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Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).


As these guys are about to make an appearance in the SH, I thought I'd post the stats for the basic model, so to speak.

Bear in mind that the natives of Afqithan also have both the shadow and half-fiend templates stacked on top. I like templates.

Medium-Size Fey

Hit Dice: 6d6 +18 (39hp)
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +5 mithral breastplate, +2 mithral large shield)
Attacks: Adamantine longsword +7 or +8 (+2 mighty) composite longbow and MW arrow
Damage: Adamantine longsword 1d8+4 (19-20/x2); (+2 mighty) composite longbow 1d8+2 (x3) and poison.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft.; 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, poison, hypnotism
Special Qualities: Fast healing 2, immunities, plane shift, see invisibility, SR 18
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +9
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20
Skills: Animal Empathy +9, Bluff +10, Craft or Knowledge (any 3) +10, Hide +7, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Perform (any 9) +18, Ride +9, Spot +9
Feats: Alertness, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Mounted Combat
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Solitary, family (2-5 plus 1 elder of 3rd-6th level), clan (10-30 plus 1 elder per 5 adults, 1 leader of 6th-10th level, 1-3 young, and 2-5 anarchic manticores or griffons) or kingdom (30-300 plus 1 elder per 5 adults, 1 leader per 30 adults, 1 king or queen of 9th-18th level, 5-20 anarchic manticores or griffons, and young equal to 10% of the adult population)
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: By character class

Aloof, superior, and obsessed with their history, lineage and traditions, the sidhe are a proud people who seldom now venture onto the Prime Plane – content instead to remain within their isolated fastnesses in Faerie. Some claim that they are the progenitors of the elves – the original race, before they were afflicted by schism and exposure to mortal lands, foods and peoples.

The unearthly beauty of the sidhe is legendary, and their art and architecture is likewise exquisite and refined. No sidhe – man or woman – stands less than six feet tall. They are slender, but surprisingly strong, and possess a deftness and grace that few mortals can hope to match. The sidhe are physically hardy, and can endure hostile environments far more easily than humans. Their faces are impassive, and most sidhe exude a cool hauteur, tinged with dry condescension.

Sidhe armour and weaponry is replete with baroque designs, engravings and embellishments – gold and silver are commonplace, together with bright enamels of every hue. The strange faerie metals used in the construction of these items are functionally identical to mithral and adamantine, and of the highest quality.

At rest, the sidhe favour elegant clothing with simple lines, with exotic furs favoured in colder climes. Sidhe dwellings simultaneously convey a sense of the ephemeral and the eternal, with soaring towers of improbable height. Buttresses, bridges and narrow walkways seem to hang suspended in the air.

The sidhe boast many kings, and most sidhe claim at least a minor noble title. Their society is organized around families or clans, with settlements of more than a few dozen unusual. Various charmed magical beasts are favoured as guardians, steeds and companions. Occasionally lesser feys – notably sprites – are present in the capacity of servants or slaves. Sidhe children are born rarely, and take several centuries to reach adulthood.

The arts – particularly music, sculpture and painting – preoccupy many of the sidhe, who fear boredom more than any other ill. Rhetoric, logic and drama also fill the centuries. Wit is considered a virtue, but Sidhe humour, which seldom evinces more than a fleeting smile amongst their own kind, is barbed and ruthless. The sidhe are noted hunters, and the pursuit of fabulous creatures across the landscape of Faerie – occasionally spilling onto the Prime Plane – has given rise to many legends and stories.

The sidhe maintain cool relations with other feys, elementals, and occasionally powerful outsiders such as slaadi and demons. They show open contempt for both mortals and those feys who have ‘gone native’ upon the Prime, regarding the latter as little more than poor relations – when they admit any connection at all. As feys, the sidhe have a connection with nature which is intrinsic – although they do not regard themselves as either sponsors or protectors of nature in any shape.


Sidhe are competent tacticians, and prefer to strike from the air with missile weapons and spells or spell-like abilities (if mounted on griffons or manticores), or from hiding and invisible (if on foot). After their opponents have been seriously weakened, will sidhe close to melee with them, optimizing their attacks and coordinating with each other. They will immediately retreat and reorganize if a battle seems to be going against them – only to strike again at the first available opportunity.

Spells: A sidhe casts arcane spells as a 6th level bard (3/5/3 spells per day; save DC 15 + spell level).

Ignore Spell Failure (Ex): A sidhe may ignore a portion of the arcane spell failure associated with using armour. The sidhe subtracts 20% from his or her total spell failure chance.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will- blur, change self, charm person, clairaudience/clairvoyance, invisibility, speak with animals; 1/day- bestow curse, suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th level sorcerer (Save DC 15 + spell level).
A sidhe also has the bardic music ability as a 6th level bard.

