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Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).

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I already asked- here's the text of my e-mail :

Grodog asked if it would be ok to include the illustration you did of Mostin with the compiled story hour. Any objections?

Forgive my ignorance, but what kinds of things can we *not* do with the illustration. I wouldn't alter it, pass it off as my own, or sell it for profit- what else shouldn't I do with it?

and Dr. Midnight's response:

You can do pretty much whatever you want with the image- I'd only ask that you not do the three things you said you wouldn't, which would be altering it, passing it off as your own, or selling it for profit. Altering it wouldn't even bother me that much.

Thanks for askin'...



See my .sig for my email.

Cheiromancer: I did write to Dr. Midnight, and got much the same response, FYI. Thanks :D


I thought I’d do something unusual, and post this before it actually became pertinent in the SH (which I will hopefully update either today or tomorrow). I knew what I wanted Soneillon to be, although I had to grope to realize her in game terms. Thanks to Sorcica and his ‘dark blooded’ template in the Homebrews forum, which was the original inspiration for the chthonic template – at least in terms of mechanics.

More flavour text to follow.

Concerning the Ancient

Demons shudder when the name of Demogorgon is mentioned. Even the term Ancient is an uncomfortable cognomen for any but the most reviled of Tanar’ri – those who were drawn into its power – to use with impunity.

Neither term appears in written Orthodox sources, and even heretical groups such as the Irrenites are circumspect about referring to this enity. Vague allegories exist across various traditions which hint at its place within Oronthon’s great scheme - or rather, the lack of it. Demogorgon may be the effluvia left over from creation, discarded matter and consciousness which was somehow imperfect. The Urgics regard it as the archetypal that which is not, an existing nonexistence. It may predate the current cosmic order, the remnant of a primaeval reality: the most ancient of entities, who spawned nothingness in all of her guises. It is linked with Cheshne, and thus with the Sleeping Gods of Shûth, many of whose names are no longer remembered.

When the Great Adversary was first expelled from heaven, it is said that he sought allies in other realities, one of whom was Demogorgon. He travelled to the bottom of the Abyss – as yet unmoulded by those who would flee his own iron rule – and spoke with the Ancient. It is not known what transpired at that meeting: some hold that the Adversary was wholly or partially successful, others that he was mocked and humiliated, others that he fled in fear from the void. An obscure set of verses, occasionally recited by Irrenite children in isolated villages, is here translated from the Old Borchian. The meter, which is important, has been preserved at the expense of the alliteration which also characterizes the original. It offers a little in the way of clarity:

Did you see him, Perfectly Contrived, descend to the Abysm?
Did you see him, Most Exalted, when he met with Uncreated?
Did you hear him, First From Heaven, when he spoke with Nothingness?

I saw him descend to the Abysm, where Archaic Night dwells.
I saw him meet with Uncreated, when Dark shrouded Deeper Void.
I heard him speak with Nothingness, and Nothingness so replied:

"There is no purchase for you little seraph, return whence you came.
There is no sight to see now little seraph, get you gone from here.
There is no sound here Brightly Shining, your noise disturbs my rest!"

"I am no mere seraph, I am Perfectly Contrived, Redeemer!
I need no perch to stand upon, nor eyes nor ears to sense the Void.
What is Nothingness to me, the Left Hand of the Numinous?"

"I am no mere abstraction, Perfectly Contrived (but not by me!)
I care not for petty squabbles, Bright Redeemer (but not of me!)
I am Unmanifest Void, and Most Exalted moves me not."

"My armies will conquer you, Uncreated and Unmanifest.
My power will wash over you, and Nothingness no longer be.
Void will be filled, and Most Ancient will pass from all memory."

"Your armies will wither here, and madness seize them, First From Heaven.
Your power will end here, and those of yours who come here will be lost.
Void is ravenous, merest seraph: its hunger knows no bounds!"

The verse is used as a rhythmic exchange between two children, where one assumes the role of the Adversary, and another of Demogorgon: the chant is accompanied by a number of formulaic motions and hand movements. The verses are replete with esoteric significance, which was doubtless lost on most of children who recited it – assuming they could understand Old Borchian at all.

