Dragonlance Dragonlance: Lunar Sorcerer video by WotC

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In my Greyhawk game, I have a full year's calendar already printed (that includes the phases of the moon and religious holidays already on it), and I generated all the weather already. Want to know the weather (and wind speed) of a particular day three months from now? I got it!
I did this for a (the only) FR campaign I ran. It was still a pain in the ass to keep track of. I'm just not obsessive enough, I guess.

Man, tracking the moons in Dragonlance was one of the things I used to do for fun. Heck, as the wizard, I always made sure to do it. Why should the DM bear the responsibility.

In my Greyhawk game, I have a full year's calendar already printed (that includes the phases of the moon and religious holidays already on it), and I generated all the weather already. Want to know the weather (and wind speed) of a particular day three months from now? I got it!

An app for the moon tracking would be cool if they were going that route, no question. Although this seems more about "ease of play" than anything else. Oh well. Like others have said, its easier to retrofit it if I were going to even try to run 5e's version.
* Shudder *. I think I need therapy.

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