Fast Healing (Ex): A sidhe regains lost hit points at the rate of 2 per round. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from thirst, starvation or suffocation, and it does not allow the sidhe to regrow or reattach lost body parts.

Fast Movement (Ex): Sidhe have a speed faster than the norm for their size and type by +10 feet.

Hypnotism (Sp): As a free action, once per round, a sidhe may attempt to hypnotize (as the first level sorcerer/wizard spell) a single target within 30 ft. by meeting its gaze. Only humanoids are subject to this effect, but there is no limit on the number of hit dice or levels that the target can possess. The save DC is 19. A target which resists the hypnotism effect cannot be affected again for 24 hours.

Immunities (Ex): Sidhe are immune to all mundane poisons and diseases (but not supernatural poisons and diseases).

Plane Shift (Sp): A sidhe can move between the Material Plane and the Plane of Faerie as a move-equivalent action. The ability transports the sidhe and up to six other willing creatures. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name.

Poison (Ex): The Sidhe routinely use arrows envenomed with wyvern poison (Save DC 17; initial and secondary damage both 2d6 Con).

Resistances (Ex): Sidhe have fire and cold resistance 5.

See Invisibility (Su): Invisible creatures are always visible to a sidhe, as if he of she were constantly under a see invisibility effect.

Sidhe receive a +4 racial bonus to animal empathy, perform & bluff skill checks.

A sidhe PC’s effective character level (ECL) is equal to its class level +12. A sidhe’s favoured class is Bard.

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First Post
i have the week off from work because of this SARS thing and i'm doing a reread of the storyhour. I've idlly (sp?) made a list of all the characters that have shown up since the beginning and am planning on posting a run-down on here for everyone to see. hope you don't mind... i know i'm not the only one to mix up brey, rede, waide, etc...

PS: I can't find the Wyre map anywhere... could someone link it again for me? :D
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VERY nice. running into the sidhe will be quite challenging for the characters, even at 17th+ level, I imagine....


The map was included in one of the story hour threads, thought I don't recall which offhand. I can email it to you if you'd like a copy.
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First Post
What sourcebooks do you use ?

I've seen references to Magic of Faerûn, the "splatbooks", the Manual of the Planes, Deities & Demigods, the Epic-Level Handbook, and the Book of Vile Darkness. Maybe the Tome of Horrors (some of the demons/devils are there) ? The feel of Green Ronin's books of fiends is also quite close to Wyre -- there is also the theme of the Fall from a LG choir.
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Do the sidhe have Spell Resistance equal to their hit-dice plus 12, or is it a flat 18? (The former would be more fun for advanced sidhe)

The sidhe native to this demi-plane; how does their plane-shift ability work? (If they go to the Prime or to Faerie, how do they get back?)

The hypnotism gaze- if someone makes their save, they are only immune for 24 hours vs that particular sidhe. Another sidhe could hypnotise them. Or is one save enough to protect you entirely for 24 hours?

Is the save for the hypnosis stare based on their stats. 10 + HD/2 + Cha modifier? If so, it should be DC 18. (unless I'm missing something). Again, it will be harder to resist higher level or more charismatic sidhe.

Do you have Savage Species? It would be neat to see the sidhe as a monstrous class.

When is a poison supernatural? I take it Wyvern Poison must not be supernatural, or otherwise the sidhe would accidentally poison themselves sometimes. But then what would be an example of a supernatural poison?

They have a large number of feats. Which of them are racial, and which are chosen?
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Do the sidhe have Spell Resistance equal to their hit-dice plus 12, or is it a flat 18? (The former would be more fun for advanced sidhe)

I'd always played it as a flat 18, although your suggestion is certainly interesting...

The sidhe native to this demi-plane; how does their plane-shift ability work? (If they go to the Prime or to Faerie, how do they get back?)

Their ability has shifted/mutated/distorted to become focused upon the Plane of Shadow - the Loquai are essentially cut off from both the Prime and Faerie, barring more powerful magic (such as the plane shift spell, rather than ability). They can shift between Afqithan and Shadowland, however - which proved vexatious for the party.

The hypnotism gaze- if someone makes their save, they are only immune for 24 hours vs that particular sidhe. Another sidhe could hypnotise them. Or is one save enough to protect you entirely for 24 hours?

The former. I should reword that.

Is the save for the hypnosis stare based on their stats. 10 + HD/2 + Cha modifier? If so, it should be DC 18. (unless I'm missing something). Again, it will be harder to resist higher level or more charismatic sidhe.

Yes. That's just my bad math.

Do you have Savage Species? It would be neat to see the sidhe as a monstrous class.

I do have it, although I'm not comfortable with it yet. I'd be interested in seeing you give it a bash though, Cheiro - I liked your revision of the LeShay, although I preferred it as a 38-level class over a 52-level class. ECL+12 for the Sidhe is based on my notorious 'it feels about right' mechanic. I wonder if you concur?