Neither the Adversary nor Demogorgon are referred to directly by name, but rather by a set of eponyms or metaphors. These alone merit consideration, although it is not the purpose of this discourse to point out the main points of contention between Irrenite and Orthodox thought. Suffice it to say that the terms Perfectly Contrived, Most Exalted, First From Heaven, Brightly Shining, Redeemer and Left Hand of the Numinous are all indicative of the Irrenite view of the Adversary; and that Uncreated, Nothingness, Dark Shrouding Deeper Void, Unmanifest Void, Ravenous Void, and Most Ancient are all metaphors for Demogorgon which reveal Irrenite belief.

Each of the seven stanzas contains two lines of sixteen syllables, followed by a line of fifteen syllables: this communicates a numerological significance typical of Irrenite belief, which belies the final apparent message of the verses – i.e. that Demogorgon emerges triumphant from the exchange. Seven is, in fact, related to the Numinous and is the number of consummation with (or annihilation in) the perfect Godhood from which the conventional Oronthon – regarded as a demiurge – sprang. Sixteen is the fourth power of two, and significates the primary duality which becomes grounded in conventional reality. Fifteen – i.e. the number of syllables in the final line of each stanza – is eminently significant, and represents man (the quintessence), existing in the harmony of the resolved dialectic, or five times three.

Hence, the relationship between Demogorgon, the Adversary and Oronthon (in either his relative or absolute aspect) are shown to be comprehensible to the man who has achieved perfect insight. Later, this was understood to be one who lives in a permanent state of saizhan.

It is reported that after Tramst, the Sela, first experienced his awakening in the green mountains of Ardan, he meditated upon the nature of Demogorgon for nine days, perceiving a key to the Ontological Paradox. I once asked him what he had learned.

"Demogorgon does not exist," he laughed. Several of his newer initiates, unused to the Sela’s unconventional ways, evinced horrified expressions when he spoke the name.

"I suspect that you are being evasive, Sela," I replied.

"What do you expect me to say? I cannot frame a nonexistent within the limits of language."

"But it is Real?"

"Nonexistence is neither more nor less real than existence," he replied.

"But those demons who fell deep enough, who were caught within its orbit: did they experience the Ontological Paradox? Did they transcend the divide between ens and non-ens?"

"Perhaps," he half-smiled.

"Soneillon was one of those. Did she experience saizhan in those moments of nonexistence?"

"If she had determined to, I am sure that she could have."

"But not by virtue of her ontic state?"

"Not by that alone."

I nodded, and departed. As usual, he had left me with an uncomfortable feeling, the cause of which I could not quite place. Before the encounter with Soneillon – of whom I had heard, but of whose powers I was unaware of – I had mused idly about those Tanar’ri who had fled far, and fallen deep in their exodus from Hell, and wondered if they had come under the power of the Ancient. I had never imagined that they could return from there. That they could bring part of it back to the bounded cosmos. No account by scholars existed regarding them.

I had dealt with daemons and devils of great power on a routine basis, but until Soneillon, the word blasphemous was not in my vocabulary. When I called her chthonic, it was from the viewpoint of conventional Abyssal reality.

Her alliance with Rhyxali was, at that time, unknown to me. I thought I understood many of the intricacies of Abyssal politics. I was naïve.

- Shomei, Reflections.


‘Chthonic’ is a template that can be added to any demon of at least 6 Hit Dice and 16 charisma.

Hit Dice: A chthonic demon always has maximum hit points per die
Speed: A chthonic demon’s speed increases by 50% for all movement types.
AC: Chthonic demons gain a deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma modifier
Attacks: A chthonic demon gains a +10 profane bonus to all melee attacks
Damage: All of the damage dealt by chthonic demons using natural attacks is considered unholy damage. Furthermore, a chthonic demon using natural attacks deals an additional amount of vile damage equal to its Charisma modifier.
Special Attacks: A chthonic demon retains all of the special attacks of the base demon, and also gains the following:

Spellcasting: The demon possesses the spellcasting ability of a sorcerer with a level equal to its HD, to a maximum equal to its adjusted CR. Chthonic demons can cast Darkness, Demonic, Destruction and Evil domain spells as arcane spells. Chthonic demons need not utilize material components in their spellcasting, and incur no experience point debt for spells which normally demand it.

