Dragonlance DRAGONLANCE LIVES! Unearthed Arcana Explores Heroes of Krynn!

The latest Unearthed Arcana has arrived and the 6-page document contains rules for kender, lunar magic, Knights of Solamnia, and Mages of High Sorcery.


In today’s Unearthed Arcana, we explore character options from the Dragonlance setting. This playtest document presents the kender race, the Lunar Magic sorcerer subclass, the Knight of Solamnia and Mage of High Sorcery backgrounds, and a collection of new feats, all for use in Dungeons & Dragons.

Kender have a (surprisingly magical) ability to pull things out of a bag, and a supernatural taunt feature. This magical ability appears to replace the older 'kleptomania' description -- "Unknown to most mortals, a magical phenomenon surrounds a kender. Spurred by their curiosity and love for trinkets, curios, and keepsakes, a kender’s pouches or pockets will be magically filled with these objects. No one knows where these objects come from, not even the kender. This has led many kender to be mislabeled as thieves when they fish these items out of their pockets."

Lunar Magic is a sorcerer subclass which draws power from the moon(s); there are notes for using it in Eberron.

Also included are feats such as Adepts of the Black, White, and Red Robes, and Knights of the Sword, Rose, and Crown.


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The latest #UnearthedArcana has arrived!

[emoji368] Embrace curiosity as a Kender
[emoji287] Lunar Magic subclass for Sorcerers to explore their ties to moons
[emoji3287] Backgrounds from Krynn: Knight of Solamnia and Mage of High Sorcery
[emoji809] Feats supporting backgrounds or divine connections

Ok, confession time.

I have been kicking around a celestial sorcerer subclass based on the 4e one for years, but I never felt I captured the feel of it. The lunar sorcerer does EXACTLY what I wanted, and I feel almost dumb for missing the obvious choices this subclass made.

That alone is worth a buy for me.

As for the rest: interesting that kender don't have thief skills or bonuses to them, and I'm not sure I like wizard of high sorcery and knight of solomnia as feats, but nothing offensive at first blush. (Well, nothing mechanically offensive. Kender are always offensive [emoji57])

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