D&D General #Dungeon23

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”

  • Bottom of well from 1.3
  • Cold, fresh water. 8' deep. Slight current east to west.
  • Inflow and outflow tunnels are airless. Outflow impassible after 10'.
  • Dry ledge on south wall.
  • Coins on bottom.

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Room 45 - Hotel Room

This 20'x20' room has 4 fairly comfortable looking fairly large beds (with a clean sheet, a blanket, and a pillow each), a chamber pot, and a water basin - Cornwallow makes sure it is tidied up. The doors open outwards, and have a flimsy latch inside. Many of the floor's residents will happily guide visitors here if they need to rest. What could be safer?

The 1"x1' stone in the side wall that slides out (leading to Anabelle's room) is DC 25 to find if the bed isn't moved. DC 18 if it is.

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Room 46 - Horvath the Storyteller

The double doors to this 20'x20' room are locked with an arcane lock keyed only to Horvath (or anyone wearing his cloak; DC 25 to break, DC 28 to unlock) but there is a cold iron knocker to attract his attention if he is there. Inside the room are velvet curtains swirled with black, scarlet, and three shades of green - there are two slits that can be pushed through, or one could lift up the weighted bottoms and go under.

When out and about, the human Horvath is happy to socialize and regale folks with tales he has uncovered during his travels as a minstrel.

Except he's actually a Warlock of the Great Old One. At night he often secretly ventures to the lower levels or guest rooms to see if he can find anyone to help train his menagerie - the current Anabelle is one of his accidents (although she has had that memory excised), and he is much more careful now. Horvath has a cloak of invisibility and a dagger of paralysis (in addition to five other daggers and a set of thieves tools). The cloak is large enough to also hide an unconscious victim or a dead body under it at double the normal cost. It will not hide a second conscious living creature. The dagger of paralysis is as dagger of poison except the effect is as hold person (DC 15 Wisdom save).

In addition to a bed of cold iron nails, his room has a chamber pot (that he leaves in the hall for Cornwallow to deal with as necessary), a chest with his clothes, three large amphora with lids that are fastened to the floor next to a set of manacles and a mouth gag that can hold a humanoid in a sitting position, and something that looks like an astrolabe.

Two of the amphora have Oblex Spawn currently in them (1 - no personalities yet, 2 - a human paladin) and no-one is currently in chains. Once per new moon the astrolabe can be used to contact other plane with one of the great old ones (advantage on the save if you are one of their servants, disadvantage if not). Arcana or Religion DC 15 to figure out the basic idea of (not the advantage or disadvantage) and Arcana or Religion DC 20 to figure out how to operate.


The next room created (#34) is in post #239 D&D General - #Dungeon23
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01.10: Master Stair

Illumination: This chamber is lit by a brazier in the northwest corner that burns with a blue flame that gives off no heat.

Access: Sturdy locked doors access this room in the west wall leading to the foyer (01.08) and the north wall leading to the lesser dining hall (01.13). Stairs lead up to the master suit on the second floor.

Description: This area has faired better than the guest stair (01.09): though damp and musty, there is less mold and water damage and fewer pests have nested here. The stair are made of polished and lacquered hardwood, preserving them from the worst rot. The banisters are wood also, finely carved into an unsettlingly irregular form. A large armoire sits at the base of the stairs. Within are a few fine cloaks damaged by moisture and age as to be worthless.

Unseen Guardian: This room is not uninhabited. A geist thrall haunts here unseen, long ago bound to both serve the Alastairn family and protect them from intruders. If any character tries to steal from the room or go upstairs, the geist thrall throttles them -- which appears to onlookers like a fatal seizure. If the geist thrall is defeated, it is released to its final rest and the flame in the brazier goes out.

Treasure: One of the cloaks in the armoire is pinned with a valuable brooch: silver smoke on a sapphire pool. It will fetch a fine price, but was owned by Mithwell Alastairn whose spirit still resides in room 01.xx.


01.11: Sitting Room

Accesses: A door in the east wall leads to the Welcome Chamber (01.12), The first tiem this door is encountered, it is warded. See that room for details. There is also a door in the south wall leading to the Guest Stairs (01.09) and a locked door in the north wall leading to the Private Study (01.04).