Utter Corruption: All of a chthonic demon’s spells and spell-like abilities gain the [Evil] descriptor, irrespective of their function. A chthonic demon automatically benefits from Malign Spell Focus (adding +2 to the DC of any spells), and all damage-dealing spells and spell-like abilities are automatically both Corrupted and Violated, as per the feats of the same name.

Aura of Unlight (Su): Chthonic demons radiate an aura which combines the effects of damning darkness, deeper darkness and enervation about their person, which extends to 10 feet. Creatures within the aura are subject to its effect every round that they remain there. There is no saving throw against this effect, although spell resistance applies to the enervation component. The aura of unlight may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. It may be dispelled, but the demon may reactivate it as a free action on its next turn. Effective caster level is equal to the demon’s hit dice, where appropriate.

Other Supernatural Attacks: If the chthonic demon possesses other supernatural attacks, the save DC to resist them increases to 10 + half the demon’s hit dice + cha modifier.

Spell-Like Abilities: Chthonic demons retain any spell-like abilities of the base demon, and gain the following abilities useable at will: detect thoughts, haste, teleport without error, true seeing, unhallow, unholy aura. Both these abilities and those normally possessed by the base demon have a caster level equal to the chthonic demon’s hit dice, or the base demon’s caster level, whichever is greater.
Special Qualities: The chthonic demon retains all of the special qualities of the base demon, and also gains the following:

*Ontic Flux (Ex): Chthonic demons exist on the threshold of being and nonbeing, and as such seem to ‘flicker’ in and out of existence. The effect is identical to a blink spell, except that attacks which target incorporeal or ethereal creatures gain no special benefit, nor do chthonic demons receive any special benefits to attck such creatures in this state: chthonic demons actually don’t exist for the brief periods where they wink out. The ontic flux may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. It is an exceptional ability, and may not be dispelled.

*Spell Resistance equal to the demon’s modified CR+12. If the demon already possesses a spell resistance which is higher, use that score instead.

*Regeneration equal to the demon’s constitution modifier. Holy and blessed weapons of at least +4 enchantment do normal damage to chthonic demons.

*Damage reduction of 20/+6. This overlaps with any existing damage reduction, and the chthonic demon always benefits from the most favourable type.

*See in Darkness(Su): Chthonic demons can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Saves: Same as base demon.
Abilities: Increase from the base demon as follows: Str +4, Dex +10, Con +4, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +10
Skills: Same as base demon
Feats: Same as base demon. Chthonic demons may be eligible for one or more Epic feats.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground.
Organization: Same as base demon.
Challenge Rating: 12 to 20 HD, as base demon +15; 21+ HD, as base demon +12.
Treasure: Double standard for a creature of the adjusted CR.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: A chthonic demon’s advancement range is increased by +10 HD in its upper bracket.

This example uses a 22HD succubus as the base demon.

SONEILLON, Chthonic Succubus

Medium-Sized Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Hit Dice: 22d8+66 (242 hp)
Initiative: +6 (Dex)
Speed: 45 ft.; fly 75 ft. (average)
AC: 35 (+6 Dex, +10 Deflection, +9 Natural)
Attacks: 2 Claws +35 melee
Damage: Claw 1d3+3 plus 10 vile
Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, energy drain, summon tanar’ri, aura of unlight
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+6, ontic flux, regeneration 3, SR 37, tanar’ri qualities, outsider traits, alternate form, see in darkness, tongues, utter corruption
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +19, Will +17
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 23, Con 17, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 30
Skills: Bluff +20, Concentration +23, Disguise +25, Escape Artist +21, Hide +26, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (Local, Abyss) +25, Knowledge (Planes) +23, Knowledge (Religion) +25, Listen +29, Move Silently +21, Ride +16, Scry +23, Search +25, Spellcraft +30, Spot +32
Feats: Dark Speech, Dodge, Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability.

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 26
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil
Advancement: -

Spells: Soneillon casts spells as a 22nd Sorcerer and can cast spells from the Darkness, Demonic, Destruction and Evil domains as arcane spells. Soneillon need not utilize material components in her spellcasting, and incurs no experience point debt for spells which normally demand it.

