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Dragonstar: Deep Space Campaign, Part One: Taken


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When they first approached you, you were unconcerned, both their appearance and manner were unthreatening. Small bodies, with pale skin, large dark eyes and grey robes, you judged them to be harmless. Thinking back on the experience now you should have recognized the signs. First, they spoke without any movement of they?re mouths, and as they asked their questions not once did you refuse to answer, even when the questions became personal. When they, at last, were done they told you to go to sleep, and you merely curled up next to your campfire and fell unconscious, without protest.

Upon your next awakening, you feared that you had fallen into some kind of nightmare. You were striped naked and clamped to cold metal table. Paralyzed and unable to speak, you could only watch, horrified, as the small pale men poked and probed your body. They were eerily silent throughout the ordeal. They seemed to communicate, perhaps with their mind-speak, as they used to speak with you before. One after another of strange devices, obviously magical, would be directed at you, some caused you pain others pleasure. Either way you were completely helpless. When it seemed they were finished with you, out of the ceiling, beyond the blinding lights, tentacles of some strange material snaked down to pierce you in various spots. One even forced its way down your throat, causing you to gag, and then clamped itself to your face. Next you were levitated off the table and placed into a large glass cylinder. You could see where you were now, some laboratory like that of some mad sorcerer. Along side the pale ones worked some horrific constructions, half flesh and bone, the other half metal. Dozens of cylinders like the one you were being moved into lined the room. Most were occupied by all manner of creatures, some were of familiar races, but most were not. Each creature floated in a bath of green-tinged liquid. A few were mutilated, with metal replacing missing parts, and you hoped a similar fate didn?t await you. As the cylinder you were place in began to fill with same liquid you began to panic. It felt horribly warm and viscous. It slowly rose over your body then head and you thought you were going to drown but the tentacle attached to your face forced air into your lungs helping you to breathe. You screamed in a silent rage as your body refused to respond to your frantic commands for action. Even though you made no sound the pale ones about the room seemed to wince. One of them came to your glass prison and you could hear its mind-speak once again. ?Sleep now, conserve your energy. You well need it.? The voice was cold and emotionless filled with no hint of remorse or guilt about its actions, yet you still couldn?t resist it?s commands and soon fell unconscious once again.

When next you wake you find yourself in a forest. Strange blue-leafed trees frame the evening sky; the stars shinning above you are unfamiliar. They are joined by four moons of various shades and sizes. You feel heavier here. And as you roll over on to your stomach you see that several others are here with you, they too seem to be just awakening.

[DM: Time to introduce yourselves and explore your environment.

The characters are laid out in a forest clearing about 50 feet across. A steam trickles by to your north. Forest surrounds you in all directions. The strangest thing you notice is no sounds of animal life can be heard. There are three humans, an elf, a winged-man, and a large humanoid dragon in the clearing. You also notice that all your equipment has been returned to you. ]
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Horatio looks around taking it all in, waiting to see what the others are about before making any overt actions or speaking to anyone. He looks around to see were he is and who all is here trying to figure out how to make this all work the best for him.
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Kaalek rises with a start, and eyes the others with suspicion. Though panicked at first, he can feel his familiar's presence.

From beneath his heavy scarves he whispers "Be vigilant, Quarrop." and more audibly says "These others may not seem hostile, but whatever their intent, we will return it in kind."

Kaalek leans forward on his staff while reaching into the leather pouch at his side as what looks like a tiny beholder hovers close to him, keeping an eye focused on each person.


Banwyl comes to and remains lying on the ground, studying the group of others. Well, I'm certainly not in Sasnak anymore, the arbiter thinks to himself. Once he determines that he is not in any immediate danger, he slowly moves to a crouching position and begins systematically checking his gear, making sure that nothing is missing.

Once he is satisfied that everything is where it should be, Banwyl rises to his feet and says, "Alright, who wants to tell me what's going on here?" He looks at all of the others, making eye contact with each of them in turn.


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"I do not know where I am or who any of you are." Sasaki is obviously ill tempered at this moment. The shame of being captured and humiliated is still with him, and his only thoughts are of revenge! He unconciously rests his hand on his family Katana, ready to spring into action if anyone threatens.


The enormous draconic beast goes about scratching itself for a few moments. Its talons, each longer and thicker than any dagger, rub across its white, scaly hide in broad arcs. The creature's legs give a few test kicks, it grunts, and finally pushes itself upright.

Beholding the monstrocity may elicit waves of fear, panic, or awe. It seems the embodiment of a predator -all rippled sinew, claws, teeth, and even gleaming white wings. It yawns, scratches its backside a few more times and rumbles. That is, it's stomach rumbles. The creature's lower lip pokes out comically and it pats its hardened abdomen with both huge hands.

"Mmf...funny dream," it says in a slow, little voice that contrasts its enormous size. Then, much more confidently, "Mossaka hungry!" So far, it seems to have not even noticed the other individuals in the clearing. Then it looks up.


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Horatio takes in the sights of the group and not sure still what is going on, will still not volunteer anything yet.


Having not detected the presence of evil in any of the others, Banwyl takes the initiative to introduce himself and see what information he can glean from them.

He first looks to the scarved one and says in a stage whisper, "I look only to maintain peace, so if you return that in kind, then all the better."

Then he turns to the dour warrior whose hand is resting on the hilt of his sword, "I am also out of my element. I would guess that the pale ones..." the arbiter pauses to see the reactions of the others before continuing, "...have had a hand in all of us being here in this strange land of four moons and blue trees. As for who I am and what my intentions are, many call me Arbiter for it is my duty where I come from to keep the peace ... at any price. You may all call me Banwyl, however, for that is my name."

Reaching into his pack, Banwyl pulls forth a hunk of dried meat and tosses it on the ground in front of the strange ivory drake, "Mossaka, is it? I will break my fast with you, if that will help matters, for the weight of this world has stirred my belly as well. I would rather you partake of my paltry rations than turn that hungry mouth in my direction, anyway." Smiling, he takes a big bite out of another ration from his pack.

Finally turning to the rest of the group, he says, "What say the rest of you? Without the birds singing or the wolves howling, the silence here is already deafening. You lot should not add to the problem."


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With a half-cough, half-laugh, Kaalek straightens up and says "Peace it is, then? That suits me well enough."

Quarrop, somewhat shaken by the half-dragon, hovers behind Kaalek's head and continues to peek around suspiciously at the others.

"Now then," Kaalek continues, "what are your names, and where do you hail from? You all seem to be in remarkable shape, I am surprised to see that some regions could be left relatively unscarred still."

Voidrunner's Codex

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