DUNGEON Magazine Monster Index!


Monster Junkie
Thanks again! I've got a bunch of pre-3E issues, and many more post 3E, but I'm still missing quite a few.

I guess I know who not to ask for help with the Polyhedron index. :lol:

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Shade said:
25 - The Beast(Ancient Vrock...aka Jaazzpaa), Moonorc, Cave or Rock Toad
26 - Shimmering Wrath
27 - Ice Serpent, Skeletal Red Dragon
28 - Siragle (major Abyssal fiend), Whitebeards, Lady of the Woods(FR Demigoddess avatar only)
29 - Abishai(Black, Green, Red)
30 - Watchghost, Cursed Half-Vampire
31 - Minions of Set, Higher Animated Statues, Earth Weird
32 - Albino Red Dragon
33 - Crystal drake
34 - Giff
35 - Ether shadow, Greelox, Jarbo, Shadeling
36 - Brass Snakes, Metagolems(Copper, Tin, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Silver, Electrum, Gold, Platinum)
37 - Guardian Warriors, The White Boar, The Bulette-Mutation, Mud Grue, Hill Giant Mummies, Majalor, Tzolo's Guardian
38 -
39 - Giant Spitting Spider
40 - Aurochs
41 - Vampire Moss, Campestri
42 - Crystal Golem
43 - Snow Troll
44 - Hand Druj
45 - Brass Golem
46 - Talking Trout, Large Jumping Spider, Talking Owl, Giant Horseflies, Snow Spider
47 - Scorpion Fish, Baby Scorpions, Giant Cobra (From ALQ2), Saluqi Greyhounds(from ALQ2)
48 - Huge Sea Gulls, Wooddrake

i added a few more.


here's a few more..but they are in reverse order.

81 - Illithid Zombies, Urphion, Quaggoth Mutants, Purple Lichen, Alhoon, Derro Monstrosity, Braintree, Immature Neothelids, Multi-Headed Quaggoth, Quaggoth Head with Arms, Grimlock-Derro Conjoins, Derro with Eyestalks, Multi-Armed Derro Mutants, Ulitharid, Demon Rats, Phantasmal Figure, Figments
80 -
79 - Saltwater Vodyanoi
78 - Half-Fomorian/Half-Storm Giant, Giant Diving Beetle, Reindeer, White Buffalo, Seals, Arctic Wyvern
77 - Windigo, Red Slaad(Young, Baby check issue 43)
76 - Demonic Sawflies, Living Hair, Sheet(Death Linen), Chraal, Olive Creeper
75 - Massive Stunjelly
74 -
73 - Bulldog(a Familiar variant), Knight Denizen (from FRE3)


Shade said:
72 - Swamp Druid Vampire, Bullywug Monster Zombie, Hobgoblin Zombie, Skeleton Cats, Skeleton Hounds, Marionette
71 - Pigalope, Hoo-Hah Bird, Bassnip, Aartuk, Syllix, Revilers, Penanggalan, Zombie Alligator, Skeletal Alligator, Wraith Roach Swarm, Undead Python, Young Serpent Vines, Alligator Man
70 - Aquatic Jelly, Malenti, Tunnel Fish, Flour Sandling, True Ghoul, Undead Beholder, Drow Banshee, Deep Dragon, Giant Scarab Beetles, Cloaker Lord, Lord of Worms, Lord of Ashes, Lord of Ice, Gargoyle Golem, Whispering Moth, Lord of Shadows, Darkness Elemental, King of the Ghouls, Suel Lich
69 - Megaloman, Alaghi, Tome Guardian, Death Kiss Spawn, Sapphire Dragon, Half-Dwarf, Elder Orb Beholder
68 - Werespider, Unseelie Faeries
67 -
66 - Gigantic Buffalo, Giant Beaver, Giant Raccoon, Werebadger, Giant Porcupine, Giant Owl, Bobcat, Predatory Coral
65 - Wereraven
64 - Tribute Gatherer, Warrior-Puppets, Firedog, Metal Spider
63 - Greater Owlbear, Sleepwalker Golem
62 - Crystal Dragon, Wererat Lord, Clockwork Swordsman, Utukku,
61 - Lord of Arabel, Greater Treant, Greater Pegasus
60 - Tiefling, Greater Rakshasa(Rakshasa Rukh), Varrangoins, Agathinon
59 - Skelter, Zombire, Zombie Spiders
58 - Greater Seawolf, Lesser Seawolf, Werebats, WInged Ghouls
57 - Children of Maalpherus, Kada
56 - Phouka, B'rohgs(from Dark Sun), Fael(From Dark Sun), Wild Mul(from Dark Sun), Mastrial(From Dark Sun), Sand Howler(From Dark Sun), Slig(From Dark Sun), Chimpanzee, Muhalu, Human(Pygmy), Giant Hippo, Pygmy Hippo, Utuchekulu, Patchwork Troll, Doll Golem
55 - Bhaergala(From FR), Mist Wolf(From GH), Amnizu, Kocrachon
54 - Raptor(Adult, Young, Hatchling), Utahraptor, Drow Werewolves, Fogwarden
53 - Scalos Magen, Steel Dragon
52 -
51 - Prismatic Dragon, Ghul
50 - Werepanther
49 - Gacholoth (yugoloth), Master Spectre, Spectral Troll

and here's a few more.


Creature Cataloguer
one question - do you know more or less where the 1E/2E/3E edition shifts occur? like "x-x issues are 1E, x-x issues are 2E, and x-on are 3E, although x, x, x, x contain 1E adventures and x, x, x, and x contain 2E."


BOZ said:
one question - do you know more or less where the 1E/2E/3E edition shifts occur? like "x-x issues are 1E, x-x issues are 2E, and x-on are 3E, although x, x, x, x contain 1E adventures and x, x, x, and x contain 2E."

sure. for the most part they tell you in each adventure. plus they have complete adventure lists in every 12th issue or so.


Monster Junkie
Diaglo, you rock! :cool:

I've updated the index with all your information, as well as the monsters Phaoz posted in the Dark Sun thread. (Thanks Phaoz, if you're reading this).
Last edited:


so do you still need them from issues: 88, 89, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 104, 105, 107, 108, and 109 ?

i'll have to do some more digging but i can get you this information. do you want page numbers too?


Monster Junkie
If you don't mind, I'd appreciate the roundup of the other issues.

Don't worry about the page numbers, though.


Shade said:
Diaglo, you rock! :cool:

I've updated the index with all your information, as well as the monsters Phaoz posted in the Dark Sun thread. (Thanks Phaoz, if you're reading this).

Your welcome

Voidrunner's Codex

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