Spells Known (6/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7; save DC 22 + spell level): 0 – dancing lights, detect magic, disrupt undead, ghost sound, mage hand, preserve organ, ray of frost, read magic; 1st – mage armour, magic missile, shield, sleep, expeditious retreat; 2nd – resist elements, cat’s grace, whispering wind, darkbolt, locate object; 3rd – dread word, lightning bolt, contagion, magic circle against good; 4th – dimensional anchor, liquid pain, scrying, improved invisibility; 5th – dismissal, feeblemind, nightmare, soul shackles; 6th – antimagic field, acid fog, geas/quest; 7th – power word stun, forcecage, greater dispelling; 8th – bestow greater curse, discern location, dream travel; 9th – dominate monster, utterdark, wail of the banshee.

Soneillon may also cast two epic spells per day. Her repertoire includes (but is not limited to) peripety, dreamscape and ruin.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will – charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect thought, doom, ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), haste, suggestion, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), true seeing, unhallow, unholy aura; 1/day – unholy blight. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 22nd level sorcerer (save DC 20+ spell level).

Utter Corruption: All of Soneillon’s spells and spell-like abilities gain the [Evil] descriptor, irrespective of their function. She automatically benefits from Malign Spell Focus (adding +2 to the DC of any spells), and all damage-dealing spells and spell-like abilities are automatically both Corrupted and Violated, as per the feats of the same name.

Aura of Unlight (Su): Soneillon radiates an aura which combines the effects of damning darkness, deeper darkness and enervation about her person, which extends to 10 feet. Creatures within the aura are subject to its effect every round that they remain there. There is no saving throw against this effect, although spell resistance applies to the enervation component. The aura of unlight may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. It may be dispelled, but Soneillon may reactivate it as a free action on her next turn. Effective caster level is 22nd, where appropriate.

Energy Drain (Su): Soneillon drains energy from a mortal she lures into some act of passion, or simply by planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, Soneillon must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. Soneillon’s kiss or embrace inflicts one negative level; the victim must succeed at a Wisdom check (DC 15) to even notice. The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a DC of 31.

Ontic Flux (Ex): Soneillon exists on the threshold of being and nonbeing, and as such seems to ‘flicker’ in and out of existence. The effect is identical to a blink spell, except that attacks which target incorporeal or ethereal creatures gain no special benefit, nor does Soneillon receive any special benefits to attack creatures in this state. The ontic flux may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. It is an exceptional ability, and may not be dispelled.

Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): Once per day, Soneillon may attempt to summon one balor with a 10% chance of success.

Alternate Form (Su): Soneillon may assume any humanoid form from Small to Large size as a standard action. This ability is similar to polymorph self but allows only humanoid forms. While using this ability, she gains a +10 circumstance bonus to disguise checks.

Tongues (Su): Soneillon has a permanent tongues ability as the spell cast by a 22nd level sorcerer.

See in Darkness(Su): Soneillon can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Tanar’ri Traits: Soneillon is immune to poison and electricity, and possesses cold, fire and acid resistance 20. She can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Outsider Traits: Soneillon has darkvision (60-foot range). She cannot be raised or resurrected.

Skills: Soneillon receives a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
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No Trouble at All
I'm not sure if you're already familiar with this, since you seem to be terribly well read or at least complete in your envisioning, but...

When I called her chthonic, it was from the viewpoint of conventional Abyssal reality.

Cthonic came up in my wife's word-a-day calendar recently. The etymology (sp?) mentioned the root for death, but also that at some points the word could be used to refer to both infernal and angelic aspects. All long before HP Lovecraft who brought it to such readers as myself.

How true for the idea in monothesisms of both Earth and your world, then.

Your story hour and supporting elements has become a great inspiration. I hope to crystalize more of my own world's metarealities and let my own players explore them as they desire.



First Post
I like it. They are freaky. The ontic flux ability, especially -- a mind-boggling thing.

About the chthonic word, I always thought it meant something akin to subterranean.
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No Trouble at All
Nooo. My wife apparently threw away the old word-of-day. Ah well, should have snagged it.

Ontic Flux - so if such a being is flickering in and out of existence, this might be fun to consider when divination is used. If you attempt to scry for Soneillion, do you need to check to see whether she exists at the moment the spell takes effect?


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