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Domhani Bairdéir 03

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Cyr Escunar In The Basement

Neurotic said:
Cyr waits for a few moments for possible answer from the guards and then looks around himself. After taking good measure of his surroundings he goes toward nearest door barred like his was and calls in...

"Amhran, are you in there?" while knocking on the door...

He will proceed thus with all the doors. If none yields any result he will hurriedly open all doors just in case Amhran is drugegd or otherwise incapacitated and then will make himself scarce...

Hopefuly he will recover his equipment in the process.

Getting no audible response to his knocking and calling, and beginning to worry lest someone else come down to the cellar, Cyr begins opening doors. He comes across his equipment, and Amhrán's, in a small closet. It appears intact, but picked through.

He does indeed find Amhrán behind a door very similar to the one he was imprisoned behind.

"I've been calling out since I heard you start knocking - what took you so long?"

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Skáth Lurks About

The former prisoner calmly closes the door on his jailors and replaces the bar, then begins knocking on the other doors in the basement and calling out a name, Amhrán. When he gets no response, he begins opening doors. Behind one he finds a pile of equipment, which he effeciently goes through and begins donning. Some of it he places in a neat stack off to the side.

His searching bears fruit, finally, when he opens a door and a man steps out. He's medium height and build with short dark hair and a petulant look on his face.

"I've been calling out since I heard you start knocking - what took you so long?"


First Post

Leif said:
"Come on, Béar! Get in there and stop him before he gets us all a date with the hangman! Obviously, I have no influence over Gavril, but you've known him for much longer than I have."

OOC: Good call Leif! I haven't really posted in a month...I got mentally stuck in "observer" mode... :heh:

IC: Béar hurriedly makes his way into the room and steps between Gavril and the lady...facing the lady: "Thank you for see us my lady. My appologies, but we must be on our way now." With that, Béar turns around and forces Gavril out the door. (I picture what it looks like when a dog gets stuck between your legs while you're trying to walk...but you just keep on walking :p )

3d6=8 to whatever roll the DM requires.....I'll do more if needed


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Cyr Escunar

Rumaging through his equipment, Cyr takes a small bundle of leafs and starts cheweing on it, look of relief relaxing his sharp features. He absent mindedly rubs bulge on his left forearm.

Oh, come on, Amhrán, you could have knocked too, I did my best. And besides, we are free. Are you hurt? If you can move, take your stuff and let's get out of here.

OOC: See Amhrán in attachment
OOC2: I didn't notice, but Sienna is already taken by Béar, so I'll take Dark green instead...


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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Cyr Escunar in the Cellar

Still grumbling under his breath, Amhrán gathers his things and buckles on his long, curved sword. Once he's got everything, he signals readiness to proceed. The cellar is large, and in his explorations to find Amhrán Cyr did not see any sign of stairs.

OOC: Mike, roll a Perception Check for Skáth, if you please.
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First Post

Hmmm, that is very interesting.... Skáth will continue to follow this stranger to see what he does next, being very careful not to be spotted.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Cyr Escunar

OOC: Can we roll sense roll to see Skath? After all, we are now in danger and exploring, thus constantly looking around...not specificaly for him, but still...

OOC2: Are there any more prisoners? Or anything useful such as servant livery or military uniforms?

Just in case: Sense roll to notice Skath, first for Cyr (3d6=13) and second for Amhran (3d6=9)

Go on that side, start opening the door, there has to be stairs somewhere. Let's hurry.

Cyr continues opening doors in search of exit. After Amhran joins he sends him on the opposite side to go parallel with him.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Cyr Escunar/Amhrán

Amhrán quickly goes about following Cyr's directions. The stairs are not concealed, and Cyr finds them in short order.

Amhrán also discovers a chest of household livery - servants' stuff rather than guard uniforms. There is none that fits exactly, but each of the former prisoners finds an outfit that is not too far off.

OOC: Neither manages to spot the wily and elusive Daoine deBith (he made his modified Stealth roll by 10, which means even with a PER roll of 13- (the roll for a 20 INT) you'd have to roll a 3).
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Voidrunner's Codex

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