When is a poison supernatural? I take it Wyvern Poison must not be supernatural, or otherwise the sidhe would accidentally poison themselves sometimes. But then what would be an example of a supernatural poison?

DMG, p.79: "Although supernatural and spell-like poisons are possible, poisonous effects are almost always extraordinary."

I've never seen one either. Just covering my arse.

They have a large number of feats. Which of them are racial, and which are chosen?

Alertness should not be there, but should be a '+2 racial bonus to spot and listen checks.' Initially, I was going to give them 'Elven Traits' (the whole package), then decided against it, then gave them Alertness (and then decided against it, but forgot to take it out), and decided on the racial bonus (and forgot to put it back in). I wanted the racial bonus to be stackable with the Alertness feat.

Thanks for your precision, Cheiromancer!

I've idlly (sp?) made a list of all the characters that have shown up since the beginning and am planning on posting a run-down on here for everyone to see. hope you don't mind... i know i'm not the only one to mix up brey, rede, waide, etc...

I would be delighted - its something that I 've been meaning to do, but simply haven't had time for. Feel free...
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First Post
(concordance, glossary, etc)
Compiled by tleilaxu

The Heroes

Eadric: The Heretic of Wyre, former Baronet of Deorham, now Earl of Deorham, Lord of the Manor at Jaiue and Sutting, Lord of Hernath and Droming Protector of the Nineteen Tenants, Son of Moad and recently Ahma, Grand Master of the Temple and Inquisitor General (First Magistrate or First Magnate: Sep used both at different times).

Ortwin: Of Jiuhu. The world's greatest liar. King of Feys in the North of the World. Husband of Iua, the Auran Princess. Was imploded by Uruum at Khu and was Reincarnated by Nwm as a Satyr.

Nwm: The Preceptor. Healed Eadric after his first encounter with a dretch. Did many other cool things.

Mostin: The Metagnostic. An alienist. Former apprentice of Vhorhze. He is pedantic and insane. Currently in the possession of Graz'zt, an epic spell. Has a library of 1,200 books.

Their Companions

Nehael aka Lady Despina: A former succubus, now difficult to classify. The catalyst for all recent problems in Wyre. With the intercession of Nwm, atoned for her previous misdeeds and became an Uediian Priestess and Contemplative. Was banished to the Astral Plane when Mesikammi spoke a Word of Chaos. Currently a captive of her former master, Graz'zt.

Tahl the Incorruptable: (deceased) Deputy Inquisitor and friend of Eadric. Rescued Eadric during his trial. Present through many tribulations. Killed outside Morne (Implosion by Uruum?)

Iua: 186th child of Ulao. Daugther of Mulissu the Witch. Perhaps the greatest living practitioner of Thalassine rapier dueling. Recently married with Ortwin.

Tatterbrand: Eadric's Squire. Secretly would like to keep bees.

Tostig: A dire bear. Nwm's former animal companion.

Mogus: A pseudonatural hedgehog. Mostin's familiar.

Contundor: Eadric's steed, which apparently he rarely uses.

Skaddius the Monk: (deceased) A former companion, killed by the Nalfeshnee Ceruthumulos and declined to be resurrected.

Orolde: A sprite. Half the height of a man with greenish skin and webbed feet like a duck. Former apprentice of Kothchori. Had his hand chopped off by Chomele to intimidate Kothchori. Currently Mostin's apprentice.

Shomei: (see The Wizards)

Sem & Gheim: Awakened Eagle companions of Nwm. A mated pair, but it is not clear which is which.

The Oronthonians

The Curia
The Bishops of Tyndur, Mord, Gibilrazen, Hethio, Tomur, Thahan, Kaurban, and Jiuhu. The Inquisitor General, Melion. The Grand Master of the Temple, Lord Rede of Dramor. The one devout laymen, the Marquis of Iald.

Tyndur: Originally a coward, he later "found his teeth". Abstained in Eadric's trial. Eadric saved his (EDIT IN WORD FOR BISHOP'S PARISH) from Ceruthumulos.

Mord: Voted Against Eadric at the trial.

Gibilrazen: Voted Against Eadric at the trial. Advises Tiuhan IV against dealing with Rimilin.

Hethio: Voted Against Eadric at the trial. Acted as Eadric's confessor after Cynric's demise. The power behind Rede's assent to command the Temple. Has Rede assassinated "for the good of the Temple" when Rede has doubts. Afterwords, he is unable to approach the Fane and feigns sickness. Denies the forgiveness of Tramst/Oronthon and currently wanders in self-loathing. (AFAWK!)

Tomur: Voted Against Eadric at the trial.

Thahan: Voted Against Eadric at the trial.

Kaurban: Voted For Eadric at the trial.

