in the MM always give both - immune to poison and immune to the poisoned condition.

As far as an ability/spell giving you immunity to poison, I don't know of any way you can get the poisoned condition without being poisoned first but they are not the same thing. So in theory you could gain the poisoned condition but only if it does not require that you are poisoned first.

There may be some instances where the effect is mimicking the poisoned condition without actually being poisoned.

It is possible to imagine something like radiation that gives necrotic damage and the poisoned condition without actual poison damage, but until something like that happens, I think you are pretty safe to link up the two.


Oh this is where the title goes?
From the DMG, a bunch of poisons impose the poisoned condition with no poison damage. Many creatures in the Monster Manual can do the same. So the damage and condition don't always come together.

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