Dragonbane Offers A Box Full Of Classic Fantasy

A modern update of Sweden's classic fantasy game.


It seems that RPG boxed sets are everywhere from online sales to the shelves at the local Target store. There’s something primal about cracking open a box and digging into a brand new fantasy world. Even if the majority of these boxes are built as starter sets that offer up a fun experience in the hopes that the table will buy a core book to continue their adventures beyond the one contained within. Dragonbane, from Free League Publishing, offers a full campaign experience in this boxed set much like their Forbidden Lands and Twilight: 2000 boxes. You can tell lead designer Tomas Harenstam is in for the long haul. There’s a heft to this box that caught me by surprise when Free League sent the physical review copy. Is Dragonbane worth its weight in gold pieces? Let’s play to find out.

Dragonbane is a modern update of Drakar och Demoner, aka Dragons & Demons, which blended elements of Dungeons & Dragons and Chaosium’s early fantasy work into a game that a lot of Swedish kids played in the 1980s. I’m not familiar with the game beyond what I’ve read in the introduction of the boxed set and a few interviews with designers but I can say that this game blends those old-school influences with modern designs such as 5e and Free League’s own Year Zero titles. Attributes set up the base chance for 30 skills which players must roll under to succeed on a d20. Classes determine which of those skills can be improved. Individual skills are improved in play by earning a check and rolling higher than the skill after the session. On the modern side, the game uses advantage and disadvantage, or what it calls boons and banes, to reflect difficulty adjustments rather than hard modifiers. Heroic traits are gained on a rare occasion in a manner similar to milestone levelling.

Players can choose to reroll if they risk taking a condition that affects their character such as getting angry or exhausted. Each condition affects one of the attributes and the skills connected to it and forces a bane on all rolls on that attribute until the condition is cleared. (For those min/maxers in the audience, Constitution has the least amount of skills and Agility has the most, so keep that in mind in play) This is one of many optional rules called out in an emerald green sidebar, but reading those optional rules made me want to play this game with all those switches turned on. They are one of the many things that help differentiate Dragonbane from the many wonderful OSR games on the market.

The art also puts Dragonbane in its own class. Johan Egerkrans is the lead illustrator here. His style is one of the big draws to Vaesen and he and his collaborators here bring that same aesthetic to this game. While most throwback games go for gnarly line art or weird doodles that wouldn't look out of place in a third period Spanish class notebook, there’s an animated quality to the art in this game that still feels of the period even if it's more polished and colorful. I think that black and white art can be evocative for throwback games like this, but the painted illustrations here kept bringing me back to the Rankin-Bass Tolkien films and the paperback covers in the fantasy section of my long gone Waldenbooks. That art spreads out through the accessories included in the box: the maps, the pawns, the pre-generated characters. Even the treasure cards have unique illustrations of just how much gold a player might find in a particular room.

The box includes a campaign that charges the players with looking for a magic sword. First they have to find the pieces of a statue that unlocks the tomb. Then they have to get the sword and put it to use against the forces of evil who want the sword for their own nefarious purposes. It’s pretty basic stuff but it’s very well executed. The nature of the artifact hunt gives the players the ability to tackle the adventures in whichever order they want except for the final confrontation. Each adventuring site is built for a night or two of adventure and while there is dungeon plundering a plenty to be had, many of the sites also come with rivals or potential allies to talk with during the exploration. Each of these NPCs comes with a character portrait and a well-defined motivation which help the adventures stand out from the usual dungeon crawls.

Should the players wish to keep going (or the GM wish to break up the storyline with some standalone adventures), the boxed set provides two adventure generators. The first has the GM roll one of each fantasy die type to put together some writing prompts for an adventure. The second are a set of solo rules written by Shawn Tomkin of Ironsworn fame that give one site something of an endless dungeon feeling. Perfect for players who miss a session but still want to get involved in a story or for those unfortunate souls who haven’t convinced their table to try something other than D&D that want to enjoy the world of Dragonbane.

I think this game is an excellent opportunity for GMs who want to play other systems but have tables that are too locked into D&D. A lot of this is familiar; dungeons, sword, magic, d20s, but there are some elements that are different. Perhaps if the table enjoys pushing rolls, for example, they might be up for some Tales From The Loop after this game ends. There’s also an appeal to a campaign that lasts between 12-24 sessions with options in the box to expand the story if everyone’s really enjoying themselves. I wouldn’t be adverse to more Dragonbane either with new boxes exploring new ancestries, locations and storylines. It seems ripe for playable goblins to go along with the duck people and the talking dogs.