Jiuhu: Voted For Eadric at the trial.

Melion: (deceased) Voted Against Eadric at the trial. Killed by Nwm.

Rede: (deceased) Voted Against Eadric at the trial. Became temporary leader of the Church in the confusion after Cynric's death. Assassinated at the order of Hethio when on the verge of repenting his stand against Eadric.

Iald: Voted For Eadric at the trial. Tried to kill Rede with a ceremonial greatsword at the bequest of Rintrah. Fled to Iald and joined Trempa in seceding from the Orthodox church.

Other Oronthonions

Eadric: (see The Heroes)

Tahl the Incorruptable: (see Their Companions)

Archbishop Cynric: (deceased)The High Prelate, Archbishop of Morne. Eadric's former confessor. Killed when Feezuu cast Destruction on him.

Tramst: Former Templar. Survivor of Nwm's assault on Melion's forces. A divine oracle. Travelled to Ardan to consult with the Urgic Mystics. Through his learning their became a proxy of Oronthon, representing the Sela (Gnostic intellect). Tramst introduced the new doctrine of Saizhan. He is Magnified, as per the template.

Brey of Methelhar: One of Rede's Deputies. Lead 60 knights to threaten Trempa. Was the only survivor after Nwm incinerated them all. Spared by Nwm a second time. Repented and joined Eadric at the Crossing of the Nund. He has much to un-learn.

Eisarn: Commander of the Temple force heading from Tomur. He changes his support to Eadric after Tahl and Brey convince him.

Irian: (deceased) A templar lord in Melion's entourage. Killed by Nwm.

Hembur: (deceased) A templar lord in Melion's entourage. Killed by Nwm.

Asser: Another high templar. He is capable of scrying.

Trilgar: A lowly 3rd level traditionalist. Former priest in the service of Soraine. Was dismissed.

Jorde: A "heavy". A templar who defected with Tahl, took part in the battle at Deorham. Bore Eadric's Banner at Aaki's Bridge.

Hyne: (deceased) A "heavy". A templar who defected with Tahl, took part in the battle at Deorham. He becomes Eadric's herald. Killed in the ambush outside Morne.

Urqual: A warrior priest who tried to summon Enitharmon while inside a Prismatic Sphere. Along with two others was stricken by catatonia and was sent to the Abbey of Osfrith.

11 penants: Templars who survived the battle at Deorham and became Eadric's greatest supporters. Some perished in the ambush outside Morne.

Orm: An Urgic Mystic and the brother of Eadric. Taught Tramst.

Terquen: (deceased) A knight of no mean ability. Slain by Eadric at the Crossing of the Nund. Eadric and Terquen knew each other from their temple days.

Sercion: A warpriest. Leader of four temple squadrons. "This is not a diabolic conspiracy". He has much to un-learn.

Rhodin of Iua: (deceased) Author of "Ethical Use of Arcane Magic".

Archbishop Brord: (deceased) Some past luminary. Highly thought of as a theorist?

The Outsiders

The Celestials

Urthoon: An exemplar planetar. Protects the conduit between Oronthon and the Prime.

Rintrah: An exalted planetar. In charge of mortal revelations.

Enitharmon: An exalted solar. The most powerful of all angels. He drove The Adversary from heaven. In some belief systems he is the antiparallel of The Adversary

Palambron: A dead solar. The Eyes of Palambron apparently come from him.

Eniin: A planetar. Summoned by Mostin at Deorham.

Zhuel: Archon. Assigned to Guard Eadric. Dismissed to the Heaven's by Mesikammi's Word of Chaos. Destroyed by Graz'zt to fuel Wave of Hate

Urlion, Shoonel, Ruma & Diol[/b: Exemplar Astral Devas who accompany Tramst into Morne.

The Fiends

The Demons
Nehael: (see Their Companions)

Graz'zt: Abyssal Prince. Lord of Zelatar. A former solar. Nehael's former master. Has a grudge against Eadric et al. According to some, "has been a real jerk".

Rurunoth: A balor in the service of Graz'zt. Summoned and imprisioned by Mostin et al.

Ainhorr: A big balor. Eadric sundered his sword at Khu. Was Feezuu's supporter.

Uzmi: (deceased) A marilith formerly in the employ of Lord Baphomet. Was tortured for one year. Was destroyed at Khu.

Cerethumulos: A nalfeshee who threatened Tyndur. Killed Skaddius. Was killed by Eadric et al. precipitating the feud between Graz'zt and the heroes.

Kalkja: A succubus compacted by Feezuu. Later, she is assigned to be Rimilin's concubine.

Chr'ri: A succubus in the service of Graz'zt. She is assigned to Mesikammi. Informs Graz'zt of Nehael's banishment.

