D&D 5E Dramatic Rules for Dying


Edit v1.4 - re-simplify and use more standard wording.

At the start of each round, a named character at 0 HP chooses to be either unconscious or grievously wounded.

Grievously Wounded condition:
  • A Grievously Wounded creature is Stunned.
  • They have disadvantage on all other saving throws (including death saves) and involuntary ability checks.
  • They may take an action or reaction by gaining a level of exhaustion and a failed death save (even if they're Stable). The action cannot target or choose themselves (including Self and Touch effects).
  • They can move by crawling prone (these latter two effects are exceptions to Stunned).
Reminder: object interactions, bonus actions, and voluntary ability checks all count as actions in this context.

Dying condition:
A named character who has failed their third death save lingers a minute as if Stunned and Prone, and can only whisper (barely audible if an adjacent listener stands still the whole round and uses their action to listen). Healing effects do not work on Dying creatures. (This minute is the time period where Revivify works.)

If a character is Dying while alone, the DM may optionally extend Dying until their final words can be spoken. (At higher levels, Revivify works for another minute of Dying per slot level above 3rd.)
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I always thought the exactly 0hp condition in 3.5 was by far the most interesting situation, and couldnt understand why they would make it such an extremely unlikely situation. This looks very much like the kind of homebrew I was tempted to do to make it more prevalent, but updated to 5ed.


I love grievously wounded! May be the fix I’ve been looking for.

In addition to the failed death save to take an action does the character also have to roll a death save each turn? Or are they stable if they lie still?

What does Dying Condition add? Hamlet style farewell speeches? Not against it just haven’t quite got my head round that part yet!


Lowcountry Low Roller
I would say the cost of taking an action is too high, disadvantage & a level of exhaustion or failed death save.

It might be much more dramatic to let them roll with advantage and fail a death save/gain level of exhaustion as their desperate urge to survive gives them preternatural energy in these last moments!


I would say the cost of taking an action is too high, disadvantage & a level of exhaustion or failed death save.

It might be much more dramatic to let them roll with advantage and fail a death save/gain level of exhaustion as their desperate urge to survive gives them preternatural energy in these last moments!
I disagree, as this is not "last moment" rules, but rather "hovering on the edge of oblivion" rules. This is the defeated character likely going to survive, but might have to consider to help out make this happen. There should be a real dilemma if it would be better to do nothing, and hope for the team to be managing on their own, or if such a desperate action is needed.

For there to be a real dilemma I think the "value" of an action is considered so high that there should be plenty of deterrents to balance it, I think disadvantage likely should be added for at least most groups.

On another note - if actually implemented it should also include not being able to cast spells, or use certain magical items. Else self casting heals or teleport to safe location will fully undercut any dramatic effect.


The High Aldwin
Grievously Wounded condition:
A named character at 0 HP, instead of falling unconscious, gains:
  • They fall prone and cannot stand.
  • Their speeds are halved (in addition to being prone).
  • Their d20 rolls have disadvantage.
  • They ... can speak ... only ... falter ... ingly.
  • They are incapacitated, but once per round can take an action or reaction by gaining a level of exhaustion and a failed death save.
Whoa! Way too much all at once IMO, but if it works for you, that's great. :)

FWIW, this is what we are doing currently:


as we feel accumulating levels of exhaustion already adds most of the penalties you have, but just not all at once.

And of course, recovering levels of exhaustion takes a good amount of time. :D

I always thought the exactly 0hp condition in 3.5 was by far the most interesting situation, and couldnt understand why they would make it such an extremely unlikely situation. This looks very much like the kind of homebrew I was tempted to do to make it more prevalent, but updated to 5ed.
We houseruled 3.5 that the effects of 0hp was from 0 to a negative number equal to your CON bonus. So a 16 con would have the equivalent effects of 0hp up to -3.


Reynard, the goal is providing players with more agency at 0 HP, and incentivizing game play that follows the tropes of dramatic battle scenes.

Adding this might make it clearer:
  • At the start of a round, they can choose to be unconscious instead of grievously wounded for that round. (Do you just lie there, or take disadvantage on death saves to be involved?)
Also, make the disadvantage only on saving throws. The action penalty is enough.

Tall Tom, yes, Dying condition is overly-wordy rules for final words.

Yeah, this whole thing is way too cumbersome for most tables. And it would need further tweaks to avoid self-healing. But the idea got into my head and wanted to come out.


Edit v1.1 - simplify & add an option.

At the start of each round, a named character at 0 HP chooses to be either unconscious or grievously wounded.

Grievously Wounded condition:
  • Their saving throws (including death saves) are at disadvantage.
  • They are incapacitated, but once per round they can take an action or reaction by gaining a level of exhaustion and a failed death save. If the action affects specific creatures rather than a location, they cannot choose themselves (including Self or Touch effects).
  • Their speeds are halved.
  • They ... can speak ... only ... falter ... ingly.
Dying condition:
A named character who has failed their third death save lingers a minute as if Stunned and Prone, and can only whisper (barely audible if an adjacent listener stands still the whole round and uses their action to listen). Healing effects do not work on Dying creatures. (This minute is the time period where Revivify works.)

If a character is Dying while alone, the DM may optionally extend Dying until their final words can be spoken. (At higher levels, Revivify works for another minute of Dying per slot level above 3rd.)
I really like this, though I would drop the exhausted condition as the failed death save is a pretty high cost already and you've already halved their speed. I would also skip the disadvantage on death saves since presumably they would only do this if they want to take an action or reaction, so they are automatically failing the save anyway.

Voidrunner's Codex

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