Dragonbane offers a throwback experience that has everything the GM needs to play in one hefty box.

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Rob Wieland

Rob Wieland


Yes, there's a million ways to roll stats, because it's just DnD stats. This is the cleanest hack I can implement without it getting weird (while still having rolling, because array is no better than point-buy for providing some surprise results).
If I want random but safe, I just do 2d6+6. It has a high floor, but the ceiling is the same and the average is "heroic."

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Because then it's a party effort and there is an element of choice. Even if their stats suck, there's hopefully someone who is like 'yeah, I can work with that'.
You could just have everyone roll 4d6dl1 6-7 times. The values are put into a common pool at the table. Players then go around the table and pick a value from the pool. Then the process starts over from the last player and works its way backwards. Repeat until all players have six values.

Von Ether

I was going through a box of gaming stuff I had missed when prepping for a move and discovered an original copy of X1 Isle of Dread inside. If there is any old school D&D adventure that would fit Dragonbane, I think it is Isle of Dread. I might have to start converting...
Pretty much, you could also use the Hot Springs Island as well, which has no stats to convert. Just decide which family of stats (demons, elementals, orcs, ogres, etc) go with which factions and go.

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aramis erak

Okay, first pass at a Arclands monster

Looking like nothing so much as a spherical anemone made of glistening black bristles, the tunnel scrubber moves through the passages beneath the Arclands collecting and devouring whatever stray organic matter it encounters.

Tunnel scrubbers are neither living nor sentient. They barely qualify as machines, in fact. They are composed or responsive meta-material “quills” surrounding a techorganic recycler. The tunnel scrubber picks organic matter -- from moss to insects to slow and/or unlucky adventurers -- from the corridors beneath the Arclands and converts that matter into energy to power itself.

A tunnel scrubber completely fills a corridor space, up to ten feet in diameter.

Ferocity 1 Size Large
Movement 12 Armor 5 HP: 32
Chemosensor: Tunnel scrubbers can neither see nor hear but they have powerful chemoreceptors. They can detect any organic matter or living creature within 30 feet with precision, and can follow the trail of the same unerringly.

1. Collect Samples: The tunnel scrubber uses its quills to pull the flesh from the target’s bones, doing 2d12 piercing damage.
Average 13 damage... with typical armor, the fighters take 8-10, the tankiest still take 5... and the casters start with death saves.

2. Exterminate: The tunnel scrubber releases a blast of static charge in a radius of 6 meters, killing all insects and small animals and causing 2d6 electrical damage to any other living creatures.

3. Deep Clean: The tunnel scrubber suddenly spins rapidly. Anything within its quills takes 4d8 slashing damage. Those adjacent to the tunnel scrubber take 2d8 slashing damage.
that's an average damage of 18. That's essentially about a 70% autokill of any but the best armored fighters, for whom it's still likely to be more than half AFTER 8 armor for the max-tank.

4. Capture: The tunnel scrubber uses its quills to grab and draw a living creature into its bodily sphere. The target taked 2d6 piercing damage and is restrained.

5. Retract: The tunnel scrubber suddenly draws all of its quills into its center. Until the tunnel scrubber performs a different action it is immobile and has an Armor rating of 12.
RAW, It's got to do a different action on next turn, so the "different" is superfluous.
6. Analyze: The tunnel scrubber spends its action analyzing a random target with sensors. Any attacks by that target against the tunnel scrubber, or dodge rolls made against the tunnel scrubber’s attacks, are made with a bane.

Loot: If destroyed, the tunnel scrubber quills retract around the recycler core to protect it while it regenerates. The meta-material the quills are made of is highly sought after by Arcverge artificers and can be sold for 4d10 gp.
that peak damage is going to kill people badly. you should probably tone down the 4d8 to 3d6 or 2d10...
and remember: fumbled parries can increase monster damage.

Honestly, I think it would be better with 2d6 and 2d8 damages, but ferocity 2... otherwise, well, it's on par with campaign-ending demons.

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