Chomele: A succubus in the service of Graz'zt. She is assigned to Kothchori, who compacts her in return for his spellbooks. Later she chops of Orolde's hand to intimidate Kothchori and force him to torch Jiuhu and Morne.

Aelial: (deceased?) A succubus in the service of Graz'zt. She tries to tempt Shomei and is obliterated (permanently?).

Thurukos: A glabrezu working with Chomele.

Uruum: (deceased) A balor in the service of Graz'zt. Has a talent for subtlety and guile. Brought into Wyre by Rimilin. He was also responsible for Ortwin's implosion at Khu. Responsible for Tahl's death? Disintegrated by Mostin.

Otarr: A glabrezu working with Chr'ri

Feezuu: (deceased) A cambion and necromancer. Assassinated Cynric. The victim of a gangland hit by Mostin and Ortwin. Later kills Qiseze and drives Kothchori mad. Is killed by Mostin. Her clone reforms in Limbo but is forced to flee to Khu, where she seduces and kills Chorze, a petty necromancer. Brings Uzmi, Kalkja, and others into Khu, where she is finally killed by Mostin while trying to escape during the fight there.

TrakaoAn intemperate Nalfeshnee. Jailor of Graz'zt.

Irzho: A balor in the service of Graz'zt. Present at the ambush at Morne.

Choeth: A balor in the service of Graz'zt. Conjured and eliminated by Mostin.

Djorm: A balor in the service of Graz'zt. Conjured and eliminated by Mostin.

Kostchtchie A demon instrumental in subduing Saraf for Graz'zt.

Soneillon A succubus of great power. Once an ally and consort of Graz'zt

Nufrut: A marilith reduced to the state of a disembodied head in a small transparent adamantine jar for use as an inter-planar guide for the heroes.

Orcus and Lord Baphomet: Other Demons mentioned

The Devils
The Adversary: The nameless adversary of Oronthon. The Lord of Hell and leader of the rebellion against heaven. It is said that none know his name excepting Oronthon himself only.

Dispater: Lord of the Second (Dis)

Belial: Lord of the Fourth.Shomei's current sponsor.

Titivilus: A Duke of Hell under Dispater. Former paramour of Shomei. Tempted Mostin with the demiplane Cha'at. Current reoccurring temptor of Eadric. "The Confuser". "The subtlest, most conniving, most underhanded manipulator that there is in the Hells, bar one only."

Amaimon: A devil associated with the "Pain-Bringers".

(refer to Sepulchraves document on the disposition of Hell for more details)

Other Fiends
Demogorgon: The Ancient

Xerulko: An arcanoloth. Leads 16 companies of Yagnoloths. Betrayed Shomei and was last seen in a pentagram in her basement.

Gihaahia: An infernal. The offspring of Prince Astaroth and the dead goddess Cheshne. From the blasted regions near Avernus. She is the Enforcer of the Injunction, serving the Claviger.

Elementals and other Outsiders
Mulissu: (see The Wizards)

Iua: (see Their Companions)

Ulao: A djinn prince and Iua's father. Lord of Magathei. Known as a philanderer even among his own kind.

Shrix: A mephit in the service of Mulissu.

Mostin: (see The Heroes)

Krygnasz: A Xorn from which Mostin stole a sapphire while under geas from Mulissu.

Khrgz: A blue slaadi. Former cohort of Feezuu.

Jodrumu:[/i](deceased)[/i]: Forger of Dread Githla for Druhmo of Borchia.

Jeshi: A local elemental goddess worshipped in Fumaril.

Thispin and Goile: Two mephit servants in Magathei.

Shasheen: A marid. Chief advisor to Ulao.

Nunimmin: A sidhe in the court of Ulao. He dislikes Ortwin.

Yoriel: A half-elemental nymph. A companion of Nunimmin for millennia, she is smitten with Ortwin.

Orop: A large but simple Djinn charged with chaperoning Iua.

Cheshne: (deceased?) A goddess of nothingness. She dreams with the others.

Oronthon: Eadric's god

Irknaan: The most important King of the Loquai.

Shupthul: A Loquai captain.

Lorochtoh: (deceased) An umbral fiendish chimera that almost wastes the whole party.

Eadric's supporters

Soraine: (deceased) The Duchess of Trempa. Torched by Rimilin's eye ray during parley.

Togull: (deceased) Laird of Rauth Sutting. Supports Eadric. A man of advanced years. Slain at Nund.

Ryth: (see Uediians)

Ekkert: A Thane who supports Eadric. With Streek, Soraine's most trusted Thane.

Streek of Jorbu: A Thane who supports Eadric. With Sercion and Olann he is sent to deal with the Duke of Kaurban's small but mobile force. With Ekkert, Soraine's most trusted Thane.

Thane of Storbine: Switched in favor of Eadric.

Banding of Gamall: Supports Eadric.

