D&D 5E Dual wielder singing/dancing


I think the only thing that I know for sure is that I'm going to be taking warcaster LOL. So taking a feat would require me to take it at swash 4 since I would rather have it before I start spell-casting as a bard.

One of the meta things that I seem to see recurring about multiclassing suggestions with level progression is "well you're at 4, so you might as well go 5 and then at might as well go to 6." That's less of a concern for me and I think it traps me from executing the versatility and themes that I liked about multiclassing. I also think that waiting on Bard allows me to go all bard for at least four levels , obviously five and ideally 6, which is exactly what most people advise when playing bards.

So at level 10 I would have all of the basic minimums that I would need in order to have an effective and properly thematic build.

I'm curious what mixing two full casters as in Bard and bladesinger does for my spell casting. Since I'm only doing a small amount of bladesinger will it really affect spells total? The nice thing about warlock is that I don't have to worry about that .

I'm not really trying to do a max out with this build so much as I'm trying to avoid nerfing myself, duplicate features or unworkable combos.

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I think the only thing that I know for sure is that I'm going to be taking warcaster LOL. So taking a feat would require me to take it at swash 4 since I would rather have it before I start spell-casting as a bard.
Fair enough, just keep in mind that one of the specific boons of being a Sword Bard is not actually needing the "can cast somatic components with your weapon" part of that feat. You, in fact, are better off than it will make you on that front, because any blade you use is also a spell focus. Warcaster is still a solid choice for any caster whose not super backlines just for the advantage on concentration saves (though for a Sword Bard not taking other caster levels I think Resilience: Constitution is probably a stronger pick).

I'm curious what mixing two full casters as in Bard and bladesinger does for my spell casting. Since I'm only doing a small amount of bladesinger will it really affect spells total? The nice thing about warlock is that I don't have to worry about that .
The multiclass spell level chart progresses your spell slots as if you were in one full spellcasting class. You just won't have the knowledge of spells of the level for your highest slots. So if you are multiclassing non-warlock casters it's good to make sure that some of your spells upcast nicely so you can use the high level slots without feeling like you're "wasting" them. Some good low level Bard spells to upcast include Heat Metal, Invisibility, and (when used judiciously) Sleep.

Every caster level gives you at least one more spell slot until overall caster level 12. The extra slots are pretty impactful at low levels, when you just don't have many slots at all. At higher levels they matter less obviously, but are still pretty meaningful since they mean being able to potentially cast your most powerful spells more often.

Voidrunner's Codex

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