Dragonlance Dragonlance "Reimagined".

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If the boil is full of screaming children, sure.

That's our Morality and even then children have been caught in the crossfire's by the right side winning. Think 1939-45. That was total war, Dragonlance is total war on a cosmic scale

Hell evil won in the twins trilogy novel and it can't create so everyone died.

The alternative is vastly worse. That's the type of decisions gods have to make. If redemption band peace isn't an option dropping a mountain makes sense.

Drop a mountain vs everyone dooe.


That's our mirality and even then children have been caught in the crossfire's by the right side winning. Think 1939-45. That was total war, Dragonlance is total war on a cosmic scale

The alternative is vastly worse. That's the type of decisions gods have to make. If redemption band peace isn't an option dropping a mountain makes sense.
Choosing the lesser evil, even when you don't have a better choice doesn't make the lesser evil good.


Choosing the lesser evil, even when you don't have a better choice doesn't make the lesser evil good.
it is when the choice is a few die vs everyone or creation itself is at stake.

We saw that in the novels other deities like Shar and Tharizdun want to destroy everything. It's ultimate evil winning forever.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
And who is suggesting that? Who is claiming e.g. that the modern version of Spelljammer is flawless and entirely an improvement? Because this appears to be a strawman

You do however seem to be subscribing to the principle that the original is best. And no. No it isn't. Sometimes it is but not always.
It is being implicitly suggested by all the people who flock to new versions of old properties, and by content creators who insist on remakes instead of risking themselves a bit on original work.

I like some new things. About half of nu-Trek is good, even great in my opinion. Most if not all the TV offerings for Star Wars are excellent. I don't like everything about new Spelljammer (especially the format and the lack of content), but they nailed the feel of the original.

On the other hand, my distaste for new Ravenloft is well known. Mostly, I'm just tired of people telling me that things I really liked growing up actually suck, over and over again.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
95% on RT vs. 43%. Take the L
I actually liked the BSG reboot, even the ending, although I never got into the original. But the implication you're making that objective quality is measured by how many positive reviews it gets is very wrong in my opinion.



Just because something is popular doesn't make it a masterpiece.... Look to a lot of popular music for instance.

That said, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't expect everyone else to agree with you. Personally, I found NuGalactica to be about on par with a bad CW show and gave up 2 seasons in after trying really hard to give it a chance.


I actually liked the BSG reboot, even the ending, although I never got into the original. But the implication you're making that objective quality is measured by how many positive reviews it gets is very wrong in my opinion.

Espicially on RT. Critics also tend towards snobbery. They look down on "lowbrow" entertainment.

If you want to be in an Oscar contention make a historical drama with a morality theme. Sure as hell you won't see a comedy win an Oscar these days.


Just because something is popular doesn't make it a masterpiece.... Look to a lot of popular music for instance.

That said, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't expect everyone else to agree with you. Personally, I found NuGalactica to be about on par with a bad CW show and gave up 2 seasons in after trying really hard to give it a chance.

Season 2 was rough. I enjoyed it more on a second rewatch. I do think it's over rated like a lot of Trek.

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