Breama: (deceased)"The Bitch". The Countess of Thokastrond. Eager for battle. Slain at Nund.

Olann: De Facto Leader of the Ardanese contingent.

Jorde: Olann's Banner Bearer. A different Jorde than the Templar? (Only mentioned once, possibly in error, as the Templar Jorde is Eadric's Banner Bearer.

The Nobles of Wyre

Duke of Kaurban: On the east side of Nund, which is mostly royal desmesne

Tiuhan IV: 12 year old King of Wyre

Prince Tagur: A slim man in his early 40s, he is Prince of Einir and Tiuhan's cousin. Son of Theiwho, paternal uncle of Tiuhan. His seat is in Gibilrazen. A golden boar is his device.

Sihu: Duchess of Tomur. Devout in the extreme. She is closely related to the King and in his councils.

Lord Foide: of Lang Hearth in Trahan. The Chambarlain. He seems to be Machiavellian and will likely cause problems in the future.

Skadding: Foide's son. Perhaps has the best claim to the seat of Trempa.

Jholion: Marquis of Methalhar. Brey's paternal uncle.

Marquis of Iald: (see the Orothonians)

Shiel: Duke of Jiuhu. He is conservative. Close to the King. Rimilin rides with his men.

Attar: Warden of the Northern March. Put in charge of the defense of Morne. Was present at the parley with Eadric but didn't know Rimilin was going to betray them all.

Skilla of Mord: Another noble

Gulthein¡¦s: The Royal family of Wyre?

Durhm of Lossan: Chief bannerman of Sihu. Working with Eisarn.

Fustil: (deceased?) Baron of Utland. Captain of Jiuhu's forces. He is horribly wilted (the spell).

Falaere: Duke of Hethio. Ineffectual and aging.

Tundun: (deceased) Tiuhan IV's father and former King of Wyre. Lost at sea.

Earl of Scir Cellod: A noble from the south of Wyre.

The Uediians

Nwm: (see The Heroes)

Ryth: (deceased) Thane of Har Kumil. Wants to sack Tomur. Engages in guerilla warfare with Eisarn. Killed in the ambush outside Morne.

Mesikammi: The Honey-Eater, A shamaness and lover of Hullu. She healed Kothchori. Under disguise aided Hullu during the raid on Morne. Banished Zhuel and Nehael with a Word of Chaos. Rescued Hullu. Current location unknown.

Tietaja: An older shaman

Sarajoa: An initiate

Hullu: A barbarian and former mercenary. A Fantastic/medieval ecologically conscious Che Guevara. He is given the sword Melancholy by Nwm and organizes an Uediian revolt. Unbeknownst to him, he captures Prince Tagur. He raids Morne and comes under the compulsion of Melancholy. Escapes with Mesikammi. Current whereabouts unknown.

Tarva: A follower of Hullu. In her early 30s. Sort of a Black Panther type.

Bodb: A druid advising Tarva. Instrumental in the capture of Prince Tagur.

Caur: Ryth's son. 16 years old but already a giant of a man.

The Wizards

The First Tier of Wyrish Wizards : Jovol, Hlioth, Waide, Mostin, Shomei and Tozniak

The wizards who bound Gihaahia: Shomei, Tozniak, Mostin, Mulissu, Waide, Hlioth, Daunton and Jovol.

Jovol the Grey (deceased): He is never seen. An ogre-magi. A wizard who lives most of his life in the realm of Dream. A master of oneiromancy. His home is in the Thrumohars. He considers his first duty to be toward the Injunction. Lead the wizards in creating the Claviger and binding Gihaahia. Was the first victim of the Enforcer when he killed Kothchori. Now revealed to be Fillein. Possessed several amazing magical artifacts (?) including the Web of Motes (now in Mulissu's possession), the spell Graz'zt (now in Mostin's possession) and a silver bracelet of unknown potency (now in Shomei's possession).

Hlioth the Green Witch: Both Witch and Druidess, Hlioth is the oldest of the wizards on Wyre and may be immortal. Enjoys appearing as Fey creatures. Has no ambition. Had a short fling with Ortwin. Has a yearly revel.

Waide of Hethio: Solely interested in Transmutation, he was something of a rivalry with Mostin, perhaps because of their similar pedantic nature.

Mostin the Metagnostic: (see The Heroes)

Shomei the Infernalist: She likes devils. Formerly sponsored by Dispater, now sponsored by Belial. Knew Vhorzhe, Mostin's mentor. Probably higher level than Mostin. Has a library of more than fifty thousand volumes. Currently adventuring with the party. She has a palace on the Astral Plane.

Tozniak: A specialist in illusion. Constantly changes appearance. Lives on an island in Lake Thahan. Estranged brother of Qiseze. A bit of a coward.

