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Dragons of Autumn Twilight


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Tas looks around once again as the group begins heading towards Solace. As he looks at the changing leaves in the giant trees, all thoughts of the ambush and the dead hobgoblins leave his mind for the time being, replaced by thoughts of spiced potatoes and cold ale. His stomach growls as if on cue.

The kender looks to his friends and how they've changed. He looks at Raistlin most of all, the physical changes heavily apparent. "Raistlin," he says with slight caution. "Are you okay? Your health looks like it's gotten much, much worse since we last met."

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Thy wounds are healed!
Raistlin choose to ignore the kender's many questions and Tas soon becomes bored with getting the mage to talk. Suddenly he sees their destination. "Look we're here!" he exclaims pointing.

The Inn of the Last Home rests cradled high in the boughs of a Vallenwood tree - as do all the buildings here, for Solace is a treetop town. Warm laughter tumbles from the Inn. The worn steps wind around the heay trunk up to the familiar, carved door.

The Inn of the Last Home never changes. The polished wooden bar weaves about several living branches. An old man weaves stories in the corner and delights the crowd gathered about him. The delicate windows of stained glass behind the barare being polished by Otik Sandath, the barkeeper. He turns and waves, smiling at you, and motions the barmaid in your direction. The low murmur of voices fills the inn. The bartender turns thoughtfully to polish the glasses. At a far table, near the stroyteller, a man and woman sit together and speak quietly. Another man stands beside the now silent storyteller while a small boy stares thoughtfully into the fire.

The barmaid steps towards you, smiles, and shows you to a table. Something about her seems familiar. The hair? The intelligent glint in her eyes? Could this be Tika, the little girl who swept the tavern floors a short five years ago? The Inn never changes, but surely its people do.

As they start to sit at a table in the center of the room pushed up next to the trunk, Tika takes their order for ale, hot ater and plenty of spiced potatoes. She starts for the kitchen but turns right back around. "Oh I almost forgot Tanis," she starts to say.

- she reached in her pocket and drew forth a cylindrical object - "this arrived for you today. Under strange circumstances."

Tanis frowned and reached for the object. It was a small scrollcase made of black, highly polished wood. He slowly removed a thin piece of parchment and unrolled it. His heart thudded painfully at the sight of the bold, black handwriting.

"It's from Kitiara," he said finally, knowing his voice sounded strained and unnatural. "She's not coming."

There was a moment's of silenc. "That's done it," Flint said. "The circle is broken, the oath denied. Bad luck." He shook his head. "Bad luck.

Tika heads to the kitchen as you all discuss the letter and returns with hot food&water and ale. Raistlin brews his tea and you all talk a little more of your travels. About a half an hour later a group of guardsman come into the Inn on what they say is a "routine patrol" but before leaving they each down a tankard of ale.

"At least they were human." Flint grumbles into his own mug after they leave.

Tanis - Duties here to my new lord keep me very busy and I regret I will not beable to meet with you and the others. Send them all my best wishes and please send my love to my brothers. And most of all I send my love out to you Tanis I hope we meet again someday soon. - Kit [/sblock]


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Thy wounds are healed!
Suddenly, soft music begins. Its source is aslim, beautiful girl. Lyre in hand, she slides gracefully to si; nearby a large plainsman raises a flute to his lips.

The girl's eyes are a bright sky blue, her skin a buttery tan. ost striking of all is the flowing white gold of her hair. Plush white furs trim her woven cape. A single feather folds back along the right side of her head.

Her voice clear as winter air, she begins to sing...

[sblock=Play Me]
Song of Goldmoon

The grasslands are endless, and summer sings on,
And Goldmoon the princess loves a poor man's son,
Her father the chieftain makes long roads between them.
The grasslands are endless and summer sings on.

The grasslands are waving, the sky's rim is gray.
The chieftain sends Riverwind east and away,
To search for strong magic at the lip of the morning.
The grasslands are waving, the sky's rim is gray.

Oh Riverwind, where have you gone?
Oh Riverwind autumn comes on....
I sit by the river and look to the sunrise,
But the sun rises over the mountains alone.

The grasslands are fading, the summer wind dies.
He comes back, the darkness of stones in his eyes,
He carries a blue staff as bright as a glacier.
The grasslands are fading, the summer wind dies,

The grasslands are fragile, as yellow as flame.
The chieftain makes mockery of Riverwind's claim,
He orders the people to stone the young warrior.
The grasslands are fragile, as yellow as flame.

The grasslands are faded, and autumn is here.
The girl joins her lover, the stones whistle near,
The staff flares in blue light and both of them vanish.
The grasslands are faded, and autumn is here.

Oh Riverwind, where have you gone?
Oh Riverwind autumn comes on....
I sit by the river and look to the sunrise,
But the sun rises over the mountains alone. The autumn is here.

As the musicians start to rise a cyrstal staff falls from their belongs and rolls across the floor towards the companions. It stops when it hits Sturm's booted foot. Then there is a flash of blue light and the knight feels a healing warmth, and then suddenly his wounds are now longer there.

The woman quickly runs to pick up the staff before the knight can bend down to grab it. She stands before the companion's table, glowing staff in hand and looking as stunned as they as to what has just happened.
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Walking Dad

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Raistlin & Caramon

Caramon is to busy to get Raistlin's tea ready (and seemingly by seeing Tika...), that he doesn't notice the starnge happenings.

Raistlin on the other side focuses his strange hourglass eyes on the female barbarian, or more, her staff. "Interesting." He says quietly, glad that the tea had remedied the worst of his coughing.


First Post
Tas listens in captivation at the song, studying every word of it. It is a good ballad, he thinks, and it might make for a good campfire tale one day if the group ever gets separated again. He sighs for a second, as his thinking has caused him to miss half of a verse.

His attention is broken once again as the song ends and the singer's staff drops to the floor and rolls to Sturm's foot. Hey, he thinks to himself, didn't that fat hobgoblin on a horse say something about one of those before he set his lackeys after them? The kender looks up at the woman and her companion.

He takes a bite of his potatoes before trying to discreetly motion to the rest of his companions to see if they too have seen what he has.


Heroic ballad of a broken soul that found her love in the end ... probably a personal story of these two
Tanis thinks to himself as he stuffs another spiced potato into his mouth and cleans up his scorched throat with a swig of ale.

The falling and rolling of the staff almost chokes him.
Healing magic...
He says quietly
Clearly it is a sign from the gods, Mishkal
He rolls the name on his tongue and stands up
God’s magic ... years I have travelled and sought for a sign from the gods and there it is ... who are you?
He says with awe to the gold haired lady


Thy wounds are healed!
The beautiful barbarian woman stands proudly, and then speaks to the group as the tall flute playing warrior moves up to tower above her.

I am a princess of the Que-Shu tribe. Riverwind is my guardian and my betrothed. We seek to discover the nature and use of this staff. Some months ago, Riverwind went to my father and asked for my hand. Father had another marriage in mind for me and demanded that Riverwind prove his worthiness by bringing back the magic of the Forsaken Lands.

For months I had no word, no sign of him. Then Riverwind returned. My father's plan was spoiled, so he claimed the staff was not magical and ordered Riverwind stoned in the village. As the stones fell upon him, I ran to his side. At that moment, the staff blazed and we suddenly found ourselves on the plains west of the village. We search for proof that the staff holds powerful and good magic. Until we know how to control the staff, we cannot return to my tribe.

She looks to Riverwind and smiles. When it looks like he will not tell his story she prompts him to speak.


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[sblock=Character Card]I am a warrior of the Que-Shu tribe. I have loved Goldmoon for many turns of the sun. I remember little of what happened to me after I reached the Forsaken Lands. Everything rises as dark dreams: a black swamp, a well, a kind and shining lady, a leather-winged creature of evil. How much of this happened and how much was madness, I cannot say. Months later I somehow returned, bleeding, crazed with fever and visions. I presented the staff, but the council scorned it. Somehow the staff helped us escape in a flash of sunlight. Now we seek control of its power.[/sblock]
Riverwind gives Goldmoon a "must I" look and she gave him a "get on with it" look in return. Bowing to the inevitable he takes Goldmoon's hand for support and starts to talk. Those who know him, know that he's a very terse individual who hardly ever strings two sentences together. Tonight, however, he is positively eloquent.

"When I left the village, something told me to travel north. Long was my journey and as I kept going north, Summer changed to Autumn and you could feel the chill of winter in the pre-dawn air. Eventually, I reached the shores of the Newsea. By this time the vegetation had become very sparse and game was non-existence. Under these circumstances even an experienced plainsman finds it hard to locate food. As I followed the sun and the moon and the stars, aimlessly searching, I started to become delirious. Then, I came on a ruined city in a black swamp or did I dream it. Regardless, it seemed real to me and I will treat it as such. Searching the village I encountered a well from which rose death on black wings. Ancient it was and evil, very evil. Just as I though I had met my end, she appeared. The woman dressed in blue light. What transpired next I don't remember. All I know is that she gave my the staff, which Goldmoon now carries. After that my recollection is even more hazy and my next sane thought is waking in our village with Goldmoon tending me, herself sick with worry"

Riverwind finishes talking and Goldmoon squeezes his hand in sympathy and love.


What are your plans now?
Tanis asks the tribe man and the daughter’s chief
Surely, you cannot stay here, Hobgoblins roam the land looking for you my lady and the staff you posses.


First Post
Riverwind becomes quite perturbed on hearing that hobgoblins are looking for Goldmoon. He puts his arm around her protectively and utters. "Hobgoblins looking for Goldmoon. Explain." From his manner and tone of voice you can tell he is very worried.

Voidrunner's Codex

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