Dragon Age 2


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Bought this a few days ago and I have been forcing, yes FORCING, myself to play this until I couldn't take it anymore at 17th level.
I did play DAII all the way through. Trust me, you're not missing much. The climactic battle was so horrible I almost laughed out loud. I've played DA:O and ME2 (and BGII) several times through each, and it's hard to believe the same company was behind them.

It had a newer engine, but a cartoony look (enemies explode when you kill them?!), weak characters, almost no meaningful player choices, boring quests, silly mechanics (fighters only recover stamina when they kill something?!), enemies that appear in waves out of nowhere, perpetual recycled maps...
Even the music wasn't as good (as the composer himself admits he was rushed).

I still have high hopes for future games, but you can count me among those that are done with preordering.

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I don't know how you can enjoy this game.
I'm not sure I can explain it to you, but I did. Much more than the original. I played DA:O for a few hours, then set it down for a good six months before finishing it. I beat DA2 in two weeks, immediately started a new game, then sold it on Glyde shortly after, since I felt bad about putting another 40 or so hours into the game.

Different strokes and all.

I found the "story" far less coherent.
I thought the story was oddly more coherent, what with all the Aristotelian Unity of Place and the focus on the rise and fall of Hawke. I really enjoyed some of DA:O's storyline, but overall thought it was overlong and meandering, much like of the the bad fantasy epics it aspired to be.

I guess a just found a lot of DA:2 novel, despite the obvious technical flaws and rushed dev cycle. I can't think of another CRPG that lets you have a fling with a saucy pirate who stole the Qu'ran, befriend a guy who blows up the Pope, snark your way to power and glory while getting you Mom, sister, and brother killed, all the while stabbing people so hard they explode.

It's basically all I could ask for from the tabletop experience --sans a truly reactive, branching storyline-- let alone a computer game!


I finished the game.

I'll give BW another chance with ME3, if that's destroyed as bad as DA2, I'm out. Not buying another BW game without stellar reviews.

Loved the ME series thus far, we'll see if they can continue the trend with ME3

Zelda Themelin

First Post
I really loved Dragon age I, though latest add-ons were with weaker plotwise.

I played Dragon age 2 too, but half year after originally getting it, some things in it really put me off. Interface changes were horrible. I didn't like lack of freedom with equipment and console looks were all around. I play console games too, but pc games shouldn't look like that what comes to using interface we have keyboard and mouse not pad.

I hated skill trees, Dragon age 1 did it better. Also constant re-use of maps. And I still got lost, since basic models were so confusing.

Plot, I kinda liked movies with dwarf. What I didn't like were one partifular long solo fight lot of talk and choices and then movie. With no change to save anywhere in between. I wasn't enjoying story much when I was disracted having to run around two pillars for 40 min. not counting 2 prior tries where I died.

I didn't like grindy bosses. I didn't like them in final fantasy, I don't like them re-done. They belong to world of mmo.

And enemies teleporting from sky. Aargh.
I didn't like people as no interaction graphic.

Story of Hawke was bit boring in the beginning. It got better though, and I was sad last chapter was so short. At that point I actually liked playing the game. True I would have liked it much more if some things would have been more like dragon age 1. Plot was core coherant and more settled with one area. Npc:s felt more intersting.

I didn't like hawke or party as personalities much though, they were all sorta annoying. But still interesting.

Honesty I like bit more epic plot in computer games, and this felt a bit lackluster. I don't see why they compared Hawke and last games champion, there was little comparison, really. Unless you count Witch manipulating them both, which could count, I guess.


Electronic Arts pushed Bioware to produce Dragon Age 2 as fast as possible, hoping to cash in on the success of Dragon Age: Origins.

They have since learned (from the absolute trashing DA 2 got from the fans) that the old adage is still true: You can get something fast, good, or cheap, pick two.

Electronic Arts went for fast and cheap and they've suffered for it.

Remus Lupin

I just finished playing the "Mark of the Assassin" DLC last night, and thought it was excellent. Good action and fight sequences, good Role Play sequences, and a very fun "sneaking around" mechanic that I hope they incorporate into future iterations of the game.

Story and acting wise, it was also good, though I have yet to be convinced that Felicia Day can pull off "action star" as effectively as she pulls off "comedic actress." I haven't seen it yet in the Dragon Age video series she's doing it, and it was tough for me to listen to her voice on the DLC without thinking of Codex from "The Guild."

That said, I loved the DLC, and it's added immensely to my enjoyment of the game.

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