Mulissu: An evoker and elemental savant specializing in Lightning. She has a palace on the Ethereal Plane. Has been an ally of the Heroes on numerous occasions. Precipitated the decent of the celestials at Khu. Mother of Iua. Originally from Fumaril in the Thalassine. She cannot cast Abjuration or Illusion spells.

Feezuu: (deceased) (see The Fiends)

Qiseze: (deceased) A Fire Elementalist (elemental savant?). Retired from the Prime 10 years previous to the Elemental Plane of Fire. Sister of Tozniak. Killed by Feezuu.

Kothchori (deceased) A powerful transmuter. Lived on an island 3000 miles to the south. Driven crazy and blinded by Feezuu. Healed by Mesikammi. Originally from Shuth. Pragmatic rather than philosophical. He torches Jiuhu and Morne in return for his spellbooks. Slain by Jovol to avert a larger catastrophy.

Vhorzhe: (deceased) Mostin's former mentor. Was friends with Shomei. Died in mysterious circumstances involving a pseudonatural yugoloth (possibly a pseudonatural ultroloth of the higher order).

Tersimion: (deceased) Designer of the Temple Vault. Unusual among wizards for his devotion to Oronthon. Found faith late in life.

Fillein: (see Jovol)

Idro: A "second tier" wizard. A rather unpleasant enchanter from the Forest of Nizkur. Has a rivalry with Troap. Tried to get Ortwin to eliminate Troap. Created a pick for Ortwin.

Troap: A "second tier" wizard. An goblin enchanter who lives deep in the forest of Nizkur. He is good at enchantment and illusion and is served by a huge wyvern. Has a rivalry with Idro. Had an amusing encounter with Ortwin.

Griel: (deceased) A "second tier" wizard. An evoker. Apparently employed by the nobles of Wyre along with Dauntun. Informs the small council that Eadric is marching on Morne. Apparently began working for Graz'zt at some point. Killed by Mostin in Kothchori's former abode.

Dauntun of Gibilrazen: A "second tier" wizard. A diviner of high credentials. Employed by Tagur in an auxiliary capacity.

Rimilin of the Skin: A "second tier" wizard. An Acolyte of the Skin. "He is despicable". Offered to "contain" Nwm for the good of Wyre. A handsome man with oily skin. Violates the injunction by fireballing the Uediians. (actually at the bequest of Graz'zt).

The Hag Jalael: A "second tier" wizard.

Chorze: (deceased) A necromancer and former inhabitant of Khu. Killed by Feezuu

Ephrael: A conjurer mentioned by Ortwin. Possibly imaginary.

The Claviger: The sapient law of magic on Wyre. Created by Jovol. According to Webster: 1. One who carries the keys of any place; and 2. One who carries a club; a club bearer.(my note: great find on this word Sep!)

The Extras

Irron: A groom

Lt. Oino Sels: A guard in Morne whom Ortwin seduced.

Silla and Esme: Handmaidens to Soraine

Lady Despina of Harcourt: "An empty headed trollop"

Amachel the Damned: Iua receive the plans of the vault from him.

Sugis: (deceased?) Warden of Deorham

Lome: Deputy of Sugis. Loyal to Trempa but without a religious agenda.

Mallaus: Nuncio of Tagur

Druhmo of Borchia: original owner of Dread Githla

Tambur: A young esquire

Wyrt: (deceased) A cloth-merchant of considerable means. Killed by his wife Qema

Qema: Wyrt's wife, from the Silubrein household. Killed her husband under the influence of Wave of Hate.


Blackwater Meadow: Marshalling grounds

Nund Valley: Near Trempa

The Thalassine: A group of islands and city-states to the south.

Fumaril: A place in the Thalassine

Thrumohars: Big mountains to the north.

Tun Hartha: Plateau on the other side of the Thrumohars. The Tunthi live here.

Jashat: A city in the Thalassine.

Shuth: A desert 400 miles south of the Thalassine.

Bedesh: A place Hullu was a mercenary.

Forest of Nizkur: A big forest in Wyre.

Groba: The dolmens in Hethio.

Hartha Keep: Two towers on the River Nund on the border of Trempa.

Langdair: A village 6 miles NW of the crossings.

Siir Traag: A cursed city with drug dens, etc. Was not taken to heaven.

Khu: An ancient necropolis near Siir Traag.

Kyrtill's Burgh: Eadric's Castle

Abbey of Osfrith: An abbey where Nehael stayed for a while.

Borchia: An precursor state. Now part of Wyre.

Ardan: Peninsula to the east into the ocean of Iarn. Home of Urgic Mystics. Famous for mercenaries.

Aaki's Bridge: An ancient bridge from Borchian times.

Magathei: A city in the Plane of Air.

Kalkinessus: A big city in the Plane of Air where Mostin met Mulissu.