Description: This chamber was once extravagantly decorated and furnished, intended to impress visitors to Parenix Manor. Over the century since the manor has been abandoned, however, the elements and pests have entered through the chimney. The once grand furniture -- including multiple couches and chairs -- and lush carpet are all soiled and deteriorated. The only piece of art in the room is painting above the fireplace of a hunt: a woman on a horse fires a blunderbuss at a two headed, fanged stag. The painting itself is surprisingly well preserved (it is in fact enchanted to resist decay) but the gold leaf frame falls apart if touched.

Treasure: In addition to the painting (which will fetch a good sum from any collector) a cabinet of fine liquor remains intact in the north east corner. There are 5 bottles of brandy, all unmarked as the labels have wasted away. One of the bottles has turned, becoming an indiscernible but deadly poison.


Room 46 - Horvath the Storyteller

The double doors to this 20'x20' room are locked with an arcane lock keyed only to Horvath (or anyone wearing his cloak; DC 25 to break, DC 28 to unlock) but there is a cold iron knocker to attract his attention if he is there. Inside the room are velvet curtains swirled with black, scarlet, and three shades of green - there are two slits that can be pushed through, or one could lift up the weighted bottoms and go under.

When out and about, the human Horvath is happy to socialize and regale folks with tales he has uncovered during his travels as a minstrel.

Except he's actually a Warlock of the Great Old One. At night he often secretly ventures to the lower levels or guest rooms to see if he can find anyone to help train his menagerie - the current Anabelle is one of his accidents (although she has had that memory excised), and he is much more careful now. Horvath has a cloak of invisibility and a dagger of paralysis (in addition to five other daggers and a set of thieves tools). The cloak is large enough to also hide an unconscious victim or a dead body under it at double the normal cost. It will not hide a second conscious living creature. The dagger of paralysis is as dagger of poison except the effect is as hold person (DC 15 Wisdom save).

In addition to a bed of cold iron nails, his room has a chamber pot (that he leaves in the hall for Cornwallow to deal with as necessary), a chest with his clothes, three large amphora with lids that are fastened to the floor next to a set of manacles and a mouth gag that can hold a humanoid in a sitting position, and something that looks like an astrolabe.

Two of the amphora have Oblex Spawn currently in them (1 - no personalities yet, 2 - a human paladin) and no-one is currently in chains. Once per new moon the astrolabe can be used to contact other plane with one of the great old ones (advantage on the save if you are one of their servants, disadvantage if not). Arcana or Religion DC 15 to figure out the basic idea of (not the advantage or disadvantage) and Arcana or Religion DC 20 to figure out how to operate.

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Room 34 - The "Mayor's Office"

This outward opening doors to this room has metal bands around it and an apparently good quality lock (DC 20 to break open or pick). In the center of the left door is a silver moon painted over a tree carved into the door, and the center of the right is a gold painted sun above a carved ocean. The inside walls appear to be in the process of being painted to show the woods that surround a forest clearing in the fey wild. The owner "hasn't had a chance to paint very much lately".

This is the quarters of Shirazz, the Feywild exile Hobogoblin Warlord that commands the "legionnaires" in the rooms next to it and who is the unofficial manager of the floor.

The room is fairly spartan, featuring his bed, armor and weapons rack, and a table with five stools. The table has a map of some of the surrounding dungeon, and four flasks with continual flame to provide light. The weapon rack (when he is in the room) has a scimitar, rapier (of wounding), dagger (+1, +2 vs. humanoids), three spears, a suit of +1 mithral chain mail, two hand cross-bows, and an assortment of quarrels. The chamber pot is under the bed, as are his pack and adventurer's kit.

Actually a Raskshasa, Shirazz's current main goal is to unravel the mystery of what is going on below - and he will often be out with his "legion" exploring the surrounding area. He entertains himself by assembling the menagerie of those in the other rooms on the floor and seeing if he can make sure they never realize what any of the others are. He is a bit frustrated at how long it takes him to paint up to his standards.


The next room created (#39) is in post #248 D&D General - #Dungeon23
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