Thokastrond: To the far east of Trempa

Moath Gairdan: Where the main thrust towards Morne will take place.

Pandicule: Far to the South. Has hundreds of rocky islands, also a volcano.

Hrim Eorth: A village three days southwest of Morne

Hethio: The richest Province of Wyre

Einir: A principality

Cha'at: A demiplane with a variable temporal trait. Owned by the Adversary.

Afqithan: A demiplane. It is accessable by Faerie and is affected by umbral bleed from the plane of Shadow. It's inhabitants are mainly Feys, dominated by the Loquai, a cruel clan of Sidhe. It has a virtual diameter of 3000 miles.

Saraf: A frigid world incompletely subdued by Graz'zt.

(name unknownAnother fiery demiplane where enslaved Azers transport Adamantine to Azzagrat.

Throile: A jungle-like region of the Abyss itself where Graz'zt wars against Soneillon, one of his former consorts.

Zelatar: Another name for Azzagrat? (Graz'zt homebase)


The Binding of Graz'zt: Prototypical collective magic ritual cast by Fillein and six others. Occurred 300 years before present. Graz'zt remained imprisioned for 55 years.

Irrenites: Adversary an aspect of Oronthon. Most controversial of all heresies. The Irrenites view the 'conventional' Oronthon - as perceived by Orthodoxy - to be an emanation of the 'Absolute' Oronthon, in much the same way as the Adversary is. They revere the 'Absolute' Oronthon as ineffable, numinous and largely otiose. By uniting the dualities, the goal is union with the Godhood - which is reality/truth etc. All things are, ultimately, Oronthon - hence, the Irrenite Heresy leans towards monism, although it is framed in dualistic language.

Reconciliatory Sophists: Goddess an aspect of Oronthon.

Urgic Mystics: The Urgic mystics are also dualists, although they emphasise a different duality - that of matter and spirit. By shedding the physical form, through Gnostic realization, the Urgic Mystic comes to realize the identity of himself and the Godhead. The 'divine spark' is reunited with Oronthon, from which it was never actually different in the first place, and all phenomenal truths are revealed to be incomplete.

Transaxiomatics: The name for the group supporting Eadric

Funny Words Sep invents
Bagaudas: Hullu's guerilla troops.

Xenomagulus: A term for Mostin used by Xerulko

Comitati: Knights

Cingetomaru: war-leader

Crixi: one of the first racial groups to inhabit Wyre, before Old Borchia was founded.

Kschiff: A drug popular in Shuth.

Kanista: a wedge-shaped formation of mounted Templars.

Tagamuos: Some sort of Uediian festival

Uzzhin : The far realm

The Hahio: the interwoven green

Kius: an Urgic riddle, framed as a question qualified by a double negation

Saizhan: the new form of Oronthonianism introduced by Tramst.

Sela: the Gnostic intellect of god.

Ahma: the breath of god. God's strong right arm.

Akesoli: The "Pain-Bringers," a group of nine unique Devils charged with administering Amaimon's justice.

Ollon: The whole of nature (Hahio is the Borchian word, Ollon the Crixian word)

Borchia: Precurser state formed by Eadric's ancestors migrating from the south.

Haujan: the state of being Magnified, as per the template.

Kas: the physical essence of a being

Ahmasaljan: the spiritual essence of a being

0. I'm finished with this for the forceable future. I might mess with it some more after Sep's next update but essentially what you see is as far as I'm willing to take it.

What is to be done?
1.Formatting made more consistent.
2. Ordering within sections, either alphabetical, by power or revelence. Example: Balors grouped together, then ordered alphabetically
3. Dashes and Umlauts added where appropriate
4. Notes on "Places". Hethio is included because it is mentioned as the most wealthy province, but the others could be added and other "obvious" type things. Example: Jiuhu, a province in Wyre. Ortwin is from here. The places section could be redone extensively in atlas format (but not by me :))
5. Some of the entries are inferior or of different tone than others.
6. Put Uediians under Oronthonians.
7. Send .doc file to Sep, Grodog, & Eridanis.
8. Submissions or changes from others including those for upcoming supplements from Sep should be very easy to plug in here.
9. Something that won't happen unless someone else does it: Put spoilers in blending text colour so that people can read it without getting spoiled.
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First Post
I teach at a primary school and although school is closed the teachers had to go yesterday. I had no book to read and nothing to do so i did this. :D

still not finished...


First Post
tleilaxu said:
I teach at a primary school and although school is closed the teachers had to go yesterday. I had no book to read and nothing to do so i did this. :D

still not finished...

Good job.

Don't do what I do and let it fall by the wayside. We want to see it.
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First Post
It's actually quite easy. I'm only on RoM part 1 right now. Every time i see a new word I just plop it down on the word doc. It is actually quite useful too. "Who the hell are Irian and Hembur? Oh